Who are outsiders? An outsider is ...

Speech is not a static phenomenon. Over time, more and more new elements appear in it, replacing the old ones. Sometimes borrowed foreign words take on a different meaning over the years. Thirty years ago to the question: "Who is an outsider?" - the person would answer: "The athlete who took the last place." Today, this word has a broader meaning. It is often found in different contexts that in no way relate to sport.

who are outsiders


Who is an outsider? This question can be answered in different ways. In sociology, the term " outsider " refers to an individual who, for whatever reason, usually his own choice, is behind his civilization. That is, he has become socially inferior.

Who are outsiders? In America in the sixties, they included representatives of the hippie movement. These were young people who experienced overt contempt for the bourgeois well-being of their parents. According to hippy philosophy, the main category of human life is freedom. And you can achieve it by changing the inner world. Hippies were ardent opponents of war, lived in communes, did not recognize the institution of marriage.

Who are outsiders in modern Russia? Perhaps, gypsies can be attributed to this category of society. Those that are often found on the streets of big cities. They live according to a strange, incomprehensible law; they differ from the total mass of citizens both externally and in style of behavior.


And this term is also found here. However, in economic science it is used when it is not about a person, but about an enterprise. Outsiders are small firms that are not a monopoly. They do not withstand competition and, as a rule, are absorbed by large enterprises.

Within one social group

An outsider is a person who does not meet the criteria inherent in a particular group of people. This rather unattractive term is also endowed with a person who occupies an insignificant position in the team to which she refers. Translated from English, namely from there this word came to our speech, " outsider " means " outsider " . That is, a person who is rejected by the society in which he works or studies. An outsider is a teenager who is not popular among classmates. Or a sales person in a large company, showing the lowest results.

an outsider is a man

Examples from the literature

Anyone who reads a lot of Gogol, Pushkin and Dostoevsky will quickly find a synonym for the word " outsider " . This is an extra person. Which of the famous characters of Russian literature can be called outsiders? The station keeper, whom the visiting officer deprived of the most precious thing in life - his daughter. Marmeladova - an unfortunate person, causing others only a grin and disgust. Finally, Bashmachkin is a small official who can only dream of a new overcoat.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46685/

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