Skvalyga - what is it: meaning of the word

What does the word squale mean? In which speech situations should it be used? In this article, we will consider information about the noun "skvalyga": the meaning of the word, etymology and synonyms. To consolidate the material will be given examples of proposals.

Etymology of the word

Where did the noun "skvalyga" come from in Russian? What is the etymology of a given speech unit? In the etymological dictionary of Fasmer it is indicated that the skvalyga is an original Russian word. It is a dialect, often used in the Tambov, Novgorod, Tobolsk, as well as in the Olonets province. Later became common.

Linguists can accurately say that this word is native Russian, but its initial form is unclear. Some etymologists claim that earlier the noun squall meant β€œslave” or β€œservant”. But these are just assumptions.

Squeeze and money

The lexical meaning

To find out what the noun "skvalyga" means, it is worth looking into the explanatory dictionary. There is an interpretation of the word. Skvalyga is a greedy person who loves money. That is, it is customary to call it stingy, for which material wealth is the highest value that piles over its wealth.

It is worth noting that this word can refer to both a man and a woman: skvalyga Katya, skvalyga Mikhail Petrovich.

Examples of offers

The best way to remember the interpretation of the word "squall" is to make a few sentences. This noun is somewhat outdated, it is rarely used in speech. Acceptable for conversational style, found in works of art.

Here are some examples:

  1. Everyone considers Inna a squalor, she is afraid to give an extra penny.
  2. Misha, one cannot be such a squalor and constantly count money.
  3. An old squalor will never give a gift to his grandson, he saves all his pennies.
  4. Why do skvalig so dislike?
  5. There is a big difference between a squalor and a lean person.
    Scooter and piggy bank

Synonyms for the word

Sometimes in the text the word "squall" occurs several times. To reduce repetitions, it is recommended to use synonyms. The word squale has several of them:

  1. Miser. Why are you such a miser, deny yourself even the necessary purchases?
  2. Greedy. Nobody communicates with Ira; she is a real greed.
  3. Scared. Scared Innocent counted the money, put it in a glass jar, and then hid it under the bed.

The word squalor is dialecticism, which has passed into common vocabulary. This noun is mainly used in colloquial style of speech.


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