Rubber-soled boots are very practical

National Russian clothes - felt boots. This shoe looks clumsy and funny, but, oddly enough, it is very functional. About thirty years ago, all the kids walked in felt boots almost to school. The same small galoshes were put on tiny felt boots - very comfortable shoes turned out. What are boots?

rubber sole boots

These shoes are made of wool. Moreover, no synthetic materials can, in principle, be added, because then the structure of the material itself will change.

The wool is felted, and as a result, it is so compacted that it can be used for making shoes. Boots made of wool are, of course, water-permeable, and therefore galoshes were previously worn on them, but now they themselves often make rubber boots on rubber soles.

What are the advantages of boots?

Made of wool, rubber-soled boots are breathable. They never sweat a foot. Despite the fact that wool is a water-permeable material, rubber-soled felt boots barely let water through. If you put them on in a light thaw and carry them for several hours through the volga snow, your legs will remain dry and warm, and the material of the felt boots will absorb a lot of moisture.

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Any boots, even the most reliable company, will not stand several hours of walking in deep snowdrifts. Any skin will not be able to absorb any significant amount of water, so moisture will certainly get to the foot in a couple of hours. And in the boots between the leg and the snowdrift - reliable hygroscopic material.

Rubber-soled boots can be bought at the beginning of the season or in specialized stores year-round. And they cost not at all expensive, much cheaper than the boots of popular firms.

Boots were forgotten around the end of the eighties, when even children began to wear boots. After foreign goods massively penetrated into our country, the products of which only firms and manufacturers did not try to wear its population! And Italian shoes were in honor until they realized that they are completely unsuitable for our climate, and Belarusian. Finnish boots with rubber soles appeared recently, a few years ago. And almost immediately, people appreciated their functionality. The kid does not need to tie and fasten anything: he put his leg in and went on - warm, they don’t get wet. Such children's boots with rubber soles are half of the children from kindergarten.

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But manufacturers of felted shoes also intensified. Organize exhibitions and workshops. With galoshes, felt boots are no longer worn, more often the sole of the felt boots is made of rubber - this is both more convenient and aesthetically pleasing. The result is no longer a shapeless felt boot, but a very interesting boot. And even its color is now not necessarily gloomy gray. Felt boots made of white wool, make them differently colored. On light boots apply patterns, small pictures. Soles for such a felt boots are now made, taking into account all the orthopedic rules.

Rubber-soled boots - comfortable and practical shoes, it suits our climate almost perfectly. Low price makes it affordable.


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