Dry mixes for floor screed: overview, characteristics

Previously, a standard mixture of cement and sand was used to level the rough floor . So, they took one part of cement grade M400, as well as three parts of quartz sand. As a result, after pouring, a classic screed was obtained, which has good characteristics. But it can not be considered the highest quality. Cons - difficulties in the alignment process, as well as a strong "dust".

Over the past few years, ready-made formulations have been used to level roughing substrates. It is worth considering which building mixtures for the floor exist, find out their characteristics, as well as the pros and cons.

dry mixes for floor screed

The advantages of ready-made mixtures

Many home masters often ask one question: "Why overpay and get a dry screed, if you can prepare a traditional solution?" The thing is that the factory trains have a lot of advantages.

There is no longer a need for an independent dosage of all the ingredients for the solution. Manufacturers have already made every effort to ensure that the proportions are correct. In order to start work, you just need to add water according to the instructions and mix thoroughly.

Often, in order to level the floors, I had to look for the necessary components for the solution. And if cement of any brand could easily be purchased at any hardware store or specialized supermarket, then buying a 100 kg of the same sand in a big city was a problem. Often it is brought in much larger volumes.

Modern dry compositions have a lower weight in contrast to a fairly dense cement-sand screed. This means that the floor will be affected by a much lower pressure, as well as reduced labor costs, and significantly.

To prepare a solution based on such solutions, neither a concrete mixer nor a mixer will be needed. The necessary volume of mass for leveling the floors can be easily kneaded in a large container made of plastic. A nozzle on a drill will be enough for stirring.

According to construction standards, the minimum size of a conventional cement screed should not be less than 30 mm. If you use a smaller layer, then this base will simply collapse in the drying process. Using a dry set of materials, you can make a screed, the thickness of which is no more than 5 mm, while in terms of characteristics it will not be inferior to the traditional solution.

Ready-made screeds incorporate various additives and substances that accelerate the drying time. Also, these modifiers make the layer more durable and give it self-leveling properties.

The market offers the widest selection of any mixtures. Available products for dry or wet rooms, quick-drying compositions, self-leveling and finishing.

Types of mixtures

Conventionally, all dry solutions existing today are divided into two large groups. So, the former are based on cements, and the latter are based on gypsum. Many people wonder if there is any difference in characteristics between the two types of screeds, and which of them are more suitable for leveling the rough foundation. It’s worth understanding this question.

dry mix for floor screed Price

Cement-based mixes

In such building materials, finely dispersed cement is used as a binder. A variety of both natural and artificial additives have been used as fillers and modifiers. Additionally, plasticizers are added to the composition. All screeds can also be divided into several types.

Cement floor screed for roughing

The filler in such materials is either expanded clay or granite chips. These compounds can be used if floors need to be made higher than 30-40 mm. Next, on the resulting base, it is necessary to lay the finishing leveling layer, since the rough mix does not provide the necessary evenness for laying, for example, a laminate.

Finishing mixes

Here, the composition of the main fine material and modern plasticizers. With the help of such solutions it is possible to obtain the most smooth and perfectly even base, which is suitable for the installation of various floor coverings. It is often enough that the layer is no more than 10 mm thick.

Self-leveling materials

Very fine filler is used here. The diameter of one fraction is not more than 0.3 mm. Also in the composition there are special substances that give such screeds leveling characteristics. The material layer should be no more than 5 mm thick.

Screed for underfloor heating

These are special dry mixes for floor screed. They are characterized by high ductility, thermal conductivity, inertia. Such products are in high demand among consumers.

Plaster based materials

The main advantage that this product possesses is its quick drying process and affordable cost. Such compositions have excellent characteristics in terms of heat and noise insulation, and also do not create dust.

The composition contains a fine fraction filler, as well as a wide variety of mineral fibers. They help to increase the strength of the solution by 50%. However, with the mass of advantages, these dry mixes for floor screed have a significant minus - they are not recommended, and it is even forbidden to use them in rooms with a high level of humidity.

Dry screed

Now for the arrangement of floors, dry screed has increasingly been used instead of the traditional wet screed. These materials are more practical. Dry mortars can be used for wooden and concrete substrates. The main advantage is that in case of installation there is no need for any wet work, and the floor is suitable for use immediately after the finished mixture for the floor is filled up.

It is worth paying attention that the standard wet solution is in the drying process for about 25 days. It will take no more than 15 days to completely dry the gypsum materials. During this period, it is strictly forbidden to carry out the installation of finishing coatings - moisture that is contained in the screed that has not yet been dried up simply cannot escape. As a result, putrefactive processes will begin.

cement floor screed

Market review, prices, manufacturers

Dry mixes for floor screed have long been appreciated by construction specialists and home craftsmen. But we must not forget that all the advantages and characteristics that these materials possess are characteristic only of high-quality products.

Only brand-name products should be purchased. Saving in this matter is not worth it. Dry mix for floor screed, the price of which is slightly lower than average, can be fake - a lot of base materials are available on the modern market.


This is one of the most famous companies in the construction market. The manufacturer makes a lot of different building mixtures. Products of this brand are known and used all over the world, the products enjoy a good reputation. Knauf's range includes gypsum and cement based compounds.

UBO - cement floor screed. As a filler used granular polystyrene foam. The product has high thermal insulation characteristics, as well as excellent sound-absorbing properties.

ready mix for the floor

Boden 15 - a gypsum mixture with polymer additives. Among the main advantages is the possibility of pouring ultra-thin substrates with a thickness of 2 to 15 mm. Dry mixes for floor screed of the Boden 25 brand have the same composition - the difference lies in the thickness of the surface. So, it is possible to level the floors, where the height differences reach 35 mm. Boden 30 with polymer components makes it possible to even out differences up to 80 mm.

mortar for floor


It is also a famous brand. The range of products - various materials for the arrangement of floors.

Ceresit CN 80 is a screed with a thickness of up to 80 mm, and you can walk on the base after 8 hours of the drying process. CN 88 is a very strong building mixture, which is used both in internal and external works. The surface has a high level of wear resistance and can do without the need for laying topcoats.

CN 175 is a universal screed construction, allowing you to align the base with a thickness of up to 60 mm. You can also use the composition as self-leveling mixtures.

mortar for floor


This is a leader among Russian manufacturers of various building materials. Specialists praised the quality of the products. The company offers two options for arranging and leveling rough floors:

- β€œFounder Staroline T-41” is the best suited for working with underfloor heating.

- "Founds Mixline T-44" - this is an opportunity to fill screeds up to 150 mm thick. The solution is suitable for manual and mechanized technology.

screed construction

As you can see, there is a choice, and it is quite large, and the cost is very affordable. So, a good dry mixture for floor screed, the price of which is from 300 rubles. for a bag weighing 25 kilograms, it is available to most consumers even during budget repairs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15467/

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