How to grow seedlings of asters at home?

Asters, the cultivation of which is described in the article, are one of the most beautiful, bright and lush annual flowers. They will decorate any flower garden by themselves, will be suitable as a gift for a holiday, you can admire these beautiful plants for hours. Not every amateur gardener will deny himself the opportunity to have such bright and beautiful flowers in his garden. Therefore, for many, the topic of how to grow seedlings of asters is relevant, so that it turns out healthy and strong.

how to grow asters seedlings
Growing involves both seedling and seedling methods, but still it is better to use the first, as it gives more guarantees for really strong plants. Cultivation involves planting, watering, further picking, feeding and transplanting into open ground.

Seeds should be fresh, preferably last year. They should be sown in late March or early April in pre-prepared boxes. The containers should not be too high, suitable up to 10 cm high. You can put drainage on the bottom so that there is no stagnation of water, then fill the container with a nutritious light substrate. The day before sowing, the soil must be poured with a solution of fungicide, they also need to process the seeds.

It is necessary to sow in grooves with a depth of half a centimeter, and then sprinkle with earth and pour it from the spray gun with a solution of manganese. Before growing seedlings of asters, it is necessary to prepare a bright place for boxes, because with insufficient lighting, the plants will stretch and turn pale. To shoots appeared faster, you can cover the soil with film or paper.

asters growing
After the appearance of the first real two or three leaves, seedlings can be dived, planted, removing diseased and weak plants. The distance between the colors should be a couple of centimeters. The transplant is performed using a dive fork, which must be carefully pry off the seedlings. The plant has one long root, if you want to get a luxurious and lush bush, then you need to pinch it by one third.

How to grow seedlings of asters? An important point is the preparation of a lighted place without direct sunlight. The greenhouse is ideal in this regard, since there is light plants, there is the necessary space, conditions are close to open ground. Picking is done on average three to four times, then you can be sure that during flowering asters will really please.

asters photo
The photo of amateur gardeners confirms that this flower can really be grown at home from seeds. This requires only a little perseverance and care. Regular moderate watering, periodic top dressing, diffused light - this is all that is needed for flowers. The question of how to grow seedlings of asters does not cause any difficulties even for beginning gardeners, because this is a rather unpretentious plant.

Young asters should be planted in a well-lit, even and pre-fertilized place. It is better not to use fresh manure, but to resort to humus or compost. In drought, it is recommended that the flowers be watered regularly. The distance between the asters should be 20 - 40 cm, depending on the variety. The plant will begin to please the first flowers already in the middle of summer, flowering continues until the frosts.


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