Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (book): reviews, contents, quotes

The works of Jane Austen have long occupied a deserved place in the world of classical literature. The novel "Pride and Prejudice", published in 1813, is one of the most famous works of the writer and is included in the list of books that must be studied in all educational institutions in England and the USA. And despite the fact that this novel is not included in our school curriculum, it is definitely worth reading it. After all, prejudices, and sometimes even openly stupid prejudices, still have a place in society. In addition, the work, saturated with subtle English humor, literally immerses the reader in an era where aristocrats, conducting conversations in a refined language, turned them into verbal duels. This is confirmed by the famous quotes from the book “Pride and Prejudice”, which largely convey its meaning: “A person can be proud without being conceited. Pride, rather, is related to our own opinion of ourselves, but vanity is related to the opinion of other people, which we would like them to make about us ”or“ Both mountains and people are capable of collapsing, however, people - because of their arrogance and stupid things. "

Roman Jane Austen

Jane Austen (12.16.1775-18.07.1817)

The "first lady" of English classical literature was born in the small town of Steventon, Hampshire. Her family was not rich, but despite this, Jane received a decent education for the girl of that time. Her literary talent began to emerge from a young age. Jane Austen’s first novel, Three Sisters, was published when the writer was only 17 years old. She devoted all her life to writing and her relatives, since a girl from an impoverished noble family could not count on a love marriage. Having lost hope of connecting her life with her beloved Thomas Lefroy, she decided to abandon her marriage in principle. From now on, creativity was the only bond of Jane, even though she received offers of marriage. Over the short life of the writer, nine novels have come out from under her pen, among which are two of Austin's most famous works: “Pride and Prejudice” and “Feeling and Sensitivity”.

Austin "Pride and Prejudice"

About the writer and heroine of the novel

Like the heroine of her novel, Jane Austen was born into a large family that belonged to an old but impoverished noble family. Jane and her sister Cassandra instilled a love of literature with their father, George Austin, who, as a parish priest, read books not only of a spiritual sense. He was a highly educated man, so he made sure that his daughters received an equally worthy education. The sisters read a lot and often discussed what they read with their father. Jane Austen moved the scene of such talk of literature into the novel Pride and Prejudice. The author of the book, like the heroine of her work, adored her sister and shared everything secret with her. Both girls were not only well educated, but also had a subtle sense of humor, so they could keep up the conversation in the most refined society.

Pride and Prejudice - Book: Reviews

Secular prejudices

For girls from poor and not very noble families, a casual, salon conversation at any moment could turn into a mockery that an educated person could recognize even in the most courteous and pretentious speech. Therefore, in order to fend off decency in a verbal duel, it was necessary to have a sharp mind. All these qualities were endowed with the main character of the Austin novel “Pride and Prejudice” - Elizabeth Bennett. The writer from personal experience knew how girls from poor families were automatically labeled “empty-headed fortune hunter” in the light. Rich snobs, often not distinguished by intelligence, had a very high opinion of themselves and considered it possible to unceremoniously interfere in the lives of those who, due to their financial situation, were forced to endure it. Jane Austen did not intend to put up with this state of affairs, therefore, in the novel Pride and prejudice, her impudent and sharp-tongued heroine with her usual humor extremely politely puts snobs in their place.

Pride and prejudice

History of the writing of the novel

Jane Austen sent the first version of the novel to publishers back in 1796. The sophistication with which the twenty-year-old writer ridiculed high society shocked publishers. For that time, it was unacceptable liberty, and even shown by a woman, therefore, publication was refused. Only 15 years later, the writer Jane Austen, already known for her novel Sensation and Sensitivity, finalized and finally published Pride and Prejudice. The book reviews and in 1813 received conflicting, because it is not for nothing that modern feminist writers consider Austin a harbinger of literature of this kind. Reading today the heroine’s courteous verbal skirmishes with representatives of the upper world, it is hard to imagine that such speeches could be considered freethinking, but for the time where the woman was assigned the supporting role, the work Pride and Prejudice was considered very bold.

Quotes from Pride and Prejudice

Provincial life

In the small town of Meriton, where she lives with her parents and four sisters, the main character of the work, Elizabeth Bennett, usually had a quiet and measured life. However, from time to time, society was shaken; this happened when officers were stationed in the city. Endless balls and receptions gave the ladies the opportunity to sparkle with their beauty, and it was advantageous for mothers to give birth to girls to add their daughters. The quartering season was still far away, and Mrs. Bennet could only dream of a happy day when all her five daughters would get married.

"Pride and Prejudice" author of the book

Introducing the Bennet Family

The state of affairs of the family was complicated by the fact that, according to the Majorate Act, their family estate Long Bourne after the death of Mr. Bennett had to go to his cousin, since the Bennet couple did not have a male heir. But it seems, except for the unfortunate Mrs. Bennet, no one understood the whole tragedy of the situation. Her two eldest daughters, Elizabeth and Jane, made absolutely no effort to realize their mother's dreams. They looked more like their father, Mr. Bennet, also loved to read and, with a sharp mind and sense of humor, laughed together at the endless conversations of their mother and frivolous younger sisters about cavaliers and marriage. Jane Austen describes Mrs. Bennett: “She was a woman ignorant and not smart enough. To marry daughters was her main goal, and the only entertainment was visits and news. ” Similar quotes from the book “Pride and Prejudice” make it clear with what subtle humor the work is written.

Sensational event

The news that a certain Mr. Bingley arrived at the Netherfield Park estate - a young, rich, and, most importantly, single aristocrat, shocked the whole city. Mrs. Bennet, encouraged by the opportunity to successfully marry one of her daughters, persuades her husband to pay Mr. Bingley a friendly visit. According to etiquette, Bingley answers the same, but it turns out that he did not come to Netherfield Park, but in the company of sisters and two gentlemen, one of whom - Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy - is extremely rich, noble and single.

"Pride and Prejudice" book content

Love and prejudice

The Bennet family and Mr. Bingley and the company periodically meet at balls and receptions. Feelings flare up between Bingley and Jane, they are both open and easy to talk to, which cannot be said of the arrogant Mr. Darcy, who, incidentally, was interested in Elizabeth. The sisters of Mr. Bingley do not like this state of affairs at all, and in a veiled form they are trying in every possible way to humiliate Elizabeth and Jane. After a vivid demonstration of ignorance and the complete lack of manners of mother and younger sisters Bennett, Mr. Darcy, already not hiding the neglect of provincial society, behaves underlined coldly. On Bingley’s attempt to turn his attention to the merits of Elizabeth Darcy, he answers that a girl from a similar circle is not interesting to him. This is heard by Elizabeth and is reinforced in her negative opinion about Darcy.

The following is a series of events and circumstances, due to which Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth will have to meet and communicate more than once. Unlike the simple and touching relationship, Bingley and Jane, Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennet, initially dislike each other. Then a strange and contradictory feeling flares up between them, with which everyone fights in his own way. Young people are increasingly attracted, but pride and prejudice interfere. The content of the book and the elegant style of Jane Austen, of course, cannot be conveyed briefly. It should only be noted that the main characters will have to go the hard way to their happiness. They have to overcome not only circumstances, but also their own prejudices. How they can deal with this is best described by the book.

Pride and Prejudice (book): reviews

The majority of readers agree that the work is certainly worthy of attention. Its plot is simple in life, it has no exciting battle scenes, but this highlight is the highlight. Serious battles take place not in the fields, but in the souls of the main characters. As the plot develops, the reader in many scenes recognizes himself or his acquaintances, becomes a witness of how the main characters manage to transform and defeat their own pride and prejudice.

The book reviews has various. Women like that it portrays psychological portraits of heroes masterfully, and this, as a rule, attracts readers. For men, the plot seems boring, but the subtle humor of the work does not disappoint. Summing up the general opinion, we can say: the novel is worth it to devote your time to it.

"Pride and Prejudice"

In conclusion, I would like to wish you a pleasant reading to everyone who is not familiar with Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The book, reviews of which have always been contradictory since 1813, is still waiting for its reader.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15388/

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