Orthoboric acid: application, properties, benefits

Each person will probably find in the medicine cabinet such a substance as orthoboric acid. Many use it as a cosmetic or medicine. But it is extremely important to understand what is the difference between boric alcohol and acid. It is necessary to better understand this topic in order to avoid health problems and to use each substance as intended.

What is this?

Orthoboric acid is primarily a crystalline substance from which a solution is subsequently prepared. This compound is a weak acid. The chemical formula of orthoboric acid: H 3 BO 3 . This compound is limitedly soluble in cold water. But the solubility of orthoboric acid increases when heated. For example, the solubility of this compound at 0 degrees Celsius is 2.66 g per 100 g of water, and at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius it is possible to dissolve already 39.7 g of the substance.

orthoboric acid powder

And also the solubility of orthoboric acid depends on the type of solvent. If these are mineral acids, then the compound reacts poorly with them, and, for example, it dissolves much better in salt solutions. Orthoboric acid can be dissolved in monohydric and polyhydric alcohols. And also pretty good solvents for this compound are acetone and pyridine. It must be added that orthoboric and boric acid are different names for the same substance.

Being in nature

Orthoboric acid in nature is found in a mineral called sassolin. In addition, this compound was found in thermal waters. Orthoboric acid is obtained from them. For this, extraction is carried out using alcohols. And another production method is also possible, for example using sorbents of inorganic and organic nature.

boric acid flakes

Ionic form

Orthoboric acid has weak electrolytic properties. If you act on a solution in water with this compound by electric current, then electrolytic dissociation into ions will occur. The equation of this process is: H 3 BO 3 ⇆ 3H + + BO 3 3- . In this case, BO 3 3- is the acid residue of orthoboric acid. Due to such dissociation and the presence of an acid residue, the acid is able to form salts with basic compounds.


Orthoboric acid is widely used in various fields. In industry, it is used to produce borosilicate glass. Its main feature is that it exhibits greater stability in the face of a sharp change in temperature.

And also this compound finds its application in the production of various paints and varnishes, cement, dyes, cosmetics, medicines, etc. In addition, orthoboric acid is used as a corrosion inhibitor, which is necessary at various enterprises. And also acid is used as fertilizer for plants.

Healthy mineral water

This compound finds its application in laboratory practice: it is used for the preparation of buffer solutions. Phosphoric acid is often used in treatment, as it has antiseptic properties. That is why there are various forms of acid release. In addition to a simple solution, it can be ointments, powders, creams, various pastes. Acid also finds its application in the food industry. You can find it by the number E284. Acid is used as a preservative.

Use in medical practice

Orthoboric acid is used in the treatment of various diseases, its main advantages are antiseptic properties. The substance has several forms of release. But each drug, presented in its form, must be used and stored correctly. For example, a powder form must be prepared only before use.

Orthoboric acid is used to treat conjunctivitis, in cases when most of the skin is affected by infectious diseases, with inflammation of the ears and mucous membranes.


Acne Control

Orthoboric acid is an excellent aid in the fight against acne. Moreover, the price of this tool is minimal. But before using this acid for cosmetic purposes, it is necessary to consult a specialist and make sure that there is no sensitivity to the components of the solution so that an allergic reaction does not occur in the future.

For the treatment of acne, it is necessary to wipe the affected areas of the skin with a small amount of orthoboric acid using a cotton pad. And it is also possible to apply acid pointwise with a cotton swab. This tool helps to cope with unwanted acne, as it dries the skin a little, exhibits bactericidal properties and relieves severe inflammation.

Use in mineral water

Healing mineral waters contain a huge amount of mineral compounds that are so needed by the human body. It is worth noting that they should be consumed either exclusively for medicinal purposes, or irregularly to maintain good health.

mineral water

But before consuming medicinal water, it is imperative to consult with appropriate specialists. In addition to such substances as iodine, iron, various organic compounds, mineral waters also contain boron, which is converted to boric acid. Orthoboric acid in mineral waters can be contained in amounts from 35 to 60 mg per liter of water.

This compound is widely used in human life, but it should be handled carefully so that it is exclusively for the benefit of health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15440/

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