Hang your nose: the meaning of phraseology, history

Often on the pages of books, newspapers, on the Internet or in the course of simple friendly communication, one may encounter such idioms as ā€œhang your noseā€. And it seems that everyone intuitively knows what is meant, but it would be nice to know its exact value so as not to get into trouble. After all, you need to use stable expressions wisely. Knowing what they mean when they can be used in speech, as everything has its place. And even phraseological units. This is due to the fact that they often have a vernacular meaning, and they should be used better in a close, friendly circle than, for example, in a conversation with superiors.

What does the phrase ā€œhang your noseā€ mean?

According to the educational dictionary, the meaning of this expression is to be upset, very upset, to become discouraged. Thus, when a person is depressed by something, the expression ā€œhang your noseā€ is applicable to him.

hang your nose the meaning of phraseology
The value of phraseologism clearly characterizes the internal state, but he himself very accurately describes the external manifestations of the experienced feelings: lowered shoulders, bowed head. And, of course, a bowed nose. Seeing a stooped man with his head bowed in the street, you can hardly convince yourself that he is doing well. It is after visual perception that all the accuracy and accuracy of the expression ā€œhang your noseā€ is evaluated. The meaning of phraseologism, in a word, can be replaced by the word despondency. It is it that is capable of creating in the imagination an exact image of what a distressed, depressed person looks like. Even movie and cartoon characters are portrayed to show their state of despondency and frustration. Itā€™s worth even recalling Squirdward, the ever-dissatisfied character from SpongeBob. His condition accurately characterizes this phraseology.

The story of the origin of the phrase ā€œhang your noseā€

To begin with, it should be mentioned that there is also a more detailed form of this expression. It sounds like this: "hang your nose on the fifth." Do their meanings vary greatly?

Phraseologism hang nose
First you need to find out what a fifth is. This is the first and highest string of the violin. When a musician plays it, he lowers his head very low, and his nose almost touches her. At the same time, the lowered head of the violinist gives the impression that the person is gloomy, which corresponds to the phraseological phrase ā€œhang your noseā€. The value of phraseology, the history of which is very vague, is still not in doubt. But a lot of controversy arises regarding the origin of this expression. Some believe that initially phraseological unit looked exactly like that, and only then it was reduced. Others are sure that just the phrase ā€œhang your noseā€, the meaning of which is clear even without an additional ā€œfifthā€, is the initial form, which for some reason someone needed to complicate, expand.

Currently, it is the second version that is considered the most plausible, and as proof of it, the timing of the penetration of one or another form into the literature is given.

The use of the phrase ā€œhang your noseā€ in the literature

In literary works, this expression in expanded form appeared only in the 19th century. The beginning of the use of this phraseological unit in the literature was laid by such classics as I. S. Turgenev and A. P. Chekhov.

hang your nose phraseological meaning in one word

"M about shk and n: Soon we will go to the wedding so, Philip ... Why did you hang this nose on a fifth?

Shpundik with a sigh: Nothing, brother, now itā€™s easier. "

(I. Turgenev. Bachelor)

But the phraseology ā€œhang your noseā€ began to appear even in the works of D. Davydov, I. A. Krylov, K. F. Ryleev and A. S. Pushkin. These bold authors used a rather vernacular expression in their creations. When it is necessary to reflect the state of depression and loss of all hope, illustrious writers prefer the expression ā€œhang your noseā€. The meaning of phraseology is best suited for this purpose.

ā€œWell, dog, did you hang your nose? Grab a dog, a hungry dogā€ (D. Davydov, ā€œHungry Dogā€).

"I, replied Barbos, dropping my tail with my whip and hanging my nose, I endure both cold and hunger" (I. Krylov, "Two Dogs").

Using phraseology ā€œhang your noseā€ in colloquial speech

hang up the meaning of phraseology history
Much more often, this expression can be found not in literature, but in ordinary conversation. Its use is very appropriate in friendly communication and even sounds somewhat encouraging. "Why did you hang your nose?" - you ask your friend, and now he already feels that someone really cares what happens to him. Phraseologism "hang your nose" seems to have some kind of special magic. It sounds soft, not judgmental. That is why, if you need to find out why a person is sad, just ask him a question in this form. After all, at some point, under the influence of some reason, everyone is able to hang his nose. The value of phraseology allows it to be used precisely in friendly communication. But during a conversation with the authorities, you yourself understand, such an appeal is better not to use.

Synonyms for phraseology ā€œhang your noseā€

hang nose meaning
The phrase ā€œhang your noseā€ is used extremely widely in everyday communication, which means ā€œextreme degree of grief, depression, loss of all hopeā€ and is based on the external characteristics of a person who experiences such feelings. He is crushed by his problems; all he feels is fatigue. However, all the same can be expressed using other words, if this or that situation does not allow the use of this expression. Among the synonyms of the meanings of this phraseology can be called grief, sadness, indifference, a complete loss of internal strength.

Hang phrase synonym phraseologisms

This phraseology is very accurate, but if you want to diversify your speech, you can also refer to other, no less apt expressions. The most striking and equal is the phrase "hang your head." Only one word is replaced, and already something new. It has exactly the same meaning and characterizes a person in the same way. Also very suitable phraseology is "give up." And no wonder. After all, a person who has lost the hope that he held with all his might often looks as if she had just slipped out of his tired hands. And, finally, the use of such an expression as "lose heart" is quite appropriate. For each of them, a synonym phraseology is ideal - ā€œhang your noseā€.

Antonyms of the phraseology ā€œhang your noseā€

hang up the meaning and origin of phraseology
So, you have not forgotten what ā€œhang your noseā€ means? Its meaning: depression, extreme degree of grief, loss of all hope. Something even reminds depression, is not it? Just hang your nose only for a very short time under the influence of any significant or not very problems. And then what, after this period has passed? Imagine now a person whose appearance and internal state are the opposite of everything described above. What is he like? A person gradually begins to seem to be filled with vitality and energy from within, he regains hope and is ready to move on with his head held high. This condition is the opposite of despondency. This means that the antonyms of the expression ā€œhang your noseā€ are joy, pleasure, faith in the best. As well as other synonymous with these words.

Hang phrases antonyms

The human mood is volatile, unstable and

hang your nose which means
unpredictable like the weather. Sometimes the sky is overshadowed by clouds, it rains and everything around is filled with dullness and some kind of gloom, but here the rain ends and the canvas of the clouds is torn by the bright and warm rays of the sun. And a person after a state of depression follows a second wind, and he seems to soar above all his hardships. This is called a perk. Why not a good antonym for the expression "hang your nose"? The meaning of phraseology ā€œperk upā€ - to find a good mood, get rid of despondency, depression. This is a completely opposite expression, which means it is the opposite.

ā€œHang your noseā€ and other persistent expressions as a means of enriching speech

In the modern world, great importance must be attached to the preservation and increase in the beauty of speech, since a tendency toward the impoverishment of vocabulary in all languages ā€‹ā€‹of the world has been quite clearly outlined. But, as you know, the Russian language is great and powerful, and not to use this treasure is wrong and even criminal. Reading books will certainly help in this, but what else can be done? The use of various stable expressions, for example, ā€œhang your nose,ā€ helps especially in enriching speech. The meaning and origin of phraseologism suggests that it can be used without much difficulty in the process of everyday communication. And there are a great many such expressions, and all of them can be used under various circumstances. They will help to diversify speech as much as possible and give it new, unbroken shades.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46652/

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