What is military duty? Definition, features, requirements and law. Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service"

Military service in today's Russia is the constitutional duty of many young citizens. Military service is regulated by the Federal Law "On Military Duty", which enshrines the main provisions regarding conscription, preparation for service, dismissal, etc. In this article, the presented normative act will be examined in detail.

What is the law about?

What is military duty? The answer to this question is provided in Article 1 of the Federal Law No. 53. Military registration, preparation for service, conscription, the exercise of military duties, being in the reserve, military training - all these phenomena form the concept of "military duty". Thus, the subject of the normative act under consideration is a combination of various kinds of functions and powers of a military nature.

If it is a question of mobilization or a period of martial law, then military duty is governed by individual federal laws of a constitutional nature. Such laws provide for military training, conscription and military service.

The concept of military duty should not be confused with military service. According to the law, such a service is called the type of activity of a state nature in special military units. Military service is an integral element of military duty. Both this and another phenomenon are carried out by military personnel - adult Russian citizens, information about which is stored in the military registration documentation.

On the role of the state

What is military duty? This is, first and foremost, a public service. Due to the state nature, a number of duties are entrusted to certain authorities with a view to ensuring the fulfillment of the respective duties by Russian citizens. Here it is worth highlighting:

  • notification of citizens about the call by handing in summons;
  • providing citizens with timely appearance in military registration and enlistment offices;
  • sending to the military registration and enlistment offices the relevant documentation about one or another person within two weeks.
    what is military duty

According to the Federal Law "On Military Duty", executive bodies must ensure the preparation and completion of military service by Russian citizens in a quality and timely manner.

Enforcement of military service

What measures need to be carried out for the high-quality performance by citizens of the Russian Federation of military service? According to Article 5 of the Law on Military Duty, such measures include medical diagnostics, conscription or enlistment in a contract type, admission to educational military organizations, various military training programs for people of various positions, organization of professional activities of military enlistment offices, creation of mobilization reserves etc. At the same time, the law states that the so-called contract soldiers are entitled to cash payments in the form of monthly earnings.

About military accounting

The second section of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" is devoted to the organization of military registration. What is this event? According to article 8, this is a check of citizens for compliance with the persons declared in the documentation who are fit for military service. In the Russian Federation, all citizens need to be registered with such an account. The exceptions are women, prisoners, people already on military service or exempted from it, as well as Russian citizens who have long been living outside their home state.

Federal Law on Military Duty

The procedure for the implementation of military registration is established by the federal executive body. What kind of data about citizens are requested by state bodies and local self-government bodies? According to the law, this is the date of birth, last name and first name, marital status, workplace, degree of fitness for service, education and other information.

According to article 10, any Russian citizens have certain responsibilities in the field of military registration. This is a timely appearance at the military registration and enlistment office, providing accurate information about yourself, the careful storage of military ID or temporary ID.

About preparation for military service

What is military duty? As already mentioned above, this is a whole set of actions in the military field. It is also worth highlighting the preparation for the service, which is legally regulated by Section 3 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service".

Federal Law on Military Duty and Military Service

Article eleventh refers to the preparation for compulsory service. It includes patriotic education, the acquisition of basic knowledge, training in the framework of the development of secondary general education and medical examination. In some cases, training in military specialties is implemented. According to articles 12 and 13, preparation for military service begins even from school. And this is not about going to the military commissariat, but about conducting civilian training camps. Article 14 separately regulates patriotic education. The Government here forms the program, while the regional body can supplement it.

About military conscription

Articles 22-31 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty" describe the procedure for implementing military draft. All adult men under the age of 27 years are subject to it. It is a question of both those who are on military records and those who are not, but are obliged to be.

military duty law

Citizens who are exempted from military duties, as well as persons who are granted deferment, cannot be called up for service. The call itself is realized after the release of the relevant presidential decrees.

The appeal includes a turnout for medical diagnostics and a meeting of the military enlistment office commission.

About contract service

Contracted military service is also regulated by the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service". In particular, it is worth paying attention to articles 32-35. What is a military service contract itself? This is a document that clearly indicates the terms of service, the terms of the contract, the principle of voluntary citizenship, payment, etc.

Federal Law on Military Duty and Military Service
The document itself is between a citizen and the Ministry of Defense, representing the entire state. From the moment of signing, the contract begins to operate. He ceases his work only within the time limits set in the document itself.

What are the requirements for citizens entering military service? According to article 34, this is the level of physical fitness, special education and qualification that is in accordance with the standards.

About service and dismissal

So what is military duty? Despite the fact that this is a whole set of various kinds of phenomena, in the first place - this is the very process of serving. Article 36 governs such a process in detail. According to the law, service is held in the Russian Armed Forces or state security agencies. Citizens can be sent to all other troops only by order of the head of state.

federal military duty law
Military service may include:

  • being on a business trip;
  • performance of official duties;
  • participation in exercises;
  • being on treatment;
  • passing fees;
  • imprisonment (if this is not voluntary);
  • participation in the elimination of natural disasters, etc.

Dismissal from conscription service occurs after 12 months from the beginning of the service, and for contract soldiers according to the dates specified in the concluded document.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15418/

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