Moravian Wine: Overview of Popular Varieties, Classification

Moravia is the cradle of Czech winemaking. 95% of all vineyards are located here. And although white wines of this region are valued more, nevertheless there are quite worthy reds here. It is not necessary to go to the producer for these drinks, it is quite possible to purchase Moravian wine in Prague.

Unique conditions

The cool climate contributes to the long ripening of berries. Moravian wine from such grapes has a complex unique aroma and perfect acidity.

Due to the composition of the soil, grape varieties are grown in Moravia that give a spicy and multifaceted taste. Their organoleptic qualities are so harmoniously combined that at the moment they are almost equal.

On the labels of Moravian wines there is enough information about the drink - both the class, the producer, and the region where the vines grow are indicated. But first of all, you should pay attention to the grape variety.

Czech vineyards

Before deciding which Czech wine to choose, you need to carefully study the information presented below. Of course, we will not list all varieties, but we will definitely describe those that are desirable to pay attention to. Let's start with whites, since it is these drinks that are valued around the world, and Czech red wines, with some exceptions, remain in the local market.


This grape variety was selected in Moravia. The drink is very similar to riesling. Such vines no longer grow in any country. The wine has a fruity aroma with notes of linden blossom.


This grape variety was imported from Slovakia. There, most often it is grown. But Moravian wines are often made from it. The wine has a honey taste and is very reminiscent of gewurztraminer and nutmeg.


This is generally a German variety, most often it is grown in the homeland and in Switzerland. But he also gives excellent results in Moravia.

Vineyard near the chapel

The wine has a very bright taste, with the aroma of peach and linden blossom. Judging by the reviews of Moravian wines, we can say that it is very similar to Riesling.

Muscat Moravian

This is the Moravian variety, it was selected in the village of Polishchovice. Two percent of the area of ​​all vineyards in the country is reserved for it. The drink is really worthwhile, it has a floral aroma with nutmeg notes and a delicate fruity taste.

Muller Thurgau

Classical German grade. He also gives good results in Switzerland, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria. And in Moravia, ten percent of the total plantation area was given under it.

Vineyard near the village

This drink was created for those who like dry wines, but are not very good at acidity. It has a delicate floral aroma and nutmeg taste.


A grape variety native to Austria. He also took root in Moldova, Transylvania and Hungary. In Moravia, two percent of the total area is given under it. This variety is surprising in that in its fragrance, besides grapefruit, raspberries are felt. This is very uncharacteristic for the white variety.


This variety was born in Moravia, and at the moment it is at the peak of popularity, so it is very difficult to say what percentage of the area it occupies. Any winemaker in the country is trying to occupy as much land as possible under these vines. The drink has an unusual aroma. And everyone in it hears different shades. For someone, tea rose is in the foreground, and for someone, vanilla. The taste is very bright, harmonious. This drink can be safely attributed to the best Czech wines.

Ryzlink Vlašsky

It is not known for certain where the birthplace of this vine is. Presumably in Northern Italy. Most often it is found in Southeast Europe. There he is known as Welschriesling. The wine is quite acidic, the aroma is multifaceted with notes of apple, gooseberry, grass and honey.

Tramin Cherveny

this variety can be attributed to the ancients. Now no one even remembers where he came from. But now it can be found in any of the countries in which winemaking is developed. In Moravia, they also love him, 4% of the vineyards are let go under him. The wines from these berries are the first competitors of the palava - bright, harmonious, with a rich aroma.

Weltinskie Zelene

This grape variety was brought to Moravia from Austria. Under it, ten percent of the vineyards are given. Almond and lime blossom are felt in the aroma of the drink. These berries are often the main component of straw and ice wines, but they will be discussed a bit later. Be patient and read to the end. It will be interesting.

Red grape varieties

Czech frankivan wine is perhaps one of the most famous among reds. This grape variety comes from Austria, where it is called Lemberger. The drink does not have a very thick color. The aroma is mainly sweet cherry, blackberry and cinnamon. The varieties make excellent archival wines.

Andre is a local honeycomb of grapes. His selection was carried out in the village of Velke Popovtsy. This variety can also be attributed to the popular. The wine is a deep dark red color, the aroma of which is clearly audible blackberry and jam. Specially for this drink was released Brie type cheese - OLMIN.

Red and white wines

Cabernet Moravia - selection of this variety was carried out in the village of Moravske Nove Vsi. Very high-quality wine, has the aroma of blackberry and coffee.

Modra Portuguese - the origin of the variety is unknown. But the name suggests that from Portugal. Now most often found in southeastern Europe. The wine has a fruity aroma, and sweet cherry is heard in the taste.

Zweigeltrebe is a grape variety from Austria. In Moravia, it occupies about five percent of the total vineyard area. Cherry, cherry and vanilla are heard in a bright aroma.

Wine classification

ZEMSKÉ VÍNO - local wine. This designation most often applies to simple table wines that have been certified in their area or even in their village. But this does not mean at all that the wine is of poor quality. It often happens that a winemaker with a small batch of a drink is simply economically unprofitable to send his products to a tasting in Prague, Brno or the regional center to assign a high category. This is a rather expensive procedure. Wine is sold as a regular, table wine, but connoisseurs quickly understand what it is, and at the moment they scatter the whole batch.

JAKOSTNÍ VÍNO - quality wine. This drink is one level higher. There is already a certain requirement - the content of natural sugar in the juice is at least 150 g per liter. Such wines can be of two categories - varietal and vintage.

Vineyard and roses

In the first case, the label should contain a list of varieties that are part of the composition; moreover, there can be no more than three of them.

In the second case, there will be no varietal composition. For example, a wine may simply be called Lazenske Cuvee, if translated literally, you get a “Resort Blend”.

JAKOSTNÍ VÍNO S PŘÍVLASTKEM - this category includes wines of special quality. The production of such drinks is controlled by a special commission. Such an inscription on the label of Moravian wine ensures that the berries were picked in a certain area, and there is no added sugar in their composition. This category has four subcategories:

1. Kabinetní víno - most often this category includes light dry wines. Here the composition of natural sugar is at least 190 g per liter.

2. Pozdní sběr - full-bodied, very solid wines. Here the content of natural sugar in the juice is from 210 g per liter. They can be both dry and semi-dry, and semi-sweet.

3. Výběr z hroznů - only the best grapes from the crop are selected for the production of such wine. Drinks are even more interesting, mostly semi-dry and semi-sweet. Sugar content in juice - from 240 g per liter.

4. Výběr z bobulí - elite wines that are produced in small batches. They are semisweet and sweet. All of them are exclusive. For their production choose the best berries. Here the content of natural sugar in the juice is at least 270 g liter.

Special wines

Ledové víno - all over the world they are called Ice wine. Not every crop allows the production of wine in this category, which is why they are ranked as elite drinks. Harvesting occurs at a temperature of -7 ° C. Juice is pressed directly from the frozen berries, so that a certain part of the water remains in the crystals. That is why the juice is quite concentrated. It contains more than 270 g of natural sugar per liter. These wines are always sweet, exclusive.

Slámové víno - these drinks are also exclusive. By their production grapes are dried. It needs to be laid out in a room that is well ventilated, most often it is laid out on straw. In this case, part of the water evaporates, and the concentration of sugar in the juice is quite high - from 270 g per liter. The technology is very complex, it is used infrequently. So wines are considered rare and expensive. Drinks are always sweet.

Vineyards of Moravia

Výběr z cibéb - the rarest wines. They are made from grapes affected by the “noble mold” of botritis. She draws a lot of moisture from the berries. The sugar concentration in the juice is at least 320 g per liter. But the whole difficulty is that mold cannot be cultivated artificially. She appears herself, and it is impossible to predict her in any way. Still similar drinks can be obtained from berries, which the sun itself has withered directly on the branch. But the behavior of the sun is also unpredictable. So these wines are incredibly rare and expensive. There are only sweet ones.

Sometimes you can still find Czech wine in Prague with the inscription Svatomartinské víno. This is a young drink, for which the crop was harvested this year. They are released specially by November 11 - this is the feast of St. Martina. It is recommended to drink such drinks within a few months.

Still rare wines include Likérové ​​víno. During the fermentation process, grape alcohol is added to the wort. Then the fermentation stops, and a large amount of natural sugar remains in the drink. There are a lot of subtleties of production. Fortified wines are obtained with an alcohol content of 15 to 22% alcohol.

Champagne from Moravia

If someone wants real Czech sparkling wine, then they will have to go straight to Moravia. It is there that such drinks are produced by the classical method: they ripen for a whole year, make them in small batches, so it is almost impossible to find such a product in an ordinary store.

There is one very interesting company Znovín Znojmo. Their wines differ not only in excellent quality, but also in an unusual label.

What is interesting about this drink? This is a light wine that is made from dark grapes. Its color has only a slight pink.

Sparkling wine in the Czech Republic

For production, Pinot Noir grapes are used. After the juice is squeezed out, the pulp is quickly removed from it, since only the skin of the grapes has color, the flesh is almost always light. The juice does not have time to stain, and the sparkling one turns out to be only slightly pinkish.

This wine (Charles Sealsfield) is named after the famous journalist, traveler and writer Charles Silsfield. He was born into a peasant family in the small village of Popice and in some incredible way turned into a famous person. In the same way as they managed to make white wine from black grapes. This drink deserves attention, therefore, being in the Czech Republic, you must definitely visit Moravia and buy a bottle.


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