The child crawls in a plastopian way: development norms, stages of growing up and recommendations of doctors

At first the child crawls in a plastusky way. Then he gets on all fours. And after mastering the upright position and walking. How important is the crawl stage itself to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs and back, as well as how to stimulate the child to master this skill, read the article.

The importance of crawling

If the child crawls in a plastusky way, then this positively affects its further development. Motility is actively strengthened, brain activity is stimulated. Moreover, with the help of such movements, the endurance of the body is trained, as well as qualities such as determination and perseverance.

The child began to crawl in a plastic fashion

Parents need to be actively involved in developing this skill. When the baby has fully mastered this stage, he must go on a crawl on all fours, which will prepare his muscles for further development of the standing and walking position.

When the baby starts to crawl

Very often, parents want their baby to learn new skills as soon as possible. First, it is necessary that the baby learns to roll over. And parents are already looking forward to the moment when the child begins to crawl, and after that takes their first little steps. There is nothing wrong with such a desire, but should one be proud if a child begins to stand confidently on its feet at 9 months?

Skill Assistance

The fact is that now more and more pediatricians are of the opinion that the omission of the crawling stage can adversely affect the further development of the child. Especially a problem can develop in the spine, since for a weak musculoskeletal system, early standing on the legs represents a serious burden that the child needs in small quantities until the back of the crumbs is fully strengthened.

Therefore, it is so important that the baby first learns to crawl. During the development and use of this skill, the muscles of the arms, back, legs and shoulder joints are strengthened and trained in the child. And only after an excellent working out of all the necessary indicators, the child can stand up and hold the spine upright without risk.


Kid with a toy

What time does the child begin to crawl in a plastopian way? In order to comprehensively answer this question, it is necessary to consider all the stages of development that you need to go through before the child learns this skill.

  1. When a child turns about 3 months old, he begins to actively roll over. Mastering this skill leads to the fact that the horizons of the baby expands. He can consider many interesting objects around him. In addition, the baby is trying hard to reach the toy of interest to him.
  2. Since each child is individual, many begin to crawl as early as 5 months. Although the norm is considered to be 6 months. With proper development, by the age of 9 months, the baby begins to sit down on its own and maintain its balance in this position.
  3. It should be noted that if the baby is large, then it may not creep up to 8 months. In this case, the baby should be shown to a specialist who, most likely, will prescribe a massage course.

We stimulate the development of skill

Lay a soft warm plaid on the floor. Put the baby on it with the tummy down.

If the baby already makes attempts to master the crawling skill, then move away from it to a distance of 2 meters. If you still canโ€™t crawl, then the distance is 1 meter.

Baby creeps to a toy

Take a bright toy in your hand. It is desirable that it be new. Since the baby will see her for the first time, this will become an indisputable incentive in the desire to touch her.

In order for the child to concentrate his attention on the subject, it is necessary to move it or sound it. Sometimes, for a baby to notice a toy, it is necessary to show it in front of his face, and then move it away.

Seeing a colorful object, the baby will certainly begin to make attempts to get closer to the toy. If the child is struggling to crawl, but he does not succeed, then it is necessary to help him. To do this, place your palm under the feet of the baby, and he will begin to push himself off from them.

When the child is at the goal, it is necessary to move the toy even further. Repeat this action 2-3 times, and then please the crumbs at the finish with a bright toy. You should not use toys that can ride on the floor (balls, cars, etc.) to develop such a skill. The child must feel his reward when he reaches the goal. And if she continues to move away from him, then this will negatively affect the next lesson, aimed at mastering the crawling skill.

Good example

What time does the child crawl in the plastunsky ?! As described above, children begin to master this skill by 5-6 months. Parents are able to help the baby, and in addition to toys, they can show the crawling process by example.

Activities with mom

At the first attempts of the child, you can accompany him side by side. The joint crawling of parents and the child makes the process not only more fun, but also serves as a role model for the crumbs. And praise and encouragement from adults only stimulate the baby to great efforts.

obstacle for baby

As soon as you notice that the baby is successful, it is necessary to complicate the task, creating small obstacles in the way of the child. It can be small walkways under the chairs, barriers in the form of towels, twisted into rollers, etc.

Crawl stages

When the child began to crawl in a plastunsky way, this means that soon he will go on all fours. It is arranged that most babies initially begin to crawl on their tummy. Some move forward, while others move backward. Why the backward movement occurs is still unknown. But after some of them begin to master the movement to the sides, and the rest crawl in a plastubsky way.

Some babies begin to master the skill of crawling on their tummy, others immediately get on all fours. But there are kids who use both options for moving.

Crawling on all fours from the side looks like this: the baby puts two hands on the floor in front of him, and then with the help of a light jump he draws his legs. Other stages of crawling are based on swinging forward, while the baby is standing on the arms and legs. When performing this action, the baby puts the handles in turn, and then moves the legs to them.

And, perhaps, the most developed stage of crawling is cross movement. It is believed that to perform this action requires serious work of the central nervous system. Such a crawl is the simultaneous movement of the right upper limb along with the lower left, and then their change in the right direction. Mastering this stage is a high achievement in the ability to crawl.

Why are children crawling in a plastopian way?

Most babies begin to move in space, moving in a plastusky way. Some experts consider this stage in the development of crawling very useful for the development of crumbs. Moreover, in the process of research it was proved that children who were cautious and began to crawl, clinging to the floor before mastering the position on all fours, are more prone to exact sciences and think much better logically.

Some children tend to be very cautious, so they are afraid to lift the body from the floor, as they are afraid of falling.

How to help?

If a child crawls in a plastopian way for a long time, perhaps parents should help him overcome his fear of getting on all fours. To do this, you need a terry towel, which you need to skip under the crumbs, holding his ends with your hands. Then put the baby with this device on all fours. Thus, you will complete several tasks:

  1. Take part of the weight of the crumbs.
  2. Secure it during the fall.
  3. Help overcome the fear of his first height in life.

After several such repetitions, the baby will taste and begin to crawl on all fours. It happens that a protracted crawl in a plastusky way is caused by muscle weakness in the crumbs of the limbs. In this case, massage and gymnastics will help to solve the problem.

Doctors Recommendations

  1. If a child at 9 months crawls in a plastusky manner, measures should be taken to teach the baby to stand on all fours.
    Trying to get on all fours
  2. Try to keep the playpen to a minimum. The kid needs free space to practice the crawl skill.
  3. Play regularly with your baby. It is enough to do this several times during the day, so that the baby learns something new.
  4. Greet any attempt to master the crawl skill.
  5. If the baby does not crawl on all fours at the age of 10 months, you should seek the advice of a specialist.

Modern pediatricians believe that a child cannot skip the crawl stage. The fact is that walking, which will be mastered by the baby in the future, gives a strong load on the spine. Namely, when crawling, there is an active strengthening of the back muscles, which have a direct effect on supporting the spine in an upright position.


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