Kingdom of Norway: sights of the country

The most northern country in Europe, located near the Arctic Circle, is characterized by a rather harsh climate. But, despite this, the state, which is located on the Scandinavian peninsula, attracts many travelers with picturesque landscapes.

The main wealth is nature

The Kingdom of Norway, whose sights can be called real treasures, has a very rich history, a thing of the past. Its echoes are found throughout the vast territory of the country, but nevertheless, magical nature is recognized as the main advantage, and amazing views of local beauties are considered the most magnificent. This is one of the few states in the world ruled by a king. People with such a harsh climate of the earth are very careful about the country's main wealth. People who are tired of noisy megacities come here to be alone in an atmosphere of complete peace.

kingdom norway attractions

In the environmentally friendly snowy kingdom, in which legends about the Vikings, the Scandinavian gods, the Valkyries and trolls come to life, tourists often choose. They dream to get to know the splendor of nature and unusual monuments with a rich history.

"City of Umbrellas"

Locals say those who have never been to Norway need to go to the most beautiful city in the country - Bergen. It so happened that since ancient times it has been the key to understanding the culture and history of the kingdom. The "City of Umbrellas", whose symbol is heavy rain, creating the appropriate atmosphere of ancient local legends, is famous for its true Norwegian flavor. Showers do not cause depression and particular irritation among foreigners who believe that without them Bergen would not be himself.

It may seem strange to some, but local Norwegians have long collected rainwater, poured it into beautiful jars and sold as souvenirs that diverge perfectly with beautiful umbrellas. Despite heavy rainfall, Bergen is not the harshest climate. And for this you need to thank the mountains that hold the sea air and do not give a lot of walking up the drafts. At the same time, they pass the warm winds that the Gulf Stream brings.

Kingdom of Norway: Attractions. Bergen

The former capital of the state is known for interesting museums, amazingly beautiful cathedrals. And the local orchestra is famous far beyond the borders of the country. Here created his amazing works by E. Grieg. To this day, Bergen holds international festivals that bring together musicians from around the globe. And in the suburbs there is a museum-estate of the composer, open to all visitors. Recognized in 2000 as the European cultural center, Bergen is considered to be a city of not only rains, but also music.

Bergen oldest district

Along the city Hanseatic embankment stretches the Bruggen area, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, which the Kingdom of Norway is incredibly proud of. Sights (photos of which are presented below) of this historical corner, allowing you to move to the Middle Ages, are known around the world. Thousands of tourists wander among the famous houses with pointed roofs, captivating with marvelous views of these places.

kingdom waterfalls norway attractions

Wooden buildings with carvings on the facade, which differ only in color, burned more than once, but they were always restored. Now local residents live in some houses, but in most of them there are entertainment venues and shops with crafts of local craftsmen. Visitors to the ancient district admire the cleanliness and well-groomed streets with wooden buildings and small flower gardens, broken in front of them. There is an amazing store on the promenade that has no analogues: even in summer, Christmas presents are sold here - a favorite holiday of all Norwegians. And here you can see the main attraction - the tower of the ruler of Rosencrantz - the oldest building in the city.

Troll Capital

Bergen, considered the capital of the magical land of the trolls, portrays them sweet and welcoming. In the second largest city of the kingdom, there is a sincere faith in not very pretty creatures, so their sculptures are located throughout its territory. No matter where tourists go, they will always come across fantasy gnome figures. Even on the porch of the houses, the locals always put out bowls of milk and sweet treats, trying to appease the trolls in this way, considering them the guardians of the family hearth. Bergen's small shops are filled with souvenir crafts of touching creatures, so it is simply impossible to leave the city without an umbrella and statuettes of heroes of Scandinavian mythology.

Fjords - an unusual natural formation

After exploring the ancient city, also called the “gateway to the fjords,” travelers will find stunning natural beauties, which the amazing Kingdom of Norway is famous for. The sights of the state, formed after the tectonic movements of the earth's crust, are recognized as the most beautiful in the whole globe.

kingdom norway sights bergen

For the sake of visiting an unusual natural phenomenon, millions of tourists come to the country, dreaming of capturing a fantastic spectacle. Fjords are narrow and rather long sea bays with cliffs that are longer than wide. These are stunningly beautiful and unique attractions of the Kingdom. Norway is indented by them, especially in the coastal region, which resembles a landscape from a beautiful fairy tale.

Pearls of the country

The spectacle, fascinating with unusual species, appeared a very long time ago, about 11 thousand centuries ago, when the glacier descended and formed an amazing natural phenomenon. The incredible beauty of the fjords, called by the Norwegians the main pearls of the country, only multiplies with each century. They are rightfully considered the Kingdom of Norway to be their calling card. The sights, a general description of which approximately every person from the school curriculum knows approximately, amaze when they meet them with scale and special greatness. Tourists, delighted with this fairy tale embodied in real life, admit that after meeting with the fjords all problems are forgotten, and nobody wants to leave the magic corner.

Sogne fjord is a great place for relaxation and unity with nature

The largest in Europe Sogne Fjord, whose length is 204 kilometers, is located near Bergen. The place, fascinating with magnificence, is simply intended for rest of tourists. Picturesque landscapes, transparent lakes, mountain snow peaks, powerful waterfalls will not leave anyone indifferent. And excellent conditions for mountaineering, cycling and hiking, fishing attract a huge number of foreigners who want to be alone with nature.

kingdom norway attractions oslo

Beyond the steep mountain peaks of the fjord, tiny villages lurk with pretty little houses and wooden churches built a long time ago. The Kingdom of Norway, whose attractions admire unspoilt nature, has been taking care of the famous Justedalsbreen National Park located in the vicinity of Sognefjord for so many years, named after the main phenomenon - a huge glacier. An important object of the reserve daily receives tourists who sincerely admire the wonderful sight.

Veringsfossen Waterfall

After such an exciting trip, tourists tend to get to the capital of the state - Oslo. However, a stop awaits everyone along the way in a wonderful place in the county of Hordaland, where there are springs that glorify the kingdom with their amazing beauty. Norway Waterfalls - sights discovered in the XIX century by the scientist K. Hansten, are the most famous cascades of the country.

sights of the kingdom of norway

Enjoy the magnificent views of the Veringsfossen waterfall, often called rainbow, is best at its foot or at the top. Exactly on it are observation platforms with a small fence. And in order to avoid accidents, you must be extremely careful at the top, making memorable photos. Veringsfossen is located in a very picturesque area in which you want to stay forever. A touch of mystery gives this colorful corner a special, fabulous atmosphere.

State capital

So, it's time to get acquainted with the most interesting city in terms of historical and cultural places. The capital of the land of the Northern Lights will not leave indifferent the one who has already fallen in love without regard to the magical Kingdom of Norway. The sights of Oslo, dating back a thousand-year history, deserve careful study. The city, one of the top ten most expensive cities, will not let anyone get bored.

Drobak - natural idyll

The Kingdom of Norway, whose sights look exactly the same as many years ago, is an amazing country. Here, local residents feel a special connection with nature. For those who like to admire the magnificent scenery, an excursion to the winter harbor of Oslo - the village of Drobak is provided.

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Neat and cozy town with old houses and rose gardens, broken around them, was not ruined by civilization, and the untouched landscapes of the village amaze everyone. Tourists note the special hospitality of people living in complete idyll with nature.

Monument to Change

Oslo's most unusual monument is a sculpture dedicated to constant change. The installation of steel and massive glass panels located on the water surface of the inner gulf of the capital is fixed in the waters of the fjord. Along with the rising waves, the monument rotates, showing from land changing views in the reflections of mirror surfaces.

Oslo Botanical Garden

One of the greenest corners of the capital attracts not only tourists, but also urban residents. Located in the center of Oslo, a natural oasis allows the whole family to relax while enjoying a variety of plants and trees. In addition, you can learn a lot about the three museums located in the garden. Foreign tourists also admire the wicker original sculptures surrounding the park.

Lofoten Islands

Without a visit to a large archipelago, which is still considered an unfamiliar exotic, a trip to the country will be incomplete. Far beyond the borders of the state, the ancient kingdom is famous for its amazing natural beauty. The Lofoten Islands of Norway, whose attractions attract all creative people who want to draw inspiration away from civilization, are full of secrets and mysteries.

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It was as if they were specially created for curious travelers who are delighted with the virgin and pure nature. Featuring a comfortable climate, the archipelago is dizzy with fresh air, and the magnificent scenery of the islands will be remembered for a long time.

Magic kingdom

The Kingdom of Norway (attractions, recreation and nature are described in our article) is a wonderful country where you can get closer to nature and relax not only with your body, but also with your soul. Filled with its history dating back to the Middle Ages, the country amazes with the incredible views and hospitality of the locals who greet each visitor good-naturedly. In recent decades, the tourist flow of foreigners has increased, wishing to see firsthand the fantastically beautiful kingdom of Norway. The sights described in the article will make travelers make a new exciting adventure on the land of trolls, fjords and amazing nature.


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