Conar McGregor: biography, photos, personal life, sports career and best fights

The creed of C. McGregor is as follows: “Get out of the battle or get out of the way.” The historical confrontation, which was waiting for the whole world of Mayweather - McGregor, ended in the defeat of the latter in round 10. However, Conar McGregor doesn’t give up so easily. Ahead of all lovers of mixed martial arts, MMA expects an even more spectacular battle: McGregor and Nurmagomedov. The championship title, UFC belt and reputation are at stake. In addition, both fighters have personal scores. Conar does not have a restrained character. After a skirmish in a fit of anger, McGregor attacked the bus with Nurmagomedov, for which he was sentenced to correctional labor and attending anger management courses. Who is he, the best fighter of our time, Conar McGregor?

Physical data

Irish boxer

McGregor is the only UFC champion in two weight categories at once: featherweight (2015-2016), lightweight (2016-2018). At the very beginning of his sports career, Conar weighed only 66 kilograms. The height of the wrestler was approximately 173 centimeters. McGregor’s hand span is huge - 188 cm, foot span - 101 cm.

During performances in the light weight category, Conar McGregor's height changed slightly and approached 175 centimeters. While the weight of the athlete increased to 69.4 kilograms. In such physical form, he approached the legendary battle with Mayweather.

Conar recently decided to move to the welterweight. According to the latest information, the weight of McGregor is 73 kilograms. Sergei Pikulsky, one of Konar’s coaches, admitted in an interview on the Russian sports channel that between trainings, Konar McGregor’s weight is usually about 77 kilograms.

McGregor: biography before MMA

Conar Anthony McGregor was born July 14, 1988 (according to the horoscope Cancer) in the capital of Ireland, Dublin. Since childhood, he has been interested in various sports. In his youth, Conar was attracted to football, he enjoyed watching matches of his favorite Manchester United team with great pleasure. Konar McGregor himself managed to break into one of the football teams. He played for the Luders Celtic football club.

In 2006, Conar was forced to move with his family to the province of Leinster, a place called Lucan. He attended a local school, where he often fought. Conar himself in an interview with the British channel described it this way: “There was no day that I did not come home full of abrasions and bruises. And my parents went to the school principal once a week for an explanation. ” In high school, McGregor is seriously interested in mixed martial arts thanks to his friend Thomas Egan, who will later become a UFC fighter. Young people begin joint training, which will lead both to professional sports. At the age of only sixteen, Konar manages to get into the SBG team.

Career start

Conar McGregor Growth

Conar McGregor takes the first steps in his sports biography thanks to John Cavan, a professional trainer for MMA fighters. For about ten years, Cavan will lead to McGregor's victories. It was from John Conar that he received the main lesson, in his opinion: great people lose too, but they get up again and go to train.

The first performances of McGregor are held in the light weight category. He very successfully holds ten fights in which he is inferior to his rivals only twice. Then he decides to move to featherweight (up to 66 kilograms). And in just two fights he won the champion title. He does not intend to rest on his laurels. McGregor, to the delight of his fans, returns to lightweight in order to get a new title. After a famous fight with Ivan Buchinger, he receives a champion belt.

Career crisis

Not always Conar McGregor's career went smoothly. Even after defeating Sirian Kembel in the Ringof Truth 6 tournament and Gary Morris as part of the Cageof Truth, Conar still does not perceive his fights as a means of earning. He begins to have significant financial difficulties, he was forced to quit training. McGregor begins to work as a plumber.

Everything changes in 2009 when Conar sees the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) on television . The spectacle is so impressive for him that he again tries to realize his dream and begins active training.

Peak career, UFC (Final Combat Championship)

Conar McGregor photo

After Konar manages to get two champion titles in different weight categories at once, he is noticed by the UFC. After some deliberation, the leadership of the championship decides to sign a contract with him. During the very first battle, Conar McGregor goes against Marcus Brimage and a series of accurate punches in the jaw knocks the opponent to the floor. The referee stops the competition. Unconditional victory of Conar.

McGregor's next fight with Max Halloway ended for Konar with a knee injury, and he was forced to spend outside the ring for the next ten months.

McGregor finished the duel in UFC FN 46 against Diego Brandan in the first round, leaving his opponent no chance.

The next time, McGregor distinguished himself during a fight with Dennis Siefer. Having quickly finished the fight in the second round with technical knockout, McGregor, noticing the reigning champion Jose Alda in the audience, got over the net and began to aggressively shout curses at Aldo.

Once again, Alda and McGregor will only be able to meet within the framework of the UFC 194 tournament. But announced as very spectacular, the battle between old rivals ended within half a minute. During this time, McGregor was able to send the opponent to the knockout. As a result, he received the long-awaited featherweight championship belt.

The belt of UFC lightweight champion McGregor “took” from Eddie Alvarez in November 2016. Konar managed to knock Alvarez. The case was decided by three hits, after which Alvarez fell. The judge stopped the bout. Many sports analysts later said that Alvarez could get up and continue the fight. But no one disputes Conar’s victory.

McGregor vs. Mayweather - Battle of the Century

Conar McGregor Movie

This fight is called by many a duel of the century. Even people who usually do not follow the fights watched the fight with interest. This time, 29-year-old Conar challenged 40-year-old US boxer Floyd Mayweather. The duel between two representatives of different martial arts of this format took place for the first time in the history of sports. Pictured are Conar McGregor and Floyd Mayweather.

Despite the fact that McGregor acts as an MMA fighter, he managed to survive ten rounds against Mayweather. Conar lost. Mayweather received 100 million for participating in the match, only thirty were paid to McGregor.

Battle statistics

Now there are 24 fights in McGregor's piggy bank, 21 of them are won, three ended in defeat. The best fight is the fight with Alvarez.






Eddie Alvarez

UFC 205, November 2016



Nate Diaz

UFC 202, August 2016

Judge Decision


Nate Diaz

UFC 196, March 2016



Jose Aldo

UFC 194, December 2015



Ched mendes

UFC 189, July 2015



Dennis Siver

UFC Fight Night 59, January 2015



Dustin Porrier

UFC 178, September 2014



Diego Brandao

UFC Fight Night 46, July 2014



Max Halloway

UFC Fight Night 26, August 2013

Judge Decision


Marcus Brimage

UFC on Fuel TV 9, April 2013



Ivan Buchinger

CWFC 51, December 2012



Dave hill

Cage Warriors Fighting Championship 47, June 2012



Steve O'Keefe

CWFC 45, February 2012



Aaron Jensen

CWFC - Fight Night 2, September 2011



Arthur Sovinsky

CG 2, June 2011



Paddy doherty

IFC 4, April 2011



Mike Wood

CC 8, March 2011



Hugh Brady

CFC 8, February 2011



Joseph Duffy

CWFC 39, November 2010



Connor Dillon

CFC 7, October 2010



Stephen Bailey

The Fight Before Christmas 1, December 2008



Artemy Sitenkov

Cage of Truth 3, June 2008



Mo Taylor

Cage Rage - Contenders: Ireland vs. Belgium, May 2008



Gary Morris

Cage of Truth 2, March 2008


Personal life

Boxer with his wife

Conar has been living for the past 11 years with a girl, Dee Devlin. The couple met in an Irish club. In 2007, they got married. McGregor in one of the many interviews said that he liked Dee immediately, and he decided to get to know her better. At their first meeting, the girl was very nice. Conar emphasized that he likes good, kind girls. In turn, Dee explained that on their first date, Conar made her laugh, which attracted the girl.

Conar McGregor Biography

Conar said that Dee very much supported him at a time when the guy had financial difficulties, and he was ready to abandon the dream of becoming an MMA fighter.

In 2017, a couple had a baby, a boy named Conar Jack McGregor. In order to spend more time with Dee and the child, Conar took a vacation and abandoned several promising fights.

Interesting Facts

Boxer in a suit
  • Conar's nickname in the UFC - The Notorious, can be translated into Russian as "notorious."
  • In 2017, a documentary about Conar McGregor was released. Director Gavin Fitzgerald for four long years removed the tape about the path of a young fighter to the top. The painting is called "McGregor: Notorious."
  • Conar's mother is often present in battles. At the same time, she supported her son throughout his career and wished him to become an athlete.
  • Konar and Khabib Nurmagomedov, before McGregor attacked the bus, emphasized each other's professional skills and even made a joint photo, which Khabib posted on Twitter and signed “The Dangerous Boy”.
  • McGregor has a very unusual fighting style. He possesses unique abilities in the field of not only boxing, but also taekwondo. This allows him to inflict powerful kicks in the ring in the body and head of the enemy.
  • Conar is actively posting his photos on Instagram.
  • McGregor enters the ring under The Foggy Dew.


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