How does a honey cough cake help, and how effective is this treatment?

Today, there are many medications for various ailments, but people have not become less sick from this. In order not to overload our body with medical treatment, many of us prefer to use alternative recipes, which are often more effective. A very effective folk remedy is a healing honey cough cake, which is widely used to treat colds in adults and children.

Honey Cough Tortilla
If you start treatment with honey cakes at an early stage of the disease, two to three procedures are enough to completely defeat the cough. This method is used to eliminate soreness and sore throat, chest congestion with beginning tracheobronchitis and tracheitis. Many of us often encounter such an unpleasant condition as a prolonged intense cough. In such cases, honey cough cakes, which help even with pneumonia, will be invaluable. It should be noted that such treatment cannot be carried out with allergic reactions to beekeeping products, as well as at high temperatures.

Honey cough cakes for children

Cooking Honey Tortillas

The recipe for honey cough cakes for adults is quite simple: mix in equal proportions natural honey, flour, mustard powder and vegetable oil until a tough test of uniform consistency is obtained. With skin hypersensitivity, it is necessary to reduce the amount of mustard or not to add it at all. Honey cough cake has an anti-inflammatory and warming effect, which is enhanced with mustard, however, this component must be added carefully to prevent burns.

The resulting dough should be rolled out to the desired size, then put on a gauze napkin and attached to the back or chest, avoiding the heart area. The compress must be fixed with adhesive tape and wrapped with a woolen scarf. This procedure is best done at night, and in the morning remove the compress and remove its residues from the skin with warm water.

Cough Honey Cake Recipe

Treating baby cough with a honey cake

Honey cough cakes help children very well, however, such treatment is not recommended for babies up to a year, as the recipe contains mustard. To make a children's honey cake, you need to mix the following components in a teaspoon: honey, dry mustard, flour and vegetable oil. If the skin is very sensitive, you should not add mustard at all, in which case you should take less vegetable oil so that the dough creases well.

The finished honey cough cake is wrapped in a cotton cloth and covered with a piece of cling film. The resulting compress should be applied to the back or breast of the baby with a tissue to the body and fixed with a band-aid or bandage. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night, as in a dream the baby moves less. Usually a compress is applied for several hours, but if the child does not bother him, you can keep the cake until the morning. As a rule, the course of treatment is no more than 3-5 days, after which the cough stops, and health returns to the baby.


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