Pharyngitis in children: photos, symptoms and treatment

Pharyngitis in children is much more common than in adults, and the clinical picture is more pronounced. This circumstance is associated with the structural features of the pharynx of the child and the underdevelopment of its own immune defense. However, the local form of the disease is much less common. More often, the disease affects the adjacent tissues of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. Sometimes pharyngitis is a complication after SARS, but it can be an independent disease or a separate symptom during measles, scarlet fever.

Viral pharyngitis in children

Causes of pathology

Pharyngitis in children can be viral and bacterial in nature. In the first case, the culprits are:

  • influenza viruses;
  • adenoviruses;
  • rhinosincytial viruses.

If the disease is caused by bacteria, the cause may be:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • mycoplasma;
  • fungi.

Associated factors can also trigger the onset of the disease, such as: hypothermia, irritation of the oral cavity with sharp, cold or hot food, a general decrease in immunity during a protracted illness.

Parents should remember that pharyngitis in children can be the result of untreated decay of deciduous teeth, inflamed adenoids, chronic sinusitis and runny nose.

Often, children are diagnosed with pharyngitis of a non-infectious nature. The culprits of the pathology are various allergens, polluted air, nasopharyngeal injuries, and mechanical damage to the throat. Stomach disease can give an impetus to the development of the disease, when all the contents are thrown into the esophagus. In this case, a chronic form of pharyngitis often develops, and its treatment begins with the elimination of the underlying problem.

Manifestation forms

Specialists distinguish many forms of the disease. There is a certain classification depending on the underlying characteristic.

According to the outbreak of the disease:

  • catarrhal - affecting the surface of the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • granulosa - lymphoid follicles are affected.

By the nature of the course, doctors diagnose:

  • acute pharyngitis:
  • subacute form;
  • chronic.

The disease can affect different organs. Depending on the distribution, there are:

  • Pharyngitis is limited. The disease is localized in one area, but this form is extremely rare in children.
  • Diffuse. Pathology affects the entire surface of the pharynx, lateral ridges and walls.
Cough with pharyngitis in children

Acute form

Acute pharyngitis in children is characterized by swiftness and a pronounced clinical picture. The entire mucosa of the pharynx is affected, while neighboring areas are affected. The characteristic signs of the onset of inflammation are:

  • sore throat;
  • burning in the throat;
  • sharp pain while swallowing.

To have a more complete picture of the manifestation of the disease, it is worth considering the signs of pharyngitis in the photo.

Sore throat with pharyngitis

Symptoms in children are almost always identical and do not present difficulties for the pediatrician in making a diagnosis. To the fore:

  • redness in the throat upon visual inspection;
  • temperature rise over 38 degrees;
  • weakness and general deterioration in the well-being of the child;
  • refusal of food due to pain when swallowing.

The younger the child, the more pronounced the clinical picture of the disease. Pharyngitis is especially dangerous for infants. Inflammation can lead to swelling of the pharynx. But the baby is not able to indicate a problem, so it is important for parents to carefully monitor its condition and immediately show it to a specialist in case of sleep or appetite disorders.

Diagnosis of the disease

Pharyngitis in children (photo below), the doctor diagnoses with a visual examination. In this case, a whole complex of signs is observed:

  1. Redness and swelling of the laryngeal mucosa. Inflammation often passes to the soft palate and pharyngeal ridges. Later, small white bubbles appear.
  2. Mucus appears on the walls of the pharynx. If nothing is done, then pus begins to be produced.
  3. On palpation of the cervical lymph nodes, their increase is felt. The child complains of pain.
Pharyngitis - photo

However, a visual examination can only make a diagnosis. But only the bacterioscopy and examination of a smear taken from the pharynx will help to identify the nature of inflammation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Chronic form

If you do not treat an acute form of the disease, then often there is chronic pharyngitis in children. In this case, the pathology is often sluggish, with blurred clinical manifestations, but an acute form of the disease periodically occurs. Two types of pharyngitis may develop:

  1. Granular. The tissue of the lymph nodes is affected. If such pharyngitis is diagnosed in children (the photo above shows this clearly), then red nodules on the entire surface of the pharynx are clearly visible. The epithelium is modified, as shown by microscopy. The danger is that the nodules grow and affect the trigeminal nerve, which leads to atrophy of the mucous tissues and dry throat. Pharyngitis in children with a granular form is manifested by constant sore throat and a desire to cough. Children complain of pain when swallowing and thirsty in the morning.
  2. Atrophic. On examination, severe changes in the mucosa and extensive lesion are observed. In this case, not only the integument of the pharynx is affected, but also the lymph nodes, glandular tissue. The atrophic form leads to diseases of the nasopharynx and affects the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important

Quite often, doctors diagnose pharyngitis in children. Parents' reviews, however, show that the disease is often confused with angina. It must be clearly understood that the symptoms and complaints of children can be identical, and only a specialist is able to distinguish between different forms of pathology.

The main difference between pharyngitis and tonsillitis is the localization of the inflammatory process. If the focus is on the walls of the pharynx and its lateral ridges, then pharyngitis develops. In this case, there is hyperemia of the mucous membranes and severe edema.

In the case of tonsillitis, tonsils are affected, plaque in gaps and purulent plugs are visualized.

Treatment methods

How to treat pharyngitis in a child, only an ENT doctor can tell. The disease is insidious with its complications, so you must follow all the instructions of a specialist. However, if the acute form is diagnosed, then hospitalization is not required, parents carry out all the manipulations on their own.

Treatment of pharyngitis in children at home involves following the general recommendations:

  1. To relieve inflammation, regular rinses of the pharynx with antiseptic solutions are required.
  2. To relieve the constant tickle in the throat, you can use an inhaler.
  3. When there is no temperature, hot foot baths are recommended. The procedure helps to improve the general condition and reduce symptoms.
  4. To eliminate toxins, a plentiful warm drink is recommended.
  5. Constant throat irritation leads to even more inflammation. Therefore, with pharyngitis, a sparing diet is indicated. Too hot dishes, cold, spicy and sweet, are forbidden. At first, the food should be a soft consistency.

However, when prescribing treatment procedures, the doctor will always be guided by the condition of the baby and his age.

Kids up to a year

If the inflammatory process affects the throat, then, most likely, pharyngitis develops, as can be seen in the above photos.

Diagnosis of pharyngitis

In children, treatment depends on their age. So, in the smallest, the disease passes in an acute form, and at the same time the general well-being of the child suffers. Due to the pain of swallowing, babies refuse to eat, so they can begin to lose weight. The difficulty lies in the fact that babies cannot rinse their throats. All kinds of pastilles are also forbidden to facilitate perspiration.

Using compresses

Cough with pharyngitis in children is especially worrying. If the child does not have a temperature, then at home you can help him with the help of compresses. Warm wraps help relieve seizures and facilitate the general condition of the body. The most popular are the following:

  1. Honey mustard. You will need one tablespoon of honey, dry mustard, flour and vegetable oil. The resulting mass is divided into two halves. One part is placed on the chest and neck of the baby, the other on the back. Everything is fixed with a bandage, and pajamas are put on the baby. The compress can be kept for about two hours. It helps with a prolonged cough.
  2. Honey and fat. You need to take two tablespoons of honey and goose (pork) fat. The resulting mixture is rubbed on the back, chest and feet of the baby. You can not rub the mass heavily. Then the child is wrapped up, it is necessary to wear woolen socks on his feet. Procedures are best done before bedtime or at night. Duration - about two hours.
  3. Potato. Compress is very popular and simple to prepare. You need to boil the potatoes, cut it and put in a plastic bag. After the mixture cools down (check on your own body), the package is wrapped in a diaper, applied to the baby’s chest and wrapped in it. The procedure should not be more than an hour.
  4. Mustard Wraps. Previously, mustard plasters were ubiquitous. However, their use in children is associated with a risk of burns. The safest, but no less effective, mustard wraps. To do this, dissolve two tablespoons of dry mustard in a half liter jar of warm water. Next, gauze is wetted in the solution and wrapped around the baby’s chest. A diaper is placed on top and covered with a warm blanket. The procedure should not last more than five minutes. It is also not recommended to conduct more than 3-4 sessions.

Recommendations for the treatment of infants

In the treatment of pharyngitis in infants, a lot of difficulties arise. Indeed, by virtue of age, they cannot gargle, and many drugs are forbidden to them. However, viral pharyngitis in children usually does not require special treatment and takes place subject to the recommendations of the doctor and the following conditions:

  • If the baby is older than four months, then you must regularly drink it with warm water.
  • To avoid bronchospasm, doctors do not recommend the use of sprays in the treatment of children under the age of one year. However, solutions can be used and wetted with a teat or teether. Faringosept has proven itself well.
  • It is necessary to regularly massage the baby's back, chest and feet.
  • You should not limit the natural mobility of the baby, regularly pick it up and give it a vertical position.
  • Ventilate the room regularly and use a humidifier.
Symptoms of Pharyngitis

Treatment of children from a year to two

Pharyngitis in this age category is also quite difficult, because children still can not gargle, cough, and all the symptoms are pronounced. Basically, if the disease is not burdened by other pathologies, then plentiful drink, inhalations and compresses are prescribed. Without a doctor’s prescription, you should not experiment with medications for a nebulizer and use normal saline.

At this age, it is already possible to treat the throat with antiseptic sprays. The most commonly prescribed are Givalex or Yox. However, you should be careful and not get carried away with sprays, so as not to provoke a spasm of the larynx.

Features of the treatment of pharyngitis in children older than three years

When treating preschoolers, the main thing is to follow a diet, sparing regimen and drink plenty of warm water. Spicy, sour, salty and hot dishes should be completely excluded from the child’s diet. They will unnecessarily injure an already sore throat. Children need to put compresses on a regular basis, soar their legs and make inhalations with medicinal herbs. To do this, use:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • currant and raspberry leaves;
  • oregano.

Ready-made pharmacy fees will do. They also prepare solutions for gargling.

It is at the age of three years that you can teach a child to gargle. To do this, invite the baby to collect a little liquid in his mouth, throw his head back and pronounce the sound "aaaaa."

Children who can absorb and not chew on candy can be offered antiseptic lozenges. Local treatment relieves pain and perspiration.

Diagnosis of pharyngitis

Antibiotics: give or not give

Antibiotics for pharyngitis are usually not prescribed. However, the disease can provoke other pathologies, so the doctor may recommend antibiotic therapy. Of course, before their appointment, it is necessary to take a smear of the pharyngeal mucosa, because often pharyngitis is of a viral nature.

Quite often, pharyngitis is cured without the use of a variety of tablets. However, in advanced and severe cases, when mucosal atrophy is observed, antibiotics are often prescribed. But doctors prefer local medicines over systemic ones. In this case, they act selectively and less affect the body as a whole.


Of course, you can not completely insure the child from pharyngitis, but hardening, immunity support, regular walks in the fresh air will help to help not get sick in the future. In the season of illnesses, it is better to refrain from visiting places where there is a large concentration of people.


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