management information support

In a market economy, information management support is crucial for the dynamic development of the enterprise as a whole, because it is objective financial information that is the basis for the much-needed financial reporting manager. Such information should reflect information to reflect the current financial situation of the enterprise, all cash flows and investment decisions.

The main users of financial statements include investors, creditors, trade unions, product customers, government agencies. Information support for management should provide supervision and control over production, sales of products, services provided, financial and marketing activities, forecasting, calendar and strategic planning. Also, this kind of information helps to make managerial decisions, control over human and financial resources and so on.

Information support of management should meet the following tasks and goals:

- satisfy the information needs of management structures, providing them with documented information;

- to form, fill, support, place, update and use the information resources of the enterprise;

- create and develop a system for processing, using and transmitting the necessary information;

- develop a system of high-quality and quick provision of information. Information support for management should take into account legislative and regulatory state restrictions and provide an adequate level of security for the use of technical achievements and means. The information should include:

- legislative state acts;

- decrees, decisions and orders of the president and government;

- legal acts adopted by executive authorities; - materials set forth in the methodological documentation;

- state specialized standards.

The information basis of financial management should provide all the necessary information, both users of the external environment of the enterprise, and internal. After all, any company exists both in the external and internal environment. The external environment is formed by the state, various organizations, society, various associations. The internal environment is formed by the structural divisions of the organization and the personnel working in them. Therefore, information resources in management are divided into internal and external sources. These sources of information generate control, scientific, analytical, planning, technical and other information.

Sources of the internal environment provide accurate and complete information that reflects the entire financial and economic condition of the organization. External sources of information include legislative bodies, clients and partners of an organization, competitors, accounting authorities, information bureaus, etc. Information received from external sources is often incomplete, inaccurate, contradictory, and approximate. The process of information support of the organization needs constant management and control. It is necessary to manage the process and the method of its receipt, distribution and use. At the same time, it is necessary to timely identify information needs at each level and in each unit, constantly study the documentation and create an organized system for managing the received data. In this case, the management of the enterprise will be effective and timely, which will ensure the stable development of the organization in the prevailing market conditions.


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