Characteristics of the heroes. "Undergrowth" - a satirical comedy

characterization of heroes
Pushkin highly appreciated the work of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, who wrote under Catherine II. He saw in Gogol his successor. The main character of Fonvizin - the undergrowth Mitrofanushka - brought Alexander Sergeyevich into complete delight.

Herzen and Belinsky spoke highly of the artistic and social style of this comedian. Gogol immortalized the image of his teacher, Fonvizin (albeit without a name) in the novel “The Night Before Christmas”. Remember, when the blacksmith Vakula turned to the empress, she turned the conversation to a middle-aged man with a full pale face and suggested that he reflect in his next essay "this is folk simplicity." The man was a poor caftan with pearl buttons. This is what Fonvizin looked like.

So, the comedy created according to the classical canons (Fonvizin, “Undergrowth”). The characterization of the heroes, however, was innovative for the 18th century. This article is dedicated to the characters of the play.

Negative images

Undoubtedly, it lays down the traditions of Russian national comedy presented by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin characteristic of heroes. "Undergrowth" boldly and openly castigates the tyranny of feudal landlords. The most negative way comedy is Madame Prostakova. She rules her serfs with a firm hand, rather, even cruelly. Do not disdain corporal punishment. the heroine is ignorant and vindictive. And talking to a raised voice with a servant is a common thing for her. As usual, the landowner turns to her serf Trishka: “cattle”, “thieves' bitch”, “idiot”, “fraudster”. The nanny of her son, Yeremeyevna, who does not mind the soul in this gibberish, the "grateful" mother says "canal," "dog daughter," "beast." And this is for the closest, “yard” people! With the rest, her conversation is even shorter. Prostakova threatens to "screw them to death." She is confident in herself, because laws are always on the side of the landowners.

fonvizin undergrowth characterization
True, this vixen has an outlet in his soul: she loves her 16-year-old son. True, this feeling is blind, for which Madame Prostakova paid at the end of the comedy. The author’s “Fonvizinskaya” characterization of the heroes is truly original. "Undergrowth" is a comedy where each hero uses his own unique vocabulary and a certain vocabulary.

Mr. Prostakov is a quiet, calm henpecked man. He submits to his wife in everything; not having his own, follows her opinion. However, he is not cruel, he loves his son. But in fact, does not affect anything in the house, including raising a child.

Original and interesting, in compliance with individual vocabulary, the characterization of heroes was created by Fonvizin. It is no coincidence that the undergrowth bears the name Mitrofanushka. After all, in Greek it sounds like "like a mother." By the way, regarding the name of the comedy. In Russia, young nobles who did not have a written certificate of education were called undergrowths.

Mitrofanushka avoids studying, he is rude to people who are kind to him. Yeremeyevna says: "Old grunt." Teacher Tsifirkin - "garrison rat." The catchphrase of the young dunce - that he does not want to study, but wants to get married - is undoubtedly a creative find of Fonvizin, she really became winged. The undergrowth is not far from the mind, rude and ignorant. His laziness indulges everyone in the house.

Hero of Fonvizin
Prostakova’s brother, Mr. Skotinin, is depicted in a comedy caricature. He is contemptuous of the lower class, but raising pigs for him is a real passion and goal of life. His whole horizons are limited by the problems of the pigsty. He does not get tired of talking about these animals. On top of that, he wants to marry Sophia.

Goodies comedy

However, no less in the comedy of positive images. The official bureaucrat Pravdin, sent to check the Prostakova estate, is the embodiment of justice, legality and reason. He is outraged when people “having power” over serfs use it “evil and inhumane”. He seeks to help “worthy people”, to promote proper education. As a result of his inspection, Prostakova’s property is requisitioned by the state.

Starodum is also positive, having absorbed an honest attitude to service since the time of Peter I. Service in the army, and then the bureaucratic share, not only brought him wealth, but also formed him an honest, decent person. Equally, he considers unacceptable both the pleasing of those in power and the violation of the human rights of the disadvantaged.

Honest and educated is his niece Sophia. She has a penetrating mind, therefore she is going to build her life in such a way as to earn the trust of “worthy people”. Honest, modest and open-minded, Sophia's groom - a young officer Milon. He showed his courage in the fighting. The young man has a truly knightly upbringing. The war did not turn him into a soldier. He considers his love for Sophia to be the greatest wealth.

Among the secondary characters there are also positive ones - decent and direct Tsyfirkin, a former sodate; and the negative ones are the cunning and greedy Kuteikin, the seminarian is a half-educated person, Adam Adamovich Vralman, with a vile lackey essence, praising Mitrofan in order to earn mercy from Prostakova.


characterization of heroes
Fonvizin was undoubtedly a wise and observant person. In the comedy, they are given a destructively accusatory characterization of heroes. "Undergrowth" makes you think about the need to stop mockery of serfs. Therefore, the comedy of Fonvizin is not abstract, not to amuse Catherine’s nobles and favorites, but acutely satirical, socially oriented. Work on such works for the comedian himself was ungrateful, required nerves. Denis Ivanovich resigned due to a serious illness - paralysis. Even Empress Catherine II, a progressive woman, did not like the caustic satire of Fonvizin and did not always meet the requests of the classic.


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