What is more beneficial - onion or garlic for human health? Useful properties of crops

Onions and garlic are two plants that are part of the onion family. They differ in characteristic aroma, specific and pronounced taste. Their fruits and tops contain many useful substances that can help your health. In this article, we learn what is more beneficial - onion or garlic.

Onion with Garlic Photography

Do no harm to yourself!

Every plant, whether onion or garlic, affects people differently. To understand what works best, you should try these products on yourself, adhering to the motto "Do no harm to yourself." Before you know what is more useful - garlic or onions, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Infection control

Both onions and garlic can help you fight infections. The first plant is able to relieve the symptoms of bronchitis and colds, and the second is a powerful antifungal and antibacterial agent. In herbal medicine, it is recommended to add garlic and onions to food, make juices and tinctures from them to strengthen your immune system as a whole, making you less vulnerable to infection with pathogens and microorganisms.

Cancer control

So what is more beneficial - onion or garlic for the human body? Both plants can help you resist cancer. Chemical compounds within the onion family slow down or stop the proliferation process (the development of malignant cells) in various places of the body, such as the lungs, colon, esophagus, and chest. These substances can reduce the growth rate of cancerous tumors or even stop their growth in general. In this case, garlic wins in terms of its performance, because it is an effective weapon against gastric and colorectal cancer.

Garlic and onions on the table

When the question arises, what is more useful - onion or garlic, then scientists from the University of Alabama will help us answer. They determined that the second plant contains innumerable anticarcinogenic substances and antioxidants that prevent the formation of cancer cells. These include quartzetine, adiallyl sulfide, allin, allicin. They work like natural chemotherapy given to us by nature.

Heart disease

Let's find out what is more useful - onion or garlic - for diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The first plant is rich in flavonoids, which can reduce the risk of blood clots. At the same time, garlic retains the flexibility of arteries and blood vessels, and normalizes blood pressure. Both plants are part of a vegetarian menu for maintaining heart health in people who choose not to eat animal products.

And in this dispute, which is more useful - onion or garlic, the second plant wins. Garlic can lower triglycerides and cholesterol from 15% to 5%. The plant also prevents the development of the substance of oxidisation, changes the level of Ldl, which lead to arterial embolism or clogging of blood vessels.

Prevents Atherosclerosis

In addition to being able to protect the arteries from clogging, garlic prevents clot formation in blood vessels. The Ajoen substance has anti-clotting properties that prevent platelets from becoming too sticky, which subsequently form a clot or blood clot. No such substance was found in onion.

Onions, garlic, herbs and spices

Say no! flu

Many people wonder, β€œWhat is more beneficial for colds - onions or garlic?”. Both plants are useful in different ways. For example, garlic is much more effective in the cold season, it protects against viruses. Onions are also useful, but they are usually added during the preparation of various dishes, while the first plant is eaten raw, often making pasta from it and spreading it on bread.

If you have a cough, then you can make freshly squeezed onion juice, add sugar and eat a teaspoon a couple of times a day. It is recommended that garlic be passed through a press, add butter and eat with potatoes. It will be both tasty and healthy. Now you know what is better for colds - onions or garlic.

Beneficial features

Before you know what is more beneficial - onions or garlic, you need to get to know what substances are contained in these plants.

  • Garlic is rich in calcium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, vitamins C and B6. It fights against catarrhal diseases and is an antimicrobial agent, because it contains a lot of volatile. But garlic is not recommended for use in exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also treat this plant thermally, since most of the beneficial properties are lost. It contains flavonoids and enzymes, vitamin B2, B1, A, potassium, protein, copper, substances containing sulfur, such as allicin, diallyl, disulfide and sulfide.
    Garlic Benefits
  • Onions have bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Onions contain vitamins of groups B, C, PP and E. Of the minerals - manganese and phosphorus.

Sulfur content

Many people must have noticed that tears begin to flow when slicing onions. All thanks to the high sulfur content. Unlike garlic, onion roots during cooking produce sulfur in a gaseous form.

Onion lies onion with garlic

Sulfur is an important trace element for our body. Its absence can lead to the destruction of hair, bones, nails, skin cells, because it is responsible for the synthesis of collagen. Sulfur synthesizes both taurine and glatution, and has a beneficial effect on the immune system. This substance is truly unique, and people often forget how beneficial it is. For example, the absence of sulfur in the body would lead to the destruction of a bunch of amino acids, which subsequently form insulin.

100 milligrams of onion contains 65 milligrams of sulfur, while garlic contains only 23 milligrams. But it is important to understand that in the first plant this substance is volatile, and in the second, on the contrary, it is more veiled. That is why the second plant is most useful in sulfur content.

All about onions

Onions, as you know, have medicinal value since ancient times. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) confirms that this plant is useful for people with reduced appetite and suffering from atherosclerosis. Onions are incredibly effective in chronic asthma, allergic bronchitis, and colds.

Sliced ​​onion on the table
  • The immune system. So what is more beneficial for immunity - onion or garlic? The first plant wins this argument. This is because onion contains a significant amount of phytochemical (plant) substances that act as an activator of vitamin C.
  • Heart. Onion acts as an anticoagulant. This substance is known as a blood thinner that prevents red blood cells from sticking together.
  • Hearing. A few drops of onion juice can be extremely useful for people suffering from acute pain in the ear. Otitis media, constant ringing or congestion - all this can fix the freshly squeezed juice of the plant. Onions will have anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects.
  • Anemia. Onions contain a large amount of iron, which is responsible for the production of new red blood cells. Anemia is a disease known as a deficiency of a given substance that can be prevented by adding this plant to your diet.

All About Garlic

This plant has an effect on almost the entire body. Regularly using garlic in raw and processed form, you can activate libido, prevent stomach ulcers and intestines, save you from fat deposits on the liver.

Garlic with a green onion
  • Arterial pressure. Garlic is a natural remedy for reducing pressure. And all thanks to allicin, which weakens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and the appearance of blood clots.
  • Poisoning. Eating garlic in large quantities can be useful to those who work in especially dangerous conditions. This plant helps with heavy metal poisoning. So, sulfur dramatically reduces the level of lead in the blood. In addition, garlic eliminates signs of toxicosis, such as headaches and a change in blood pressure.
  • Healthy skin. Garlic is used to treat acne scars and prevents the initial development of acne. This plant is an effective cleansing and antimicrobial agent that contributes to the treatment of many skin diseases - rash, psoriasis, herpes, blisters. In addition, garlic protects against UV rays and slows down the aging process.

Garlic and onions have been confronting each other for a thousand years. They cannot be divided into β€œbest” and β€œworst”, because it is difficult to replace one plant with another. If you do not have an allergic reaction to onions or garlic, then feel free to add them to the diet, serve fresh, make folk remedies to treat the body and don't be afraid of the pungent odor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46663/

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