Larch on the stem: planting and care features

Creating cosiness and beauty on your site, do not forget about conifers. They have a special attractive beauty and charm. And if you apply a standard form of cultivation to a tree, then the garden plot will be unusual for the envy and surprise of all neighbors.

larch on the stem

Larch on the stem is perfection itself. Not everyone has such beauty. So there is an opportunity with the help of such a decorative tree to make your site unique.

Larch characteristic

Larch is the only coniferous tree in our area that sheds needles by the winter season.

The color of the needles is mostly green. During the season, larch changes color three times. In spring, light green needles wake up, which in summer acquire an already dark noble shade. And in the fall, larch pleases the eye with a bright yellow outfit with a rich golden tint. Of course, there are atypical species, such as blue larch. The needles of the tree are soft, fluffy to the touch, with an average length of up to 3 cm.

weeping larch on the stem

The tree itself is quite strong, stable, not capricious. He loves well-consecrated places and fertile soil.

Larch species

Larch trees come in various heights and crown shapes.

The main types of larch:

  • European
  • Siberian
  • Japanese

Larch can reach 50 meters in height. Despite the statics and power of such a tree, it is usually not possible to see it on garden plots due to its large size. There are dwarf varieties of larch. The most rational option are varietal species of larch.

Stacked species are not so great. The length of the tree depends on the height of the vaccine. The larch crown on the stem may be different. It all depends on desire and imagination. The most common forms are spherical, columnar and, of course, weeping. The latter is gaining popularity more and more.

There are a lot of species of larch on the stamp. Quite common varieties are Pendula larch, and among Japanese larch , Diana is preferred.

There are other popular varieties:

  • Western larch.
  • American
  • Lubarsky.
  • European.
  • Bullets

You can choose the desired variety that meets all the necessary criteria and tastes.

Description of common varieties

European larch on the stem is widespread. And quite often it is used in the decoration of plots.

European larch on the stem

The European species of larch has several varieties: Repens, Kornik and many others.

Pendula finely larch has a weeping crown shape. It is characterized by slow growth, which allows for a long time to maintain a decorative, decent appearance. The height of the tree basically reaches up to 10 m no more.

Weeping larch on the stem looks just great. Crohn is rich, fluffy. Pendula branches hang down to the ground and spread a rich green carpet.

larch pendula

The needles of this variety are tender, soft. The color is green with a blue tint.

The tree is unpretentious. In landscape design, it looks beautiful and harmonious.

Larch Diana on the stem attracts attention with its unusual branches. Shoots have a spiral shape. Curly twigs gracefully flow to the ground. An impressive decoration of the larch on the stem are bright pink cones.

larch Diana on the stem

The height of the tree varies from 8 to 10 cm.

Larch bark also stands out, having a red-brown color.

Such a plant is certainly worthy of admiring glances. Weeping larch on the stem will be pleasing to the eye and amaze with its unusualness.

Conditions for planting larch

Having acquired such a wonderful ornamental plant, it is worth considering the time and rules of planting. Otherwise, instead of joy, you can get poorly growing or dead larch.

You need to choose a place deliberately. Such a tree is very difficult to transplant, and there is a high probability of plant death.

Planting larch on the stem requires attention and preparation. First you need to decide on the landing time. The best period is considered to be early spring or the first part of autumn.

It is better to choose a sunny place for planting. But partial shade is also quite suitable.

Larch respects light, well-drained soil. Sand is not suitable for growing a decorative tree. But larch trees, in principle, are quite unpretentious trees.

It is worth considering that a swampy place will be disastrous for decorative larch. When planting, it is advisable to consider the remoteness of groundwater.

Larch Care

Caring for decorative larch is not too time-consuming. Even for beginners it will be quite simple.

It is only necessary to take into account the basic rules of care:

  1. Watering a tree. Adult larch can easily tolerate short drought. But young trees need periodic watering. Do not allow the soil to dry out. In this case, the plant will look lethargic, and the greens will look dull.
  2. At first, do not neglect the top dressing of the tree. Especially in the period of active growth. A growing, growing larch needs phosphorus fertilizers with the addition of potassium.
  3. Do not allow the spread and prevalence of weeds near the trunk of the larch. The soil needs to be loosened so that the root system develops well.
  4. The first larch is best covered in burlap larch with burlap.

Experienced gardeners recommend mulching the soil for its fertility and looseness.

Many gardeners process seedlings from pests. But this is more for prevention. Larch usually has good immunity.

Observing the usual methods of care, you can achieve excellent results, create a whole collection of larch trees in your garden.

Breeding methods

Reproduction of decorative larch is a rather difficult process. And not everyone can succeed the first time.

It is easier, of course, to buy seedlings in a nursery. But many people like to experiment.

Larch propagation can mainly be done in two ways:

  • by seeds;
  • cuttings.

To use the first method, you need to collect ripe cones. Pull out the seeds and soak them in water for up to 2 weeks. After the seeds are placed in a container of wet sand to a depth of 5 mm. And leave them alone until next year. The only thing you need to make sure that the sand remains wet all the time.

Plant seedlings in the open ground in spring, after tangible warming. But it’s better to keep them in greenhouse conditions for another year, planting seedlings in spacious containers.

Cutting is a method more complicated than the previous one. This method is used mainly in nurseries.

Crown formation

To achieve the desired beauty, the condition of the crown must be periodically monitored. Formation should be carried out once a month or a half. To grow new shoots, tree branches are shortened. Trimming should be done carefully. Do not get too carried away.

Decorative Benefits of Weeping Larch

When growing larch on its stem on its plot, it does not require much effort. But what a beautiful view you can create in your environment.

larch planting on the stem

You can create a wide variety of compositions. Decorative larch will elegantly look alone on the lawn. Among the flower beds, the larch on the stem will look like the base of floral decoration. Larch is decorative and fits perfectly in the design of the alpine hill.

Looks great composition from various varieties of European and Japanese larch.


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