We earn on futures: express educational program for beginners. Federal loan bonds and their use

The most famous and affordable ways of investing free cash are Forex and the MICEX Exchange. If the first is a typical gambling game against the “kitchen” (including tricks such as quickly draining the decoying high-yield PAMM account and manually adjusting the courses by the “kitchen” admins), who do not know the background, then the second already gives some guarantee at least for a partial refund . After all, blue chips, shares of unsinkable Sberbank, Gazprom and others, can be sold at any time or wait for a return if you do not abuse your shoulders.

Weakly sophisticated, but insightful and willing to develop an investor, as a rule, having gained a dozen or two percent on standard MICEX-RTS shares, he begins to consider other tools to increase profitability. Trading robots for scalping are bought or written independently, relevant literature is studied, seminars are attended.

But a relatively conservative investor is nevertheless closer to the option of trading stocks manually. First, a person simply buys a particular chip cheaper, and sells more, following the estimated exchange rate growth. Only intraday trading is practiced. It is important to have a well-developed system in time giving a signal to buy or sell an asset.

Then comes the insight. The investor understands that it is possible to earn on the fall of shares, using all the delights of the so-called "margin trading." In jargon, this is called shorting. The fact is that days on the RTS-MICEX are not rare when the fall is widespread. Sin is not to profit from the situation.

The broker gives this or that paper on credit against the security of the deposit. The stock is sold at the current price. And if it falls below its current market value, at some point the investor again buys the stock at a lower price. And the difference between the previous price and the current goes to the expense of profit. If the paper goes up, the broker deducts the amount from the security deposit.

There are even more advanced tools for making profit than margin trading available to a private investor. It will be about futures contracts on federal loan bonds (OFZ). In fact, these are the same government loan bonds that existed in the USSR, or rather, their almost complete counterpart. This tool is advisable to use with the "calm" in the market. You can earn even on a sideways trend.

OFZs are obligations that the government assumes in exchange for funds from the investor's deposit. The issuer issuing federal loan bonds is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In return, a regular coupon income is paid. Currently there are the following types of OFZs in circulation:

- OFZ with debt amortization (AD)
- OFZ with constant income (PD)

An analogue of this financial instrument exists in the United States - US treasury bonds.

And now, as they say, the crux of the matter is that on RTS-FORTS you can carry out transactions with futures of the most liquid OFZs (supply contracts), which can be used to play to increase interest rates on coupon income on federal loan bonds. It should be noted that such deals are given a big leverage (OFZs are included in the list of securities for which shorts are allowed). In addition, you can earn on futures on a "short position". And all this with an almost sideways trend!

So, modern stock markets make it possible, with a sufficient level of competence, to make good money by managing a relatively small deposit of 100-300 thousand rubles, using federal loan bonds that have many years of tradition. Another thing is that for this you need to understand the exchange terms, legislation, develop an effective strategy, but it pays off in full. And the majority of small "investors" still play thimbles on imaginary "Forex", which are not provided with anything, except for numbers in the "kitchen" database and pyramids of various kinds.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46696/

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