Where to start your day to get a boost of energy for the day ahead?

There are people who are not at all difficult to wake up in the mornings, they vigorously jump out of bed and immediately go about their business. For others, on the contrary, it’s very difficult to open your eyes and wake up for real. Is there a universal secret where to start your day so that you do not want to finish it quickly?

The main thing is to listen to yourself

Where to start your day
If you find it difficult to wake up in the morning, try to evaluate if you really don't get enough sleep 4 hours are enough for someone to have a good rest, while another half of the day is not enough to get enough sleep. It is believed that the most valuable dream is in the evening before midnight, try to go to bed earlier, or sleep a little in the afternoon. Make a to-do list in advance in the morning.

If you are in a hurry to work or study, you definitely need to take time to hygienic procedures and breakfast. But you can prepare clothes and pack your bag in the evening.

There are many tips on how to start your day. If you find it difficult to wake up, put a glass of water near the bed and drink it immediately after waking up. You can arrange yourself a light breakfast - for example, some dried fruits and compote. You definitely will not oversleep if immediately after waking up you start doing something pleasant. If you often dream, you can have a separate notebook and write them in it immediately after waking up.

The right start to the day: morning will be good!

The beginning of the day morning
Good physical exertion. You can do a short charge in the morning or just dance for a few minutes with good music. Do not forget about water procedures. It is much easier to wake up with a full shower. It will take you just a couple of minutes more than normal washing, but what is the result! Do not forget to have breakfast. Drink tea or coffee with cookies or croutons if you do not like to eat a lot in the morning. If your appetite is all right, choose fresh fruits or vegetables, cereals or dairy products. If you have enough time, do something for yourself. Check your mail, write a list of urgent tasks for the day, call someone. You can take the time to read news or an interesting book.

Where to start your day: original tips

Great start to the day
An interesting idea is to meditate in the morning or do auto-training. In this case, you can give yourself a variety of settings or just tune in to the desired wave. You can go to the balcony, take a look around the familiar courtyard and once again make sure that the world around is beautiful and amazing. Fresh air will also help you wake up faster. Be sure to ventilate the apartment at least for 3-5 minutes at any time of the year.

A great start to the day will be provided by special flavors. Light an aroma lamp - fresh coniferous or citrus smells invigorate best of all. It is advisable to develop your own morning ritual over time, repeating the same sequence of activities day after day. Thanks to this approach, you no longer have the question of where to start your day to wake up, and you will notice that waking up is easier and easier for you. If necessary, you can change your morning ritual over time, adding some things to it or refusing some of the previously entered.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46709/

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