Tomato "pink honey": variety description, photo, crop reviews

It seems impossible to meet a man who does not like tomatoes. Today, there are so many varieties of tomatoes that it is not difficult to satisfy the tastes of everyone. But some still do not like the acidity inherent in this vegetable.

Tomato "pink honey", description of the variety, photo, reviews
These gourmets should turn their attention to the pink honey tomato variety.

Basic information

Tomato “pink honey” describes the variety (photos and reviews hereinafter) as a medium-late-ripening culture. In order to try its fleshy and juicy fruits, you will need to wait about 110-115 days. This variety was bred by Novosibirsk breeders; therefore, the optimal climate for it is the southern part of Siberia and the middle climatic zone. A very important nuance for many gardeners is the fact that the variety is not hybrid, which means that its seeds can be safely collected for planting next year. For some, this is considered a minus, because hybrid varieties are more resistant to disease.

Appearance and taste

The tomato bush does not grow above 1 meter, since the plant is determinant. There are always very few leaves on the stems, so many may think that the culture suffers from infection. In fact, these are the features of the variety, as well as the opportunity to get the first fruits weighing one and a half kilograms!

Tomato variety "pink honey", description
In general, the description of the tomato variety "pink honey" is fully consistent with its name. Absolutely all fruits with proper agricultural technology have a sweet honey taste, without sourness, and the pulp is always sugary and dense. Fruits are multi-chamber and round-heart-shaped.

Productivity of a variety from 1 bush is up to 6 kg. Each plant is able to form about 10 full-fledged ovaries, but only the first fruits can boast of gigantic sizes. The rest gradually reduce weight, but not lower than 500 grams.

Features of the fruit

Tomato "Pink honey", the photo is a vivid confirmation of this, has a very thin skin.

"Pink honey" tomato photo
This is the main reason that the fruits are not suitable for conservation in general. Of course, without this, putting a tomato weighing 1 kg into a jar is not easy.

The thin peel of the fruits classifies the variety as salad, although tomatoes are excellent for processing into juice, sauces or dressings. Tomatoes are poorly transported and are stored in a torn form for a short time.

Where to grow?

In fact, the variety is universal in this matter and will feel great both in open ground conditions and in greenhouses. If desired, you can grow a bush of tomatoes in your window or under temporary shelter. Nutrient mixtures should be selected as soil, but straw bales can also be used. The main thing is that strong seedlings are prepared for this, only then the culture can please the gardener with large and tasty fruits. Experienced summer residents in this matter say that it is best to grow it yourself, this will guarantee a high-quality planting material.

Seed preparation and sowing

Tomato "Pink Honey" reviews recommend sowing for open ground in mid-March, and for greenhouse cultivation in late February or early spring. Since the variety is prone to various infections, planting material should first be disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for at least a third of an hour. After this, it is advisable to rinse the seeds and treat them with special growth stimulants, which will increase the percentage of germination and speed up this process. Between these two procedures, if desired, you can harden the seeds, leaving them overnight in the refrigerator.

Prepared seed material should be placed in pre-sanitized containers with a vegetable soil mixture. If desired, peat, soddy soil and humus can be mixed in equal parts on their own. It is very important that the seed container is in a place with a temperature of 22-25 degrees and moderate humidity.

Picking seedlings

Tomato "pink honey" (variety description, photos, reviews are described in the article) can be dived in a week, as a pair of real leaves appear on its sprouts.

Pink honey tomato reviews
At this stage, you can seedling seedlings in separate containers or placed in the same general box, but at a distance of 8 cm from each other. In order for the sprouts to grow faster, they are fed 14 and 21 days after the dive, and when the threat of frost completely disappears, they can be safely transplanted to a permanent place of growth in open ground.

Permanent landing

Tomato "Pink honey" description recommends planting in the ground, observing the rules of crop rotation. The best precursors for tomatoes are legumes, radishes, cabbage, garlic, onions, carrots, wheat. Do not plant seedlings where nightshade cultivated last season, as they take nutrients necessary for the tomato from the soil and can infect the soil with dangerous diseases.

The tomato bush, although small, should be planted according to the scheme of 50 cm by 40 cm so that the plant has enough nutrition. If the temperature at night during flowering drops below 15 degrees, then the culture can stop the further formation of fruits.

Growth Care

Agrotechnical measures for almost all varieties of tomatoes are the same, and tomato "pink honey", a description of the variety, photos, reviews of which are described in this material, refers to this list.

The increased resistance of the crop to drought does not mean that bushes can be watered at all. This feature only indicates that irrigation of the site should be carried out when the soil is completely dry. In the hot summer, this happens a couple of times a week, and it is very important, as noted in the reviews, at this time to water the tomatoes as abundantly as possible. Under each bush, you need to pour at least 10 liters of water and preferably in the early morning. The fact is that evening watering often provokes the appearance of fungal diseases, as well as moisture on the stem and leaves of the culture. For prevention purposes, once a liter of weak manganese solution for each bush can be added to water for irrigation.

The best fertilizers for tomatoes throughout the growth period are potash and phosphorus mixtures. The taste of ripe fruits directly depends on a sufficient number of these elements. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied with caution so that the plant does not begin to increase green mass at the expense of the crop. Great for this organic: mullein or infusion of chicken manure.

In order for the quantity and quality of tomato fruits to meet the declared characteristics, stepsons in the bush should be removed in a timely manner, leaving only 1-2 full stems. Experienced gardeners say that additional pollination will help increase the number of ovaries. To do this, periodically lightly shake the inflorescences manually on each bush.

Despite the fact that the plant does not grow too tall, its large fruits create the need for garter of each bush.

"Pink honey" tomato, description

Greenhouses with tomatoes should be regularly ventilated so that humidity and temperature do not rise. When the heat is more than 35 degrees, the fruit ovary stops.

Features ripened vegetables

Tomato "pink honey" (with the description of the variety, photos and reviews you are now familiar with) is usually evenly colored, but some fruits may still have green spots near the stalk.

Tomato variety "pink honey"
This happens when the tomato plot is located in a very bright place. To eliminate the defect, it is enough to put the ripped fruit on ripening next to evenly colored.

In general, reviews about this variety of tomatoes from gardeners are positive. Everyone is attracted by the size and taste of ripe fruits. Very good yield. The downside is only poor resistance to infections.


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