Oil solvent: GOST, density, application, manufacturer

If we talk about how widely used oil solvent, it is difficult to overestimate the degree of its application. This substance is a necessary element when working with any type of organic paintwork.

General description of solvent

Solvents are substances that are the most necessary element, if you need, for example, to dilute the existing consistency of the paint, or to wash off already dried paint. Although it should be noted here that some compounds have found their application in completely different areas. For example, they can be used to flush certain parts, engines, etc.

Next, pay attention to the fact that there are several types of solvents. As mentioned earlier, the composition can be based on an oil solvent, or maybe on a coal one. What is a solvent? This is a group of organic solvents that is based on a mixture of light hydrocarbons. This group of substances is characterized by high volatility, as well as good dissolving ability.

oil solvent

What solvent consists of

Most often, the oil solvent consists of such substances as: naphthenes, paraffins, unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbons. In addition to those two types that were described above, there is a third, which is called solvent naphtha. All of these substances are volatile materials. The main application is the dissolution of coatings such as: paints, oil, bitumen, varnish, rubber, oligomers.

It is immediately worth noting that if you use these solvents in order to give the desired consistency to paints or other materials, this will also add to them such quality as the gloss of the finished coating. In addition, the solvent-based petroleum solvent has been successfully used to degrease the surface. This quality is used, for example, in printing for printing on film, as well as as an insecticide.

solvent oil gost

Substance manufacturing

It’s worth starting with the fact that the production of this substance is controlled by the state international standard. For an oil brand, document number 10214-78.

The oil solvent, which is also called nefras A - petroleum aromatic solvent, according to the rules of GOST should look like a transparent, colorless or light yellow liquid. It is also important to note that the release of this chemical is divided into two groups - the highest and the first grade. In order to obtain this material resort to the use of such operations as the pyrolysis of oil fractions.

The difference between these types of varieties is as follows: fractional composition, sulfur content, and flash point. Here it is worth clarifying what the last property means. The flash point of the oil solvent according to GOST is 25 degrees Celsius for the first grade, 27 degrees Celsius for the highest grade. These are the minimum values ​​upon reaching which all vapors of the substance present in the air will flash. It is worth noting that an outbreak and burning can occur only if a source of fire is brought up as soon as it is removed, there is no continuous sustained burning of these substances.

solvent oil manufacturer

Composition Characteristics

In addition to the parameters that were given above, the composition has several more characteristics. These include the density of the oil solvent - 0.860 g / cc at 20 degrees Celsius. The volatility of the chemical in xylene is not more than 1.21. The sulfur content in the composition does not exceed 0.021%. The amount of sulfonated materials in relation to other substances is 98.9%. If you use a water extract, this will give a neutral reaction. This volatile substance also has a self-ignition temperature of 533 degrees Celsius. According to this parameter, this composition belongs to the first hazard category.

Oil solvent producers are both foreign companies, for example, Shell, and several domestic enterprises (Virazh LLC, Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez, etc.). The sale of this product is carried out in cans, banks, barrels and other containers with different capacities.

solvent solvent petroleum

Safety requirements

When using petroleum solvent, it is imperative to follow certain safety rules.

The first and most important rule is tightness. All communications through which this substance is delivered must be completely sealed to prevent the chemical from entering the air. Those rooms in which this composition is used must be equipped with very powerful ventilation. It will be important to note here that this substance belongs to hazard class 4 in terms of its effect on the human body. Such substances have a characteristic called maximum permissible concentration - MPC. If we talk about the oil solvent, then its MPC is 100 mg / m3. It is fair to say that this indicator is two times higher than the permissible norm for the coal composition. Since the composition belongs to the group of fire hazardous and explosive substances, then in the premises where it is used, all lighting must be explosion proof, and the use of open flame is completely prohibited.

solvent oil application

Technical requirements for composition according to GOST

In the production of this chemical, it is necessary to be based on those requirements that are described in document No. 10214-78.

According to the standard, products must be colorless or have a slightly yellow color. This rule applies to both the highest grade of solvent, and the first. Further, the density of substances at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius should be 0.860 g / cm for both varieties. A further requirement is a minimum distillation temperature for the formulations. If we talk about the highest grade, the value of this parameter is 134 degrees Celsius, and for the first grade - 130. The mass fraction of sulfur content in the highest grade is not more than 0.020%, and for the first grade not more than 0.050%. The volume fraction of sulfonated substances for both varieties is at least 99% of the total content of all substances. The response to water extract should be neutral for both groups.

oil solvent density

Terms of Use

Since the substance is dangerous to others, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules when operating the substance. These compounds are harmful to humans as follows:

  • it causes irritation if it gets on the skin, in the eyes or in the respiratory tract;
  • may cause burns at high concentration;
  • when inhaling this substance, a person develops a state of drug intoxication, which is usually accompanied by headache and fatigue;
  • with prolonged exposure it has a carcinogenic effect.

In order to avoid negative consequences when working with the substance, it is necessary to carry out work only on the street or in a well-ventilated area. Chemicals may only be stored in fully sealed containers. Also, when working with the substance, the use of personal protective equipment is mandatory - glasses, gloves, mask, gas mask, protective ointments, etc.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46677/

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