When to plant black currants - in spring or autumn? Features, helpful tips

It is impossible to imagine a garden plot without currant bushes. Many gardeners and gardeners love this plant for its unpretentiousness and endurance. But the main advantage of black currant is the incredible benefits to the body. This berry can rightfully be considered a storehouse of vital vitamins. There are several varieties of horticultural culture, and each of them requires an individual approach to care and cultivation. In this article we will tell you when to plant blackcurrant.

The role of proper fit

The question of when to plant blackcurrant is not always asked only by beginners. Sometimes an unsuccessful planting of a garden shrub encourages experienced gardeners to think about this. Some of them had to watch how the bushes of a valuable plant fade every year, or even die.

when to plant black currant

Sometimes on plants with chic leaves, the appearance of berries was not observed or their yield was poor. Perhaps such people began to think that they had planted the plant incorrectly, and in part they were right. After all, you can get a rich harvest of berries only if the currant bush is planted correctly.

Suitable season

Each region has its own optimal time for planting currant seedlings. In the southern regions and territories with a temperate climate, this plant can be planted both in spring and in autumn. When to plant blackcurrant specifically? If we talk about spring planting, then the bushes are planted until their intensive growth has come, preferably before the formation of stormy greenery. If plants are planted at this stage of development, then the berries will ripen later.

Autumn planting, if weather permits, can be carried out throughout this period. In the south of the country, work of such a plan is also carried out in November. Some practice transplants even in the summer season. But for this you need to select only strong shoots and choose a place in the shade, taking into account the further transplantation of a young bush. A new discovery for gardeners was the appearance of seedlings with a closed root system. This new product allows landing work in the first half of summer.

when to plant blackcurrant in autumn

In the northern regions, blackcurrant is best transplanted in the spring. This should be done when the snow comes off and the ground warms up enough. In conditions of too harsh climate, where the spring period is shortened, it is better not to risk it. If you did not have time to plant the plant, and the buds began to open on it, you can plan a planting at the end of August.

In central Russia, the spring planting of crops is better to exclude. When to plant blackcurrant in autumn? It is advisable to do this earlier, for example in September, to enable the plant to take root before the onset of cold and frost. Therefore, planting should be completed before the end of October. The blackcurrant root system adapts within 20 days.

Site selection

Choosing the right site is of great importance in growing currant bushes. Before starting gardening, it is important to think about where to plant black currants. Currant bushes grow on absolutely any soil, even in unfavorable areas. Moreover, they have luxurious greenery, like wild plants. But with this approach, you can never wait for the desired delicious berries.

If the plant is planted on a shaded area, then even the abundance of berries that have appeared will not please you. Shrouded in the shadow of other plants, they will remain unripe. In sunny places, a truly valuable berry will not only acquire a beautiful appearance, but also be nourished with useful vitamins, be juicy and sweet.

how far to plant blackcurrant

The site should be chosen with a deep occurrence of groundwater. This will protect the plant from getting the roots wet. Groundwater should be at a distance of one meter from the root system of the currant. For this reason, you can not plant the plant in wetlands and areas flooded with spring water. Drafts can also cause harm to culture. During the autumn planting, plants should create fences to protect them from the wind. You can plant currants along the fence.

Spring planting

Planting blackcurrant at this time of the year allows you to observe the survival rate and the development of culture. This makes it possible to take the necessary measures in case of wilting or disease of the bushes. Wells must be prepared in the fall. They need to be filled with fertile soil or fertilizer, and then covered a little. Below you will find information about which soil is more suitable for currants. The plant begins to wake up in early April, so in March they already begin planting work in order to have time to do this before the start of the growing season.

Optimal planting of seedlings

Unlike spring planting, the implementation of autumn work with seedlings is accompanied by risk. In addition to the fact that young plants do not always have time to take root, it is likely that they will begin to hurt due to severe frosts. But for those who prefer autumn planting, this is an issue to be resolved. After all, you can use covering material and protect your bushes from harsh winters.

how to plant black currants in the fall

Now let's talk about the benefits of this period. Autumn adaptation of plants will allow gardeners to rejoice in the spring chic bushes with active crown formation. In autumn, as a rule, there are no pests that can usually impede the development of a young plant. Spring seedlings lively green in the garden, so you can hope for an early harvest of amazing berries. The expected result will be obtained only subject to the technology of planting and further care for the crop. Next, weโ€™ll talk about how to plant black currants in the fall.

Preparation and selection of planting material

As a rule, planting of garden plants starts with the selection or acquisition of planting material. You need to buy seedlings only from trusted manufacturers. Especially you need to be careful when choosing plants with an open root system. It is important to know that annual seedlings take root much better. How to identify them?

They have only 1-2 shoots, and the root system is characterized by a significant number of small roots. The fibrous processes are capable of rapidly growing and adapting to a new place. As you can see, the question is not only when to plant blackcurrant, it is important to know how to plant it correctly. Enriched soil always contributes to the rapid survival of plants and good fruiting.


Suitable soil for currants must be created in prepared holes. For spring planting, they are prepared in the fall, and for autumn planting - a year before. Before starting this work, it is recommended to dig the entire area on which currants will grow, so that the soil is loose and around the bushes.

whether black and red currants are planted nearby

The optimal size of the pit is 50 x 50 cm. Humus is placed on the bottom along with compost and thoroughly mixed with soil. In order for the soil to be uniform, the following techniques should be made in this way: pour fertilizers into layers, alternating them with chernozem and gradually mixing until a homogeneous mass is formed. In the course of this work at the same time add 1 tbsp. l potash and phosphate fertilizers. So that a sufficient amount of moisture is preserved until spring, the hole is covered with straw or sawdust.


It's time to talk about how to plant black currants. In autumn, seedlings immediately before planting should be inspected and put in order. In addition, it is necessary to carry out several sequential actions that will help to cope with this task:

  • Young bushes need to cut off weak branches. The rest must be shortened so that 4 kidneys remain on each of them. Trimming the roots is approximately 20 cm.
  • After machining, the currant roots are immersed in a growth stimulator. Effective remedies in this regard are Epin and Zircon.
  • Now you need to determine at what distance to plant blackcurrant. In particular, it depends on the type of plant. Large bushes are planted at intervals of 1.5 m. For standard bushes, leave 1 meter. The distance between the rows should be from 1.5 to 2 m. Thickened plantings are also practiced, at which a certain distance is observed - 0.5 m. This method is used for industrial crop cultivation.
  • If the landing pit was prepared previously, then soil should be selected from it in order to sufficiently deepen the plant. Next, you need to put a container with a clay solution to soak the roots in it before immersing them in the hole. After this procedure, the roots become more tenacious and quickly take root in the ground.

can be planted next to red and black currants

  • How to plant blackcurrant? An important rule when planting a crop is to maintain an angle of 45 degrees. This technique contributes to the formation of many new shoots. The bush will be lush and luxurious, which cannot be achieved with a vertical planting. The bush is gradually sprinkled with earth so that the root neck is deepened by 10 cm.
  • After planting, the plant is watered - a bucket of water per 1 bush. Along the edge of the hole make holes for further watering.
  • In autumn planting, mulching of the soil is mandatory. This method will not only provide the culture with moderate necessary moisture, but will also serve as an insulation pad. The first layer of mulch is better to create from humus, the next - from hay or leaves. When planting in autumn, it is not recommended to fertilize the currants with nitrogen.


Since it is much easier to plant blackcurrant cuttings, many choose this method of plant propagation. Cuttings are divided into three ways: rooting of shoots without clipping from the bush, propagation by lignified cuttings and rooting of green twigs.

  • Lignified cuttings. Several future bushes, the length of which is 25 cm, are obtained from one branch. The upper edge is cut off 1 cm above the kidney. Before this, the soft part of the handle is cut off completely. Lignified cuttings are planted according to the same pattern and at the same time of the year as seedlings. They are deepened by 15 cm, and 3 kidneys are left above the soil surface.
  • Green cuttings. It is necessary to choose flexible shoots so that they are not brittle. In cloudy weather, cuttings are cut at any time of the day. The optimal length of the segment is 15 cm. No more than 1 cm is left above the upper kidney, and 0.5-1 cm below the lower kidney. The branches are soaked in a growth stimulator and planted in the ground. Prepared cuttings can be planted in the greenhouse, deepening them 3 cm into the ground. The main condition for rooting is increased humidity. With regular watering, a new plant will start roots after 3 weeks. Seedlings are transferred to a permanent place for the next season.
  • Layering. In spring, healthy shoots deviate from the main bush to the side and sprinkle with earth. In order to make the planting material turn out to be stronger, the grooves allotted to the shoots are pre-excavated and filled with a fertile mixture of humus and compost. By autumn, layering takes root and needs further transplanting to a permanent place. About 10 black seedlings are obtained from one bush of blackcurrant.

The neighborhood with red currants

Many summer residents ask such an appropriate question: "Are black and red currants planted nearby?" Their concern is understandable. Firstly, there is not always enough space on the site to place shrubs at a wide distance from each other. Secondly, many plants tend to adversely affect "neighbors", so itโ€™s better not to risk it. In order for crops on the site to feel comfortable and enjoy a good yield of berries, this issue should be sorted out.

You can plant red and black currants side by side, but not in all cases. The reasons for which plants compete may be as follows: vegetative development of bushes, fertility, growth rate, propagation methods and chemical characteristics of crops. Phytoncides, which are possessed by plants, spread their smell and can one way or another affect other cultures. Different types of black currants contain different amounts of these substances. For example, medicinal currants have a very sharp, specific smell. If a โ€œcompetitorโ€ with red berries is planted next to her, she will be superior to her due to her chemical properties. There are black berry varieties with a less pronounced odor that normally adjoin redcurrant bushes.

when is it better to plant blackcurrant

Inhomogeneous soil gives a lot of trouble in terms of the amount of moisture in the area. If you do not initially pay attention to this, then you can expose the red currant of death. The fact is that it is permissible to plant bushes with blackcurrant in more humid areas, and red one is better in dry places. In areas with moderate occurrence of groundwater, the crops in question may feel well when planted together. Sometimes redcurrant bushes may disappear completely not because of undesirable compatibility, but because the plants were not trimmed in time. A culture with red berries needs it every 5 years, on the black one should cut off shoots every 3-4 years.


Opinions of experienced gardeners about when it is better to plant black currants vary. From the above it is clear that the main role in the implementation of planting works is played by the terrain in which the culture will grow. Sometimes, even in one region, the weather in certain areas may dictate their conditions. In addition to knowledge of these issues, an experienced gardener must learn to intuitively feel what period of time may be more suitable for planting.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15402/

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