Tips on how to understand if you like a guy or not

The question "Do you like a guy" in girls arises quite often. For example, you can ask him directly. Or ask the same question, but through someone from close friends. In a word, there are options. But how do you know if you like a guy or not?

how to understand whether you like a guy or not
Some tips

To understand yourself and find out how attractive you are to a young man, some tips and observations will help:

  1. Talk to him more. And then answer your question: “Is this communication interesting to me , what are our common topics?”
  2. Listen to your heart. Does it knock louder and more often at the sight of an “object”. If so, then the guy is not indifferent to you.
  3. Having met him, you are speechless. Or, on the contrary, you start talking too much (that is, you are doing something that is not characteristic of you).
  4. With friends and acquaintances you start talking about him all the time. You still can’t understand in any way whether you like the guy or not, but everyone around is clear: there is sympathy.
  5. You are constantly interested in his hobbies, hobbies, tastes (what kind of music does he listen to, does he like football, what are his favorite films and the like). And then you compare them with yours or with the ideal that you dream of. For example, you compare what kind of guys you like outwardly in general and what kind of movie that he likes, I would like to watch with him.
  6. He comes to you in a dream. This is a sign that your subconscious mind has fixed thoughts about it.
  7. A constant desire to hear and see him. Without him, you miss, you can’t find a place for yourself. A meeting with him causes a smile, a feeling of joy fills the soul.

Compare your feelings with the above points. This will be the answer to the question "how to understand whether you like a guy or not." If everything fits together - sympathy takes place.

How to behave a girl with a guy who likes

how to understand a girl likes a guy
Suppose we managed to somehow understand: a girl likes a guy. How should she behave now? What actions should be avoided. A few recommendations on this subject:

  1. You are a gift to him. Behave so that he always wants to get your attention. Do not try to please. This can immediately ruin interest. Let the feeling remain that communication with you needs to be earned.
  2. Do what attracts his attention.
  3. Never a hamie. Guys do not like this (as, however, girls).
  4. Mysterious. He should not know all your thoughts about him. He invited me to the cinema - say it with a pleasant charming smile: “Maybe we'll see.”
  5. Sometimes make it clear that not only he likes you. But at the same time, in the end, it was him who was singled out, because he is your choice.
  6. Be able to challenge. For example, claim that none of the guys can win your heart. This will cause a desire to prove that he can do just that.
  7. Be weak sometimes. Let your beloved feel like a protector, support.
  8. Don't be afraid to say no. Always be yourself. If you don’t like something , or you had other plans for this evening, tell me directly. You have the right to have an opinion and personal affairs.


what guys look like
In matters of love, logic is usually absent. But something can still be done. How to understand whether you like a guy or not, and how to behave, if you like, will help the advice of psychologists, friends and your own vision of the situation.


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