How to change SNILS when changing a surname? How to change SNILS through "State services"?

Many citizens sooner or later think about how to change SNILS when changing their last name. What are the scenarios? Does the insurance certificate really need to be replaced if the last name or first name of the person has changed? Can I use the Internet to order this document? Answers to these questions will be published below. In fact, the replacement and primary manufacture of SNILS does not cause any difficulties. Even a person who does not know anything about paperwork can cope with the task.

how to change snls when changing a surname

SNILS - definition

First of all, you need to figure out which document is in question. Why is it needed in Russia?

SNILS is an insurance certificate. It should be in every person living in the territory of the Russian Federation. This document is represented by a small white-green card, the size of which is close to a bank card. On SNILS you can see the following data:

  • gender;
  • date of issue;
  • year of birth of a person;
  • patronymic, name and surname of the owner;
  • citizen's insurance number.

All these data are written on the front side of the card. On the back is information about replacing and manufacturing a document. An insurance certificate in Russia plays an important role. With its help, citizens get access to municipal and state services. For example, people will be able to apply for benefits, register with a medical facility, or receive medical care.

How to change SNILS when changing a surname? Is there any need to do this? The answer to this question is simple.

change snls in connection with the change of surname

Reasons to replace

To understand the topic being studied, you need to understand the circumstances under which the SNILS is generally subject to replacement. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance.

According to the established rules, the insurance certificate is subject to exchange if:

  • there was a change in personal information of a citizen;
  • Errors, typos, and inaccuracies in the document
  • SNILS is lost;
  • evidence is corrupted.

Accordingly, a change of surname is a good reason to apply for a new copy of the document. The population is pleased that SNILS itself does not have an expiration date. It will be valid until one or another reason for its exchange appears.

Where do I change my insurance certificate?

Now proceed to the direct order of the document. There are several ways to change SNILS in connection with a change of surname. In this case, the citizen himself must choose where to turn to him for appropriate assistance.

Among the places issuing and exchanging insurance certificates are:

  • FIU;
  • MFC;
  • State Services website.

Working citizens can apply to their employer with the appropriate statement. Students and schoolchildren have the right to design and replace SNILS for one reason or another in educational institutions. But all this is extremely rare. Usually people try to deal with issues related to reissuing documents themselves.

change snls when changing surnames through public services

Replacement algorithm

Change SNILS in connection with the change of surname is not difficult. This is the least problematic issue associated with the exchange of documents available to a person. If a citizen decided to apply to the MFC or the FIU, he will have to act like this:

  1. Collect the documents requested by the registration authority. The list of required papers depends on what status the applicant has. Possible packages of documents will be published below.
  2. Draw up an application for the issuance of a new SNILS. Usually this step is done at the MFC or FIU.
  3. Submit a written request with documents to this or that organization.
  4. Get a receipt on acceptance of the application for consideration (for persons who applied to the MFC).
  5. Wait for information about the readiness of the document and pick up the new SNILS where the request was submitted.

If a person applied to the Pension Fund, then they are not given any receipts. All that is required is to wait until the employees of the institution inform that SNILS is ready. This is usually done by calling the applicant.

change snls when changing last name via the Internet

Waiting time

It is clear how to change SNILS when changing the name. The proposed algorithm of actions is not exhaustive. There are several more approaches to solving the problem. About them will be discussed later.

How long to wait for the readiness of an insurance certificate in a particular case? Today in Russia, SNILS is manufactured approximately 14-15 days. After the certificate is ready, the citizen will be informed about this. All that remains for him is to pick up the document.

At work

Now consider a few more ways to exchange an insurance certificate. As already mentioned, one can bring an idea to life through an employer. How to change SNILS when changing a surname?

how to change snls after changing surname

To do this, you just need to bring the paper necessary for the exchange of the document and inform the authorities about the need to adjust the data in the insurance certificate. The remaining actions fall on the shoulders of the company. The employer contacts the FIU, receives a new SNILS for the employee, and then issues it to his subordinate.

Despite the fact that this scenario allows people to get rid of most problems, people do not use it too often. In a similar way, SNILS is being replaced through educational institutions. Nothing difficult or incomprehensible. How to change SNILS for an employee when changing a surname? The employer must adhere to the previously proposed action algorithm. Everything is extremely simple and clear.

Internet to help

But that is not all. Modern technologies are actively developing. They are introduced into the daily life of the population. Now many documents can be ordered online. The same goes for their reissue.

how to change employee snails when changing surname

Changing SNILS when changing a surname via the Internet is quite easy. This offer is relevant for people who have a profile on the website of the State Service. Here people can submit electronic applications for a variety of services. For example, order a passport or pay fines. Exchange of insurance certificate is also listed among the available services.

But what is necessary for the implementation of the task? To change the SNILS when changing the name through the "State Services", you need:

  1. Register on the portal. Profile activation takes about 15 days. Without it, you cannot order services for the restoration, exchange and production of documents.
  2. Log in to the service.
  3. Go to the section "Public Services" - "Pension Fund" - "Replacing an Insurance Certificate".
  4. View information on the screen. Click on the "Get a Service" button.
  5. Fill out the application following the prompts.
  6. Indicate where and how you want to receive SNILS (by mail, at the MFC or the FIU).
  7. Submit a processing request.
  8. Wait until notification of readiness of the document arrives.
  9. Pick up the finished SNILS in the selected institution. Before that, it will be necessary to bring the originals of certain documents.

Such an approach is relevant, as already mentioned, mainly for people who already have a profile on the "State services". This is caused by the long activation of the citizen profile.

About Documents

How to change SNILS after changing the name? It is clear how to act in a particular case. In general, this process does not cause any difficulties.

Special attention should be paid to the preparation of documents for applying. Children under 14 receive SNILS with the participation of parents. After receiving a passport, the child himself can draw up an insurance certificate and change it.

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Citizens of the Russian Federation, when changing their name, present for the exchange of SNILS:

  • statement;
  • identity card (for children - birth certificate);
  • old SNILS;
  • a document establishing the right to change the name (marriage certificate, divorce, court decision, certificate from the registry office);
  • certificate of registration (for minors and foreigners).

Foreign citizens additionally apply:

  • a translated copy of the passport (it is certified by a notary);
  • migration card.

That's all. Now it is fully understood how to change SNILS when changing the name. This task is being implemented in a few days. It is advisable to provide all of the listed documents not only in the form of originals, but also remove copies from them.


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