Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy, "Viper": a summary of the story

The action of the story is based on real events. The prototype of her heroine was the acquaintance of A. Tolstoy, who earnestly supported the Bolshevik regime. A young girl from a good family who found herself in a bloody revolutionary meat grinder. About the summary of Tolstoy's Viper read in this article.

Book cover

Chapter i

It tells how the heroine of the story Olga Vyacheslavovna Zotova came to surrender to the police. She committed a crime and was completely not going to conceal it.

Oddly enough, but the story begins from the end. And the first chapter of Tolstoy's "Viper", a brief summary of which is described in this article, provides scope for the reader’s imagination. What sentence was pronounced on a young girl, everyone can think out independently.

About girl's life

The second chapter of the story opens before the readers the life of Olga Vyacheslavovna. It is noteworthy that the author calls the heroine only by name and patronymic and never just Olya.

Her life was divided into before and after. The young lady, the daughter of an Old Believer merchant, lived in Kazan with her parents. Girl hobbies and dreams did not pass the beauty. What did the young people dream about? About a happy family life, a handsome husband, elegant clothes. Most likely, Olga Vyacheslavovna would marry a blond merchant, give birth to children, and spend her weekdays drinking tea with her friend-friends and discussing some female topics.

But fate decreed otherwise, the beauties killed the parents, set the house on fire, and managed to save the girl herself. She was only seventeen years old when she went to prison for defamation. And her killer of her parents, the former high school student Valka, slandered.

After reading the summary of "Vipers" (A. N. Tolstoy its author), it becomes a pity for this young, life-mutilated beauty. Her fate did not end in prison, the front was waiting for Olga Vyacheslavovna.

Front Weekdays

Two months in prison - is it a lot or a little? Olga Vyacheslavovna did not think about this issue, she simply analyzed her previous life, being in prison. And she realized how childhood dreams were, how naively the beauty looked at this world. In the soul of the young person anger flared up on herself, she suffered until she almost died.

The Reds broke into the city and shot all the prisoners. The same Valka who shot her parents shot at Olga Vyacheslavovna. But the girl was very tenacious, she was found among the dead cavalryman by the name of Emelyanov. He sends the girl to be treated, and she falls in love with her savior.

Emelyanov undertakes to teach Olga Vyacheslavovna the wisdom of the cavalry, the possession of the saber. And the young beauty established herself as a talented student, she dealt with a horse so famously that Emelyanova was breathtaking. He perfectly mastered the checker, but the force of the blow was insufficient. For all its merits, Olga Vyacheslavovna was a girl, fragile and thin. And the force for a saber strike needs a big one, and it lies in the shoulders.

Musical performance

The young lady followed her beloved to the front. She was enrolled in the cavalry squadron of his regiment and simply turned the heads of men. But the beautiful Olga was distinguished by a strict disposition, being in a male society, she managed to maintain her virgin purity. Rumors circulated that the beauty was Emelyanov’s wife, although this was a lie.

A loved one died during the breakthrough of enemy rear. Olga Vyacheslavovna was seriously wounded, was in the infirmary, and barely recovering, she again went to the front. She has visited all corners of the country. When the war ended, the beauty turned 23 years old.

The summary of the story "The Viper" (Tolstoy A. N. - author) does not so clearly reveal the essence of Olga Vyacheslavovna as a genuine work. This girl was nicknamed the Viper for her vitality. Later, having lost her beloved, she became hardened, embittered, and ceased to resemble a young woman.

Milo Viper

Communal Massacre

The war ended, Olga Vyacheslavovna settled in one of the Moscow communal apartments. Female neighbors disliked the former front-line soldier. Frankly, judging by the brief content of Tolstoy's "Viper", the main character simply could not be a full-fledged woman. She completely did not monitor her appearance until a certain point.

The time has come, Olga Vyacheslavovna served as secretary in one institution. Here she fell in love with her own boss and decided to confess her feelings. But the boss was extremely squeamish about the recognition of the girl, because one of her worst enemies - a neighbor in the communal apartment Sonia, who worked in the same institution - slandered the front-line girl. She stated that she was confused at the front with everyone who wanted it. Sonia herself married the boss, about which she told Olga, accusing her of easy behavior and sexually transmitted diseases.

And here, in a brief summary of Tolstoy’s “Viper”, A. N. should be said that Olga Vyacheslavovna broke through. She shot Sonya in the face, and then, realizing what she had done, she went to surrender to the police, as described in the first chapter.

theatrical performance


We have analyzed a brief summary of the chapters of the "Viper" by A. Tolstoy. The story is very difficult, it reveals an unpleasant attitude towards a front-line woman.


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