What is a mobile: types and description, selection tips, reviews and photos

In the recent past, the main entertainment for babies were rattles that were hung on a stroller or given crumbs in the handle. Today, mobiles have become an excellent option for attracting the attention of a baby and its development. Although the prototype of them can be considered toys made of wood or straw - usually these were birds - which our ancestors hung over the cradle.

So what is a mobile? How much is the baby needed? What are its varieties? Finally, what option should parents stop for the toy to be used as long as possible and serve not only for entertainment, but also be a means of development of the child?

mobile dignity

What is a mobile

From Latin the word "mobile" (mobile) is translated as "mobile". This value fully reflects the essence of the toy. As a rule, a mobile consists of two crossed half-arches that are fixed on a vertical bar. The latter is securely attached to the wall of the crib. Bright toys are suspended to the edges of the half-arches, which come into motion when the structure rotates. As a result, a carousel appears above the baby’s head, invariably attracting his attention with bright colors, constant movement, and in some designs with sounds and light.

How old is the mobile used

Sometimes parents, who have not fully understood what a mobile is, buy the first toy they come across and from the first days of their life, the little ones thoughtlessly attach it to the crib. And sometimes they make a mistake.

To begin with, at what age it is best to use a mobile. Reviews of many mothers indicate that up to a month the baby reacts poorly to the toy. And pediatricians usually advise first to make sure that there are no vision problems, and only then turn on the mobile part of the mobile. Therefore, the following option can be considered optimal: in the first month of life, the crumbs leave one toy suspended at least 40 cm above the head, and by the second month add the rest and turn on the "carousel". Moreover, it is also important to consider the features of the toy.

functional mobile

Types of Mobiles

According to the material from which the carousel is made, the principles of work, equipment mobility are divided into several groups.

An important factor when buying a carousel is the material from which the hanging toys are made. They are made:

  • from a soft fabric, for example, from felt - the mobile in this case is easy and safe, parts can be removed and washed periodically;
  • from plastic - toys can be removed without wiping with a cloth dampened in a safe disinfectant, they look brighter, but are less safe.
    soft toy mobile

What explains the last fact? If a toy made of cloth accidentally breaks off and falls into the crib, this will not cause any harm to the baby. Another thing is plastic. This is heavier material, which, if not injuring, can scare the baby. Therefore, before attaching a carousel with plastic parts to the crib, it is necessary to check the strength of their fixation.

The principle of the mobile is influenced by how it is powered. Depending on this, the toy may be:

  • manual - adults shake the carousel, and it begins to move smoothly from side to side;
  • mechanical - it is started manually and works 3-5 minutes;
  • automatic - equipped with batteries that increase the operating time to half an hour or more.

Mobiles can also differ in the set and number of toys, the presence of a teether for teeth among them, a remote control for convenient control, etc.

Useful features

In addition, the functionality, capabilities and cost of the mobile are influenced by the presence of additional functions:

  • sound accompaniment (for example, you can buy a carousel with a built-in "baby monitor");
  • Highlights - soft light will allow mom to see the baby at night and, at the same time, will not irritate him during sleep;
  • projecting the image on other details or on the ceiling - it allows you to hold the baby's attention for a long time by changing the focus.

How to choose a mobile

“Butterfly Dreams”, “Forest Lake”, “Serenades of Nature”, etc. - it’s not so important what name to choose. The main thing is that the mobile promotes the development of the baby and does not harm him. Therefore, you should listen to these tips when choosing it.

  1. Materials must be environmentally friendly and safe. Toddlers, as a rule, pull everything in their mouths, and mobile toys will not be an exception. Therefore, if the carousel emits an unpleasant smell of dyes, it is better to refuse it immediately.
  2. Toys should be with rounded corners, bright, but unobtrusive colors, combining with each other. It is good if they are additionally equipped with rustling elements or firmly fixed balls that make noise. This will additionally attract the attention of the baby.
  3. The mobile must be collapsible - after all, toys and other components must be washed from time to time.
  4. If you select a music mobile, you must listen to the sound in advance . The best choice is classical music, which from the first months of life will teach the baby to appreciate the beautiful. The real help will be a mobile with a baby monitor function.
  5. A real help for parents is a toy equipped with a control panel. This will allow you to adjust the operation of the device from a distance.
  6. It is recommended to buy a carousel in specialized stores, as only this guarantees the quality of the goods.
    mobile with plastic toys

No less important point is information about the origin of the toy.

Mobile Manufacturers

When buying mobiles, parents often come across rude fakes that are not always safe for children. To avoid this, you need to have an idea of ​​the leading manufacturers of such carousels.

  1. Fisher-Price is a company from the USA, famous for supplying bright, multifunctional toys of high-quality assembly. Among them are the popular Butterfly Dreams.
  2. Tiny Love is an Israeli manufacturer whose products are not less high quality and at the same time more democratic price range. Among their leaders are the mechanical mobile “Little Friends” and the automatic “Island of Sweet Dreams”.
  3. Taf Toys is another Israeli company that supplies toys of no worse quality than its competitors. Her mechanical vehicle, Spring mood, entered the top six in the production of these toys in 2018.

Among domestic manufacturers can be called the "World of Childhood" with the most affordable prices for mechanical mobiles.

baby mobile

Merry-Go-Round Merits

A correctly selected mobile for a bed for newborns will be able to partially unload mom. Kids, as a rule, enthusiastically watch the movement of toys - therefore, it is good if, in addition to rotating the carousel itself, funny animals and insects will still spin around its axis. They learn to focus, get acquainted in such a funny way with the world around them. A mobile, by the way, can be a good help for organizing the first games with a crumb.

mobile to help mom

Calming classical music has a calming effect - under its sound and soft light, children usually fall asleep faster.

Now you know what a mobile is and how it happens. Therefore, you can safely go to the store for a purchase.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15390/

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