Celandine grass what heals when taken orally? How to take it?

Probably, each person has repeatedly heard the advice of grandmothers to get rid of warts with the help of tincture of a warthog or drink a decoction of jaundice, take baths with a decoction of golden grass, but what unites all these herbs? The answer is simple: all three plants are one well-known healing herb of celandine, which has many different popular names. But she also has useful properties from various ailments! Let's look at what celandine treats and how to treat it.

celandine grass that heals

The healing properties of celandine

The very name of the herb fully characterizes its medicinal properties. It is able to cleanse the skin of any ailments, it was used by ancient people. When there were no special medicines and expensive ointments, any skin sore was saved by celandine. What treats celandine (grass)? Various rashes on the body, warts, acne, irritations, fungal problems, herpes, corns, etc. This plant is called golden grass for the bright yellow color of the flowers, and for the excellent properties of the warthog, it can be used to relieve any warts on the body. But do not forget that this herb is also called damn milk and witch grass, as it is also very poisonous. The juice secreted by this herb has burning and cleansing abilities, it can cause severe poisoning, as it contains toxic components.

Celandine should be taken very carefully.

Such a plant should be taken with great care and accuracy, since in an attempt to recover from an ailment, you can, on the contrary, exacerbate the situation.

She has a very rich composition, it contains a huge amount of alkaloid substances. Alkaloids are substances that contain nitrogen, which is quite active and has a complex molecular structure. Celandine is not only used to treat skin diseases, it also cures many internal diseases of the body. What does celandine treat when taken orally? It can be diseases of the stomach, liver, any types of colds, low blood pressure, allergic reactions, and even cancer. In medicine, this plant is used as an assistant in the cure of many diseases.

Celandine as a folk remedy

what treats celandine when taken orally

Celandine grass that heals and how to take it - try to understand this article. In folk medicine for the treatment of diseases, celandine is quite popular. From warts and papillomas, decoctions and evaporated juice are applied to problem areas, rubbing several times a day for two weeks. Large warts and growths are much reduced in size, and some completely disappear.

To get rid of polyps, sinusitis or toothache, the juice of this herb will help. Rinsing after washing the juice with this herb will help get rid of dandruff and seborrhea, as well as strengthen the hair, and you can add it directly to the shampoo. What does celandine treat when taken orally? It helps in the early stages of cancer, destroys cancer cells, and also removes them from the body.

Celandine Cancer Treatment

The healing properties of this herb are also used for cancer. Celandine grass that heals, how to take it? Let's try to figure it out with an example of cancer. The fact that celandine (grass) cancer treats has become known recently. To treat this disease, you need to prepare a tincture: steam a tablespoon of dried celandine grass and let it brew for about 50 minutes. It is necessary to make such an infusion in a thermos so that it is better infused and remains warm. Take this remedy three times a day for 1-2 tablespoons half an hour before meals. Every day you should cook a fresh infusion. Drink this course should be about three weeks, be sure to take a break for 14 days.

rava celandine that heals how to take

Also, such an infusion helps with external use in the treatment of skin cancer, and even better to prepare a magic ointment for skin cancer. To do this, you need crushed celandine grass powder, lanolin and regular petroleum jelly, which you will find in any pharmacy. You also need to find a convenient tube or glass jar. We take 75 grams of petroleum jelly, 11 grams of lanolin and 25 g of celandine, carefully mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Mix is ​​only a plastic or wooden spoon. After preparation, smear the skin in the same way as you smear it with cream. The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator out of the reach of children, preferably on the lower shelves. It is also excellent in the treatment of tuberculosis, psoriasis, eczema.

Celandine juice and tinctures

There are a lot of ways to take celandine, but basically it is juice or decoctions, infusions. Since this herb is toxic and can be harmful, it must be taken with caution, observing all the rules and dosage standards.

what treats celandine for nail fungus
Such infusions can act as a laxative, soothe sharp pain, and they are also an excellent choleretic when taken orally. The recipe for cooking is very simple: pour one tablespoon of celandine herb with 250 milliliters of boiling water, keep in a water bath, stirring for about half an hour. After being ready to infuse this decoction for 25 minutes, strain thoroughly from the grass using gauze. Eat three tablespoons several tablespoons before meals.

Celandine grass cures even bronchitis

This disease is treated with celandine broth only in hot form. To do this, you need to insist the broth in a thermos. We mix 100 grams of celandine (grass) and the same amount of yarrow, fill the herbs with a half liter of hot water and leave to infuse for about three hours. Use the remedy before eating 1/3 cup. Celandine grass that heals - photos can be seen in this article.

celandine grass that heals photo

Also, celandine grass is great for treating psoriasis along with tricolor violet grass. It will take 100 grams of each herb. Pour raw materials with 250 ml of boiling water and insist for at least half an hour. We filter it well with gauze, drink several tablespoons every hour. To speed up the effect and achieve maximum results, you need to do bathtubs with celandine. To do this, you will need 55 milliliters of tincture per hundred liters of water. Bathing in such baths can be 15-20 minutes every other day.

To combat acne and acne, a tincture of celandine is suitable, for the preparation of which you will need to boil a tablespoon of dry grass in 350 ml of boiling water and keep it on fire for about five minutes. Infuse this mixture for at least 6 hours, then strain through cheesecloth and use as lotions on sore and problem areas. The course of such treatment is about three weeks.

Celandine grass with leg pain

In order to get rid of excruciating pains in the legs, feet, you need to collect celandine grass during its active flowering, during the full moon. Celandine grass treats leg pain, but for such treatment it should be used correctly: cut off under the root and make a foot bath with the decoction. And also actively soar your feet in very hot water with an infusion of grass. To do this, pour boiling water over a small amount of celandine and insist for half an hour, tightly closing the container with grass. And then soar your feet in it for about 20 minutes, periodically adding hot water so that the broth does not cool. Such useful procedures should be carried out no more than once or twice every two weeks. After the legs are steamed, to improve the effect, you can sprinkle them with cold water.

celandine grass treats leg pain

What treats celandine? For nail fungus - decoction and ointment

Since ancient times, a disease such as nail fungus has been treated with celandine ointment. To do this, mixed pork or mutton fat, lanolin and petroleum jelly. Nowadays, pork fat can be replaced with a thick baby cream. To prepare the ointment, you can take both juice and the grass of the celandine itself, but it must first be crushed well into powder. The ingredients will be needed in a ratio of 1 tbsp. a spoon of grass 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the remaining ingredients. To keep the ointment for a long time, add a few drops of carbolic acid to it.

The intake of celandine inside as a tincture is very effective - from nail fungus. Celandine grass that heals, we have already examined, but it also has a general effect on the body.

There are many options for making tinctures. One of the most popular is the powdered grass is sifted through a sieve, then a glass of celandine juice is taken and 250 ml of alcohol is added to it. This mixture is infused for 24 hours in a dark, preferably cool place. When the medicine is infused, add the mixture to a bowl of water and dip your legs into it, hold them there for about 20 minutes. After we wipe them well with a towel and apply tincture to the areas affected by the fungus until completely dry. If you carry out such a procedure several times a day, then after 10 days you will notice that the disease has receded.

Another such tincture can be prepared using vodka or water. It is prepared on water as follows: about 100-120 grams of grass is poured with a liter of boiling water, kept in a water bath for about 20 minutes. It is necessary to insist such a decoction for 40 minutes, strain and pour into a glass container.

But for infusion on vodka, they simply pour grass with vodka in a ratio of 1: 3, insist for two weeks in a cool dark place. After two weeks, dilute the tincture of 400 ml of water. You need to drink it every four hours before eating. A very strong infusion, so it should be taken no more than 5-10 drops.

what treats celandine grass cancer

Celandine grass what heals? Dry cough

Celandine easily overcomes bronchitis, tonsillitis, runny nose, severe dry cough. It is necessary to take in equal proportions the juice of the herb, honey and vodka, mix thoroughly so that all the ingredients combine (the honey must be brought to complete dissolution). To drink such a composition in the morning on an empty stomach - about a tablespoon, and for children - a teaspoon. In no case do not drink and after taking do not drink anything for about an hour!

To achieve the best result in the treatment of celandine, it should be used only in fresh form, preferably just plucked. You need to collect such a plant during the period of active flowering, from the end of spring to August.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4666/

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