How to cook cottage cheese pancakes for children

Everyone knows that children just need calcium. The lack of this trace element is fraught with brittle bones, problems with teeth and some other unpleasant complications. In order to avoid this, the child can be given pharmacy syrups or tablets, but it is much more effective (and more useful) to make sure that calcium enters the child's body in a natural way, that is, with food. From the TV screens they talk about baby curds and curds enriched with calcium, which are supposedly very useful for the younger generation, but if you read what is written on the label of such products, your eyes catch on numerous E, thickeners, emulsifiers, stabilizers ... They seem to be positioned how safe, but do they need a child? Many parents answer this question in the negative. But the trouble is: ordinary cottage cheese, rich in calcium and lacking in the composition of dubious impurities, often refuses children. In this case, you can try to mix the cottage cheese with berries or jam, or cook cottage cheese pancakes with raisins, dried apricots or candied fruit. And the child should also use other dairy products, which also contain a lot of calcium (milk, kefir, sour cream, hard cheese).

How to cook cottage cheese pancakes from cottage cheese is known to any housewife. But in the case of children, everything is far from so unambiguous. After all, the forefront is the question of how to make cottage cheese pancakes from cottage cheese so that the child not only agrees to try, but ate everything that lies on the plate and asked for supplements. And for this, it’s not enough to get a good recipe. Of course, the taste qualities of the offered dishes are very important for children, but they no less need their beautiful and unusual design.

Therefore, it is necessary to simultaneously answer two questions at once: how to prepare cottage cheese pancakes from cottage cheese tasty and how to serve them so as to interest the child. If you have your own proven recipe for making cheesecakes, it's just wonderful (often it goes from grandmother to mother, and from mother to daughter), and otherwise in the cookbooks or on the Internet you can find a bunch of recipes and tips. And they will have to be tested empirically. The main thing to remember is that the cottage cheese for cheesecakes should be sufficiently dry and fatty, this will limit itself to a small amount of flour, as a result of which the taste of the cooked dish will only benefit. After all, curd cheese should be felt in cheesecakes, it is in this their charm! If you paint step by step how to cook cottage cheese pancakes from cottage cheese, then the instruction will look like this:

- grind cottage cheese with sugar so that it turns into a homogeneous mass without lumps;

- add eggs and salt to the curd;

- add flour to the resulting mass, and not all at once: no matter how reliable the recipe is, it is necessary first of all to be guided by the situation, because in one case the cottage cheese can be drier and then the flour will need less;

- Form cheese cakes and fry them in a pan on both sides.

In general, for those who like light air cheesecakes, you can advise adding flour to a minimum, and for those who prefer a stronger and denser option, take a little more flour. You can proceed from the following proportions: for a pound of cottage cheese you will need 1 egg, 2-3 tablespoons of sugar (depending on how acidic the cottage cheese is), 1 cup of flour, a little salt and frying oil (vegetable). If desired, you can add 1-2 handfuls of steamed raisins or dried apricots (finely chopped).

But this is what sways on how to cook cottage cheese pancakes. And how can they be interestingly filed? It all depends on parental imagination. With the help of sour cream, jam and berries, you can turn boring cheesecakes into funny faces. You can also ignore the round shape and fashion the cottage cheese pancakes in the form of small rectangles from which you can make a steam locomotive with wagons on a plate, again with sour cream, raisins and other berries. You can sculpt “syrniki” letters, different geometric shapes - and work out with food as well.

And what if the child refuses even such an originally decorated dish? Firstly, do not scold him (as often happens, especially when my mother put a lot of effort and time into the cooking process, and she doesn’t agree to even try it), and secondly, try to interest, for example, let her put the train or muzzle on her own. And you can also draw a child directly into the process of making cottage cheese pancakes, for example, by joint efforts to prepare the dough and mold various figures. And then there should not be any problems with appetite, because there is something that he himself has prepared - it is very interesting!


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