Biography and creativity of George Graubin

More than one generation has grown on the works of Georgy Rudolfovich Graubin. He has written over 70 books for children and adults. The thematic range of works is quite wide. These are essays about pioneers and fellow Siberians, about the nature and history of Transbaikalia.

A little bit about the writer

Georgy Graubin was born in the Chita region. His working life began early. After graduating from the school of military technicians in 1954, he began to work at a steam engine repair plant. Here, in the factory newspaper Kolyuchka, his literary work began.

Graubin, as an employee of the editorial board of Komsomolets Zabaykalye, traveled his native land far and wide, met with different people, put in a notebook everything he saw and heard. He wrote down in rhyme, he got poems, and he wanted to share his impressions with others.

poems by george graubin

Rhyme is not the most important thing in the writer's work. The main thing is his kind and poetic talent, which has a colorful imagination and an amazing ear for his native word. The first small collection of poems about the work “Morning Hooter” was published in 1955. Since then, George Rudolfovich has devoted literature for over 50 years.


Along with books on Transbaikal workers “Lighthouses for All Seasons”, “White City”, “People of Gold and Gold,” “Walking the Road Overpowered”, he created unusual books about his native nature: “Four-story Taiga”, reprinted four times, “My country Siberia "

Graubin not only tells readers about his native nature, he teaches you to peer into it, feel the resinous freshness, the noise of pines. The author appears here as a natural scientist and historian, an experienced hunter and ethnographer and reveals the secrets and rare natural phenomena of Transbaikalia. It is not without reason that Graubin is called the “patriarch” of Siberian literature.

georgy graubin

George Graubin owns the book:

  • a collection of poems for children “Lazelny case” was published in 1963;
  • poems for kids “I would like to be Gulliver” were published in 1964;
  • poems for middle school students “What smells of the wind” were published in 1965;
  • a collection of poems for children “Quarrel in Grammar” was published in 1967;
  • children's poems “There were fables, funny pages” were published in 1969;
  • the collection “Heavenly Pedestrian” was published in 1970;
  • poems for children "Spring Chores" saw the light in 1971;
  • in 1972, the collections “Freeze - Wither” and “The Station” were published;
  • a collection of poems “Taiga Telegraph” was published in 1977;
  • poems for children “Invitation to visit” were published in 1980;
  • a collection of poems “The Amazing Door” was published in 1981;
  • collections of children's poems by G. R. Graubin “Unfamiliar friends” and “Lucky gifts train” were published in 1989;
  • The taiga encyclopedia “Four-story taiga” was published in 1965;
  • a collection of essays “On the shores of the mysterious Silkari” was published in 1968;
  • historical essays “Silver Trap” were published in 1993;
  • the stories about the civil war “Before the Shot Comes Out” were published in 1998;
  • a collection of essays, “Call to History,” was published in 2001;
  • a book about the inhabitants of Transbaikalia, “The road will be overpowered by the walking”, was published in 2007.

Transbaikal nature

Graubin wrote one of the most famous books, The Four-Storied Taiga, for three years. The idea to create an encyclopedia about the Trans-Baikal Territory did not come immediately, a friend told him. Having no scientific experience, at the age of 33 years, the writer took up the book. In order to write an encyclopedia, one desire and inspiration is not enough.

going will overcome the road

Georgy Graubin was known for research, leafing through dozens of research papers, scientific publications. In 1965, the book saw the light of day. After the release, the author began to collect reviews, he sent biologists and geographers the text of the book. Many professors were surprised that the book was not written by an ecologist.

At that time, it was one of the few books where the main character is nature. Lakes and rivers, mountains, taiga, valleys live their own lives in it. The story of Transbaikalia Georgy Graubin tells the reader in a playful manner and captures his attention from the very first lines.

Features of poetry

Landscape lyrics are one of the strengths of Graubin's poetry. The world of his prose and poetry is diverse and multifaceted. The poet knows and loves nature. The cycle “Shishkopad” was written by him under the shaggy pines around the fire. The figurative definitions, comparisons and metaphors are admirable: the pine tree burns “like a candle”, mountain ash flashes “like matches”, “heron shrinks”, rain “like from a watering can”.

graubin unfamiliar friends

For such a phenomenon as snow, the writer finds dozens of figurative definitions: “prickly” “vigorous”, “solid”, “grained”, “fluffy”, “creaky”, “stony”. He personifies nature, its phenomena and elemental forces. Joyful intonations and rhythm impress young readers. The famous critic L. Acceleration called Graubin “a friend and comrade of children”.

Funny Changeling

Humor, game plots, sounds, diminutive suffixes create a fun and easy mood: “cuckoo bang”, “in the thumb”, “bunny”. In “Shishkopad” there are a lot of sound images “clap”, “bang”. The repeating letter “w” in the words “edge”, “flash”, “bunny”, “bumps”, “cuckoo” allows you to hear the rustling of falling cones.

Metaphors, avatars, epithets enhance expressiveness and help to vividly represent the picture drawn by the author. Graubin Georgy Rudolfovich has an inherent manner of creating words derived from semantic relationships. They are called “graubinisms”: “teardrop collection”, “dirty writing”, “light globe”, “Sladkograd”. These words do not need interpretation - they are clear to everyone. Children accept this game with joy and invent similar words: from “teapotted” there appear “confetti”, “poop”.

What do crafts smell like

The “coloring” of Georgy Graubin’s poems is amazing: “like flame, red dew”, “blue of blue of blue”. In his poems, everything alive and feeling, together with him you feel like a workaholic bus “rubbing his eyes tiredly”, “cogs are aching” and “arrows are breaking” at the barometer. He also speaks in a reverent manner about the work of man, about various crafts: “fun business”, “crafts smell”.

graubin georgy rudolfovich

With pride, the author writes about the destiny of a person - to work and build, reverently and without edification talks about children who help parents. Talking on an equal footing helps young readers to understand what is important to them, what to look for, what to avoid. The poet Graubin is one of the brightest representatives of children's literature. The secret of his popularity is that he does not let his reader get bored.

Poems by Georgy Graubin are included in the manual for teachers, school books and put to music. The books “Silver Trap”, “Piggy Bank of Laughter”, “Four-story Taiga” are in the fund of the US Congress. G. R. Graubin was awarded several state awards for social and literary activities.


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