Description of hares: lifestyle and behavior

In the vast expanses of Russia there is a huge number of hares. This number is explained by the characteristics of the reproductive system: the female gives birth 3-5 times a year, in each offspring - up to 11 cubs. The description of individual hares will have features, but in general their lifestyle is similar. These animals are a favorite hunting object. At every turn, animals face dangers and difficulties.

The following species are widespread: sandstone, Manchurian, white hare and brown hare. Description of the behavior of animals is very interesting and informative.

How are hares protected?

Small creatures - the object of prey not only hunters, but also predators. What remedies do hares use? Help them in this dexterity and speed. Animals can cunningly confuse traces, moving away from predators. The ability to hide in shelter saves them from an inattentive pursuer. Twice a year after molting, the color of their hair changes: gray fur makes them invisible against the background of stones and vegetation in summer, and white - against the background of snow cover in winter.

The description of hares will not be complete, if not to say that the sweat glands in animals are poorly developed. This feature allows them to hide better. For this reason, hares quickly overheat in the sun and during the chase. Save their long ears, covered with a network of capillaries. Blood running through them gives off heat to the surrounding air.

How is the hare physically protected? A brief description of the battle looks simple: the beast falls on its back and makes powerful blows to the enemy with its hind limbs. So he acts only in a hopeless situation, when it was not possible to escape from the predator. Not always the hare emerges victorious from a deadly battle, but sometimes he manages to drive off the attacker.

hare description

How rabbits run away

A brief description of rabbits cannot be imagined without mentioning their ability to flee. When danger appears, the animal freezes, hoping that it will not be noticed or bypassed. Laying lasts to the last, the hare’s nerves are iron. When the disguise did not help, he starts to run away at a speed of up to 50 km / h. Long hind limbs help him quickly climb up the hill. Descent is given to the animal more difficult, so it often just rolls head over heels.

Trying to hide from the chase, the hare is constantly cunning. Having come off a certain distance, he does the following:

  • comes back in its wake a little back and leaves in another direction;
  • repeats the previous option, “building” the track;
  • makes a leap as far as possible to the side, breaking the track.

Such "tricks" confuse the pursuer, forcing them to waste time unraveling the chain of tracks. Having received a head start, the hare is cunning again. During this time, he manages to get far from the pursuer. If the predator is already breathing in the back of the head, the hare jumps up a hill, jumps into a pond, disappears into the bushes or speeds up on a cleared road.

short description of hares


The food of hares is low-calorie and consists of bark, young shoots, leaves and grass. As soon as it begins to get dark, animals go in search of food. Most of them move along the explored route, bypassing their territory. The digestive system is adapted to a lot of coarse plant foods.

hare short description


In nature, not many individuals manage to live to the age of two. Therefore, they, like other small animals, have only one way out - to try to give birth to as many cubs as possible. In favorable conditions, rabbits bring up to 5 litters per year. In each of them, from 2 to 8 rabbits. By 1 year they are already able to breed.

Bunnies take care of the offspring in an active form. Description of hares and their relationship with offspring look ambiguous. In one case, the mother does not move far from the hare, regularly feeds and protects them. In case of danger, she forces the predator to follow her, depicting a wounded or sick animal. Other observations show that the hare leaves offspring in a shelter and leaves. Before that, she will feed the cubs well with milk. Upon returning, the mother will again give food to the hares. Another female can do this, because they do not distinguish between the cubs.

The male takes an active part in protecting offspring from predators. The description of hares and their behavior clearly indicates that they are caring parents. In the light, cubs appear developed and able to see. Fast-growing hares already a few days after birth begin to eat soft grass.

crochet hare description

Crochet Hare : Description

You can tie a little hare with your own hands. This will require knowledge of the basics of crocheting. They begin with tying out certain parts of the body of a pear-shaped: body, front and hind legs. The head should be egg-shaped. Ears are knitted flat and elongated. All parts of the body are collected using thread and a needle. After the animal is ready, eyes from beads and a nose are sewn to the muzzle.


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