Joints between tiles and laminate: an overview of joining methods

In one house, they rarely lay the same flooring in all rooms. Moreover, more and more often you can see that in the same room 2 different materials are used, for example, tiles and laminate in the kitchen. However, some difficulties arise. For example, how to connect them so that it is beautiful and at the same time convenient? Inaccurate joints between tiles and laminate can spoil any interior.

joint between tile and laminate

When a combination is needed

Each material performs its function: the carpet softens the blows in the nursery, the parquet makes the room more presentable, the tiles are not afraid of water, therefore they are laid in the bathroom, etc. Using different coatings in one room allows you to divide it into zones or get a floor, ideally suitable for certain conditions.

The combination of tiles and laminate in the kitchen is justified. Ceramics are more practical and wear-resistant, it is not afraid of dampness, so it is advisable to use this material in the cooking zone. Laminated panels are undesirable to wet strongly. But such a coating looks aesthetically pleasing and very pleasant to the touch, so it is customary to lay it in the dining area.

joints between tiles and laminate photo

Tile in the hallway, where there is always a lot of dirt and damp, is also very appropriate. However, in the corridor it is more advisable to lay a laminate.

Thus, a combination of different coatings will allow you to get the perfect floor. However, the joint between the tile and the laminate needs to be closed somehow. There are several design options.

Types of Docking

Before you start laying tiles and laminate, you should decide where the border between them will be and what shape it will be. You can connect two different materials on the floor in two ways: rectilinear and wavy. Each of them has its own scope and some features.

Straight junction

It looks logical in doorways and arches, it is used to divide the room into zones or to design corner joints. For example, the joint between the tile and the laminate in the corridor when moving into the room. It fits organically into the atmosphere if it passes through the center of the room. The width of the gap between the coatings should not exceed 5 mm, otherwise it will be difficult to hide.

joint between tile and laminate with door sill

It is best to use a nut to make a straight junction. It will look good, and will also mask all minor bumps, including those that may appear when trimming material by a layman. Flooring should be on the same level.

Wave joint

Significantly more difficult to perform. It may be needed when zoning the room or when projecting the lines of the stretch ceiling on the floor. It can also be used to create a β€œpath” through the room. This is an original design decision when the interior uses wave-like joints between tiles and laminate. The photo shows how interesting and aesthetically pleasing they look.

joint between tile and laminate with a bend

It is necessary to complete the joint of the original form using a template that can be cut out of cardboard or other dense material. Paper will not work because of its fragility. You can use a jigsaw to trim the laminate, and a grinder with a diamond wheel for tiles . If the shape is very complex, then a diamond string may be needed. Therefore, you should immediately soberly assess your strength.


This is one of the simplest and at the same time aesthetic ways to mask the joints between tiles and laminate. It is possible to use a threshold for both single-level connections and for differences in height. This element can be made of aluminum, wood or plastic. Metal is the most durable material, resistant to various aggressive influences.

Powders can be straight and curved (for the design of curved joints). There are also flexible strips that can take the necessary shape. They are made of aluminum or plastic, but they have a rubber base. Only wooden sills cannot bend.

joints between tiles and laminate

Installing the connecting elements is quite simple: just screw them on the dowels. There are 2 types of installation: hidden (when the decorative strip closes the fasteners) and open (when everything is visible).

The joint between the tile and the laminate with the threshold not only improves the appearance of the floor, but also closes the gaps, preventing dirt and dust from entering them. Also, it does not allow to delaminate and peel off at the edges of floor materials.

Joint between tile and laminate without a door sill

Fastening without adapter elements requires great accuracy and accuracy. It is advisable to use this method when it is necessary to perform a curly connection.

First, the tile is laid in such a way that it slightly extends beyond the docking line. Following the overlap, the laminate is laid. Next, the junction line is marked. To make it perfectly smooth, it is advisable to use a template and circle it. After marking, the protruding elements of the floor coverings will have to be removed so that it is convenient to cut them.

joint between tile and laminate in the hallway

When the materials are ready, they must be carefully put in place. In this case, the substrate should be removed from the laminate (approximately 10 cm from the joint) to level it with the tile. To avoid subsequent shifts, both floor coverings must be carefully glued at the joints. After completing all the procedures, you need to clean the seams and wipe them. The joints between the tile and the laminate should be tight, without cracks.

Using sealant or foam

If there are gaps between the floorings, the following weld treatment method should be used.

You can hide the joint between the tile and the laminate using silicone sealant or foam. In this case, the same method of laying flooring is used as described above. The only difference is that the slots are closed with additional building materials. In this case, it is possible to make the seam aesthetic by selecting a sealant to match the color of the laminate or tile. The use of excipients allows masking gaps of various depths and widths. It is advisable to use this joining method when the joint between the tile and the laminate is bent.

joints between tiles and laminate

When working, pay attention to the squeezed out amount of silicone or foam. If there is too much material, the excess will come to the surface of the floor. They will need to be removed immediately so that they do not dry out and spoil the appearance of the tile or laminate. If there is not enough material, then it will not be able to provide reliable fixation of coatings. In addition, the slot will be open for accumulations of debris and dust.

A significant drawback of this method is that if repair is necessary, it is impossible to dismantle part of the floor. You will have to disassemble the entire joint.

Cork Compensator

This option is considered one of the best for masking cracks. The joints between the tile and the laminate, covered with a cork compensator, look very aesthetically pleasing and neat. This material blends well with both types of flooring. One of its advantages is the ability to paint the cork in different colors using tinting. However, it should be noted that the tone will be more saturated due to the porous structure of the material. However, the cork compensator is not able to hide the unevenness of the seam, you need to ensure that the gap is the same in width and depth along the entire length. It is also important that the materials to be joined are on the same level. Otherwise, using this connection method does not make sense: the cork compensator will not cope with its task and will only spoil the appearance of the seam.

joint between tile and laminate without a door

The service life of floors and how aesthetically pleasing they look depends on the quality of the joints. If the seams are made somehow, then the materials at the borders will quickly become worthless. This is worth remembering when collecting the combined floor.


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