Ludisia is a precious orchid. Care, description, photo

A magnificent representative of the flora of Ludisia is an orchid, which differs from other flowers in its stunning leaves. Recently, it has become fashionable to plant flowers at home, which not only grow and bloom, but have their own specific characteristics, and the owner has something to brag about to the guests. An orchid, the photo of which you will see here in abundance, is just one of these flowers.

general information

ludisia orchid
In the world there are many beautiful and unique colors. Some appreciate their buds, others for leaves and stems, and others for something else. Ludisia is an orchid that is distinguished from a number of other similar plants by the appearance and structure of the leaves. Specialists call it bicolor because its leaves are double-colored. The plant buds themselves are nothing special. These are small flowers of a light color with a delicate smell. You will not be able to see the lush bouquets, but you can always enjoy the beauty of the leaves. Of course, in the event that you will properly care for the flower. It is believed that the plant came to us from Vietnam, New Zealand and New Guinea. However, some species of orchids are found in countries such as India, Japan and China. But not all of them can grow in our regions. The famous collector Bersenev dealt with the problem of cultivation and conservation of orchids, so that we can now grow in its homes the most adapted species. When studying literature, you can come across different flower names:

  1. Orchid Hemaria.
  2. Orchid ludisia.
  3. Orchid lyudia.

There are also variations with the name "two-tone". There are authors who give the name "colorless" or "colorful." The plant is able to live up to seven years, while it blooms almost year-round.


orchid photo
Despite the many names, lovers of flora who are engaged in the cultivation of orchids will recognize this species under any name. Many gardeners also call this type of flower a ludisia precious. The plant got such a name precisely because its main decoration is not rare buds, but deciduous cover and stalks. The stems are thick and have a creeping character. In nature, the flower grows well in caves and forests, where there is a lot of moss. The height of the plant reaches fifteen centimeters. Leaflets with a velvet coating as if painted with silver stripes. Their color scheme may vary depending on the type. If in nature there is only one type of flower, then artificially breeders have created several more:

  • Davsoneana: the largest flower species, capable of growing up to thirty centimeters in height, has brown leaves with a red tint and pink stripes.
  • Velveteen: can be of various shades: silver, red, emerald. At the same time, it will still delight the eye with a velvet-coated leaflet.
  • Alda: the leaves are also velvet, and their coloring has contrasting shades.
  • Odin: silver-black leaves of this species look very impressive and always attract the admiring gaze of guests.


hemeria orchid
To get such beauty at home, you need to properly care for the flower. It should be noted that ludisia at home develops better than other types of orchids. What does such a flower need for proper growth? First, let's talk about the irrigation system. Use soft water. It is best if it is boiled, rain or peeled. At the same time, the temperature of the water should not be too low, on the contrary, it is better to warm it up a bit so that it becomes warmer than room temperature. Watering is recommended in the morning or evening. It is enough to water the plant once a week. The process must be neat. You can not fill the leaves of the flower with water, as this will entail rotting of the stems. Water the orchid so that the soil in the pot is moist and the rest drains into a stand. You can understand that it’s time to do this by checking the ground with a wand. If you put it in the ground and it remained dry, then the flower needs to be watered.


An orchid, the photo of which you see here, needs one more factor: the correct lighting mode. Since this type of flower prefers cool, it is recommended to put a pot with it on the western or eastern side of the house with a partial turn to the south. The plant develops well in partial shade. If you put a flower on the south side, you need to create a scattering effect for sunlight. The north side, especially in winter, will require additional efforts to provide light. The fact is that the orchid needs it for twelve hours daily. Too much light will damage the flower and cause leaf burns, and inadequate light will cause the stem to grow too wild.


ludisia at home
Ludisia is an orchid that prefers moderate temperatures in both summer and winter. So, in the warm period, the degree of fluctuation from 20 to 25 is allowed, but in winter you can not allow a decrease below fourteen degrees. During the day, the temperature should not change too sharply, the difference should not be more than ten degrees. Avoid drafts in the room where the flower grows. Ventilate the room, but carefully. Growing in mosses, the orchid loves moisture, so you need to maintain this indicator at about 73%.


ludisia care
The ludisia plant, the care of which requires attention from you, needs to be nourished. You do not need to do this too often, it is enough to feed once every two months. For this purpose, a specially designed fertilizer for orchids is best suited . No need to feed the flower when it is on vacation. The dormant period begins with the orchid at a time when there is no flowering. And it comes to this plant in autumn and early spring. In order for flowers to please you longer, you need to create coolness in the room and maintain the temperature at about 18 degrees.


precious ludisia
Like any other plant, ludisia (orchid) needs replanting. This is best done every couple of years. The root system during this time has time to grow and is ready to expand the place of growth. Provide good potted drainage. Before transplanting the flower to a new earth, soak it in water for a couple of hours, and then cover it with moss. The ideal mixture for orchids is:

  • humus (4 hours);
  • peat (4 hours);
  • pine needles (4 hours);
  • moss (4 hours);
  • coal birch (1 h.).

After the flower has been transplanted, immediately make sure that it stands in the right place and in the right light.


The best way to propagate this miracle plant is a cuttings. Doing this is allowed at any time when a desire arose. If there is an opportunity to choose, it is better to work with cuttings in the spring and in the summer. In order to complete this procedure, it is necessary to take part of the stem, on which there are several (pair) nodes. Treat the cut site with a solution of brilliant green or activated carbon. Place the handle in the moss, leaving the leaves above the surface. In order for the plant to properly and reliably take root, first you need to remove all the buds that appear. Then the flower will not spend energy on the flowering process, but will throw all the resources on the development of roots.

In the end, I want to add that the measures that need to be taken for the correct growth of orchids are not so complex and numerous. In any case, the beauty of a flower is worth trying to create comfortable conditions for it.


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