Acrylic paint for outdoor woodwork: prices, reviews

Wooden houses are considered durable only under the condition of appropriate processing of materials. Otherwise, the wood will not be able to serve for a long time, and after a certain period, the replacement of individual elements or major repairs will be required. However, wooden buildings have learned to protect against negative external factors. Among the main methods, surface treatment with acrylic paints can be distinguished. However, to begin with, it is important to think about what composition is suitable for carrying out specific work, as well as what characteristics it should have.

Acrylic Reviews

acrylic paint for outdoor woodwork

Acrylic paint for outdoor woodwork has a lot of advantages, among them we can distinguish that such compounds are water-based. This indicates naturalness, which means that in the process of work the mixture will not emit an unpleasant odor. Such paint does not penetrate deep into the structure of the tree, does not clog the pores of the material, and thereby ensures good breathing to the walls. The mixture will not lose color over time, consumers really like it, which is why they choose acrylic compositions. The surface after such processing demonstrates excellent qualities of resistance to low temperatures and moisture. Home masters note that it is convenient to carry out work not only with a brush and roller. The consistency is even suitable for the use of a spray gun, which significantly speeds up the repair process. After completing manipulations on the facade or any other surface made of wood, drying takes place fairly quickly.

The negative sides of acrylic mixtures

acrylic wood paints for outdoor use

Acrylic paint for outdoor woodwork has some drawbacks, among them buyers highlight the fact that the composition is unacceptable to store at low temperatures. In such conditions, he soon becomes worthless. If you decide to prefer an import analog of the described product, then you should be prepared for the fact that its cost is quite high. According to consumers, it is necessary to observe personal safety rules when using such a composition. Be that as it may, it is a product of the chemical industry. Work is recommended to be carried out exclusively in a mask and gloves, while the first should cover the entire face completely. You should protect yourself from contact with the eyes, since acrylic can irritate the mucous membrane. 0.04 milligrams of paint is already dangerous. If the work is supposed to be carried out indoors, then it is imperative to provide good ventilation. In this case, it will be necessary to take into account the maximum permissible concentration of vapor composition in the air, which should not exceed 5 milligrams per cubic meter.

Features of use

acrylic wood paints for outdoor use Price

After acquiring the paint, you can immediately begin to use it, however, if there is a need to correct the color of the composition, then this can be done with the help of appropriate colors. Acrylic paints for wood for outdoor work do not in themselves need preparation, which cannot be said about the treated surfaces. It is necessary to dry them well first, to plug in all towels that are available on the basis of the gap, which must be impregnated with adhesive. The next step is to primer the areas that have been processed. Then you should do disinfection of surfaces. Such manipulations must be carried out even when the acrylic composition has antiseptic substances among the ingredients.

Primer and finishing work

wood acrylic paint for outdoor work tikkuril

Then the surface should be completely primed. While the base will dry, you can experiment with shades of the coloring composition. Next, acrylic paint is applied for outdoor woodwork. The first layer should be thicker. After applying it, wait approximately 80 hours. The second layer should be more liquid, it needs to wait for 150 hours to dry. It is recommended not to carry out further work during the week.

Acrylic primer

acrylic paint for wood outdoor works reviews

So, of all the types of finishing work you have to outdoor. Paint on wood should be applied to the primer. It is better to use a 100 percent acrylic composition for such preparation. It is necessary so that no stains form on the surface, and also so that the base is strong and free from traces of dirt and dust. Such mixtures are universal, this indicates that they can be used not only outside but also indoors. Before applying the primer, the surface must be freed from wax, oil, and also grease.

The façade or other workpieces must not have any old finishes. Acrylic paint for wood for outdoor work, reviews of which, as a rule, are only positive, can be applied to glossy surfaces that must first be processed with sandpaper. Primary drying occurs within an hour, while between two layers of primer it will be necessary to wait an interval of 2 hours. Depending on which surface you have to work with, 4 liters of composition will be enough for 25 square meters. Do not start manipulating if the thermometer has dropped below +2 degrees, humidity should not be too high.

Features of the work

wood exterior paint

It is unacceptable to allow water on the surface to dry when the primer dries. Before acrylic paint is applied for outdoor woodwork, it is necessary to prepare the base using the primer method. The composition must first be mixed in water. In this case, you can use the ratio of 120 milliliters of water per can, the volume of which is 4 liters. If for some reason the primer does not gain strength for a long time, which is due to increased humidity, it must be removed as soon as possible from the surface using warm water and soap.

The cost of acrylic compounds

Acrylic paints for wood for outdoor use, the price of which can vary from 200 rubles per 1 kg, have different quality characteristics. On the market of building materials, you can find compounds, the cost of which reaches 500 rubles per 1 kg. If we compare this parameter with alkyd paints, then the price of acrylic will be more. Alkyd funds can be purchased at a cost of up to 100 rubles per 1 kg.


Acrylic paints on wood for outdoor use benefit in many ways. Among them, there can be noted the absence of an unpleasant odor after completion of work, quick drying, and also insignificant vapor permeability. As for the last parameter, thanks to it the composition can be used even for application to mineral and organic bases. This feature can not boast of oil analogues. Acrylic paint on wood for outdoor works "Tikkurila", for example, has high durability. After painting, the house looks very beautiful, the composition retains freshness throughout the entire period of operation.


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