Pyelonephritis in a cat: symptoms and treatment, especially nutrition

All living beings tend to be ill. However, cats, unlike humans, cannot tell their owners that they are unwell. Therefore, any owner should carefully monitor how his pet feels. Any change in physical condition and behavior (lethargy, refusal to eat, excessive need for sleep) are signs of ill health. Thoroughbred animals are especially susceptible to colds and kidney pathologies. This article is about pyelonephritis in cats.

What is a disease?

This ailment is usually of a bacterial origin. Pyelonephritis in cats is an inflammatory process in the kidneys area, affecting all parts of these organs. The most common cause of the lesion is an ascending infection. It originates in the lower urinary tract. In more rare cases, microbes enter the kidneys with blood flow from another organ in which inflammation occurred. The likelihood of developing pyelonephritis in cats increases in the presence of systemic pathologies that impair immunity, metabolic disorders.

Causes of the disease

The main provocative factors include:

  1. Birth defects associated with the structure of the urinary system.
  2. The formation of calculi.
  3. The impact of microorganisms (E. coli, staphylococcus, protea).
  4. Cystitis.
  5. Mechanical damage to the abdominal cavity.
  6. Urinary retention.
  7. Exposure to excessively low temperatures, radiation.
  8. Poisoning with household chemicals (for example, varnish or paint), poisonous plants, poor-quality food and other types of toxic substances.
  9. Side effects from the use of drugs, allergic reactions.

If the treatment of pyelonephritis in a cat is not carried out timely and correctly, the ailment leads to sad consequences. The animal has severe renal impairment. Therefore, the owners must immediately consult a specialist if the pet has signs indicating an ailment.

cat lethargy

You should not try to treat your pet yourself. Incorrectly selected therapy will only worsen his condition.

The main manifestations of the disease

With pyelonephritis in a cat, the symptoms in the initial stages of the pathology are usually not pronounced. They do not affect the quality of life of the pet. However, in the absence of therapy, the disease leads to the development of blood poisoning. Sepsis is the cause of the death of animals suffering from an advanced form of the disease. How to recognize acute pyelonephritis in a cat? You can suspect this ailment in the presence of the following symptoms:

  1. Fever, fever.
  2. Constant fatigue, apathetic state of the animal.
  3. Increased thirst.
  4. Increased urine output.
  5. Signs of intoxication (repeated bouts of vomiting, frequent and loose stools).
  6. The animal starts and breaks out when it touches the back and peritoneum.
  7. The cat refuses food.
  8. The process of urine output is accompanied by discomfort. This is evidenced by the plaintive meow that the animal publishes.
  9. The cat's breathing becomes too frequent. The heartbeat speeds up.
  10. The shade of urine and its smell change.

With this disease, all symptoms are observed, usually in combination. They are able to notice even the owner of the animal, far from veterinary medicine. At the first signs of the development of the disease, you need to contact a specialist.

urinating in a cat

Methods for identifying pathology

Diagnostic methods for determining pyelonephritis in cats include:

  1. Laboratory tests of biological material (urine, blood).
  2. Kidney biopsy.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and urinary system.
  4. Urography.
  5. X-ray
  6. Urine collection from the renal pelvis (to identify pathogens).

The necessary diagnostics to determine the presence of an ailment should be prescribed by a doctor. The choice of methods depends on the severity of the symptoms and the animalโ€™s medical history.

cat inspection

In addition, factors such as the conditions of the veterinary hospital, the presence or absence of special medical equipment are taken into account. If, during the diagnosis, the pet has found calculi in the kidneys or bladder, you need to get rid of them and only then start the therapy. Otherwise, she will not be able to give a positive effect.

With pyelonephritis in a cat, the symptoms and treatment depend on the severity of the disease, the age of the animal, the individual characteristics of his body, and concomitant pathologies.


There are several ways to deal with this disease. In any case, in acute pyelonephritis in a cat, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. In severe illness, the animal should be placed in a hospital.

If the pet is at home, he needs to ensure a calm environment. The cat should lie on a warm litter.

cat on a warm litter

The owner needs to ensure that there are no drafts in the room. To eliminate discomfort, veterinarians usually prescribe no-shpu or baralgin. At the initial stage, perirenal blockade is carried out. In addition, the animal is given antibiotics: amoxicillin, penicillin. The first week of therapy they are consumed in a double dosage. Then they take a break for 10 days. Then the course of treatment is resumed. But the dosage is reduced by half. Sulfanilamide drugs and drugs that increase urination (diacarb) are also prescribed. In addition, carry out infusion therapy using potassium chloride, glucose. A purulent form of pathology is treated with saline, which are administered intravenously, corticosteroids.

To eliminate the signs of the disease, not only medications are necessary, but also a diet. How to feed a cat with pyelonephritis?

cat drinks milk

It is recommended to give the animal light food, which is quickly absorbed: dairy products with a low lipid content (kefir, whey), boiled vegetables.

Alternative methods of therapy

To treat this pathology and prevent its development, infusions and decoctions from medicinal plants can be used. One of the effective drugs is prepared as follows. You need to take dried dandelion grass and birch leaves in a ratio of 2 to 1, chop and mix well. A large spoon of raw material is placed in a deep plate, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist on a water bath for 30 minutes. Then the mixture is cooled. Filter the mass to remove the remains of grass and leaves. The resulting liquid is combined with a glass of cold boiled water. Give the animal 4 times a day in the form of heat 30 minutes before feeding. The therapeutic dose is 10 milliliters, the prophylactic dose is 5.

In addition, to eliminate the symptoms of pyelonephritis in cats, infusions and decoctions of juniper berries, birch buds, rose hips, and calendula are used.

marigold flowers

However, you should not treat the animal with these agents on your own. Before use, consult your veterinarian.

How to prevent the development of pathology?

In order to avoid the occurrence of this dangerous condition, it is necessary to timely treat any ailments. Colds, gynecological diseases, cystitis and other disorders of the urinary system can cause pyelonephritis. If any changes in the well-being of the animal occur, immediately show it to the veterinarian. One of the effective measures to prevent the inflammatory process in the kidneys is proper care for the pet. The cat must be kept clean and warm, clean the tray in time and change the filler.

cat tray

Regular walks and good nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals, also contribute to better health.


By purchasing a pet, the owner assumes great responsibility. The main manifestation of love for a four-legged friend is an attentive attitude to his well-being. Caring for the catโ€™s health, you can recognize the disease at an early stage, cure it in time and prevent serious complications.


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