How to prune an apple tree? Gardener tips

Any gardener in his life wondered how to prune an apple tree properly . The main goals of this process are the regulation of tree growth, the formation of its crown and the increase in the number of fruits. All this leads to an increase in the quantity and quality of the crop harvested from the tree. There are several ways to trim: shortening and thinning.

how to prune an apple tree

How to prune an apple tree? Thinning

During this procedure, the main goal of the gardener becomes branches that increase the density of the crown of the tree. Usually they are broken, shrunken or damaged by various pests and diseases. Pruning these branches has a beneficial effect on the growth of the apple tree and its health. The stump from the cleaned branches should be tried to do as little as possible. Large branches are cut in several stages. To do this, first a couple of preliminary cuts are made and only after that the branch is completely removed.

how to prune an apple tree in the fall

How to prune an apple tree? Shortening

This procedure has a huge impact on all growth processes inside the tree. It is ranked depending on how long the branches were removed: weak shortening - when removing a quarter of the length, medium - when removing a third, strong - when removing a half of the length.

Slices must be performed to the kidney, which is located on the outside of the tree. This is necessary for the correct development of the crown, otherwise the new shoots will grow vertically up and have a negative effect on the plant as a whole. If everything is done correctly, then the branches will be laid out horizontally, which will lead to an increase in both the size and the number of fruits.

How to prune old apple trees?

Trees are very weak if you remove many branches at once. That is why old apple trees with a running crown need to be processed for several years, giving them shape and providing the opportunity to recover from the shocks associated with pruning. It should be remembered that dried branches must be removed, otherwise the tree may simply not heal the wounds received during the procedure. To rejuvenate the tree, it is necessary to shorten the main skeletal branches and at the same time feed the plant with an increased dose of mineral and organic fertilizers. Such practice will help him return to the fruitful phase and for many years to delight his hosts with delicious fruits.

how to prune old apple trees

How to prune an apple tree in the fall?

Young trees must be subjected to this procedure several times a year. If this is not done, then the winter hardiness of the plant and its ability to bear fruit can suffer very much. During autumn pruning, the gardener must carefully examine the tree and remove all damaged or withered branches that absorb nutrients, but are a burden for the plant. After this procedure, you don’t have to worry about the apple tree surviving the winter badly.

Anyone who is wondering about how to prune an apple tree should just watch your tree and not let its crown thicken. It should be remembered that the correct and timely thinning can not only beneficially affect the health of the plant, but also significantly increase the amount of harvest from it.


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