“From life we ​​compose prose”, or What is a verse

Any thing that exists in the Universe can be described with the help of feelings, emotions, physical laws and phenomena, rumors, stories and other things. But, going back to antiquity, you can find out that most of the texts had rhymed lines in one way or another, and even the entire text was written entirely in verse. Speaking of antiquity, it is simply impossible not to mention the well-known ancient Greek epic poems “Iliad” and “Odyssey”, which belong to the hand of the great ancient Greek poet Homer, which are fully framed in the form of a collection of hexameters - this was the antique measure for measuring any verse that consisted of six meters. It is worth noting that the hexameter was one of the most used sizes in ancient poetry.

what is a verse


For a person who does not have a clue what a verse is, the meaning and need to create rhymes for words, the need to connect endings, and so on, will hardly reach. We begin our excavations with the knowledge of the concept of "verse", starting from the very, we can say, the primary source - the definition. A verse is a text divided into certain columns according to an established rhythmic image. More professionally, this is a sequence of rhythmic, rhymed syllables (within two to five), which are combined into the so-called foot. Some sequence of feet (namely, in the interval from four to eleven), in turn, forms the desired verse.

What is the theme of the verse

Having examined the very definition of a verse just a little , one can naturally wonder what topics can be chosen for verses, what is the reason for the appearance of verses. I note right away that this was not noticed by all-knowing British scientists, but by people who lived long before things like the computer and, of course, the Internet. Even before people studied writing, they noticed that any tales and stories are much easier to learn and remember when they are transmitted using poems, using rhyme. Even in those days, people began to understand what a verse is, how it can be used.

There are many poems and songs based on one truth - there should be no reason for writing poems. We begin to speak the language of great poets at those moments when our consciousness suddenly realizes the world in something different. This is the ability of our heart and head to work in excellent symbiosis.

Based on the conclusion that there is no reason for the verse, and that it can appear at any moment, it is logical to continue and affirmatively note that the theme for the poem can be any case that impressed you, any thing that made your brain think. Often, problems that worry society at this stage are chosen: it can be repression, war, or some significant event, whether it be New Year's or autumn harvest. Some poets, moving away from the earthly world, tried in prose to find answers to many eternal questions, reasoning and wondering if these answers exist.

what is the size of the verse

Verse size

Having gone far in understanding the meaning of “what is a verse”, let us move on to a more detailed analysis of its components, thanks to which we are able to compare one verse with another, assessing its complexity. Do not think that words like iambic, trochee, etc., should scare you. Synchrophasotron - from this word you can still expect problems, but not from literary terms, they, along with scientific terms, also have their own share of logic and consistency, which you can fully grasp and “adopt”. So what is the size of the verse?

Poems, in essence, have two main sizes: monosyllabic (brachycolon) and, accordingly, two-syllable (trochee, iambic, logaed). Of course, there are others: anapaest, dactyl, amphibrach, dohmiy, but this, as they say, is left to higher minds. We will analyze the most common.

Brachycolon is the size of a verse that contains a word in each foot, and this word should consist of only one syllable. Examples of words are obvious - shadow, mother, key, cancer, stove, and so on.

Chorea is a poetic dimension in which the emphasis is only on the first syllable in each foot. In other words, only the first, third, fifth, etc., will be drums in a string. syllables.

Yamb - the size of a poem with an emphasis on the last syllable in each foot. That is, the second, fourth, etc. syllables.

what is white verse

Blank verse

In the work of poets, times have come and come when you want to try something new in your work, and then one of the assistants comes a white verse - a verse that is written without rhyme, but it still has a strictly defined poetic size. Some lovers of poetic works have a question about what a white verse is. In modern times, there has been a significant decline in the use of this form, especially in Russian poetry. What is a white verse? A piece without rhyme!

what is the theme of the verse

Historic Verse

Do not forget that for many centuries the verse expressed the problems of society living in a certain period, emphasizing them, clinging to the living. Thanks to the use of poems, it was possible to hurt the feelings of society, to show people the right path, to suggest. Until now, poets who write wonderful works of art in the form of poems will remain significant among all people and will be revered due to their ability to exert an immaterial effect on the consciousness and souls of ordinary people through the problems of the material world or their joys. At the hearing of society, such great poets of past years as Shakespeare, Pushkin, Akhmatova and so on are still spinning. And without fear, we can assume that these and other figures of their time will never go into oblivion. What is a verse? This is truly a miraculous monument!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15444/

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