Certification of Rostekhnadzor. Areas of certification of Rostekhnadzor

Certification of specialists at Rostekhnadzor is a mandatory procedure provided for by regulatory acts in the field of industrial safety. It is aimed at improving the skills of workers operating in hazardous conditions. Certification of Rostekhnadzor is necessary to prevent emergencies, accidents, protect personnel from injuries and death at workplaces, as well as to minimize damage.

certification of Rostechnadzor

Normative base

The procedure, conditions, frequency, areas of certification of Rostekhnadzor are established by industry regulations. Among them are the decisions of the supervisory authority on:

  • The rules for the preparation and conduct of knowledge testing of employees of enterprises and organizations controlled by the Federal Service for Atomic, Environmental, and Technological Supervision. This order of Rostekhnadzor for certification is applied as amended by Order No. 591 of 2013
  • Creation and organization of work of the central commission.
  • Approval of the list of professions for employees of industrial enterprises, the training programs of which should be agreed with Rostekhnadzor.
  • Approval of areas for certification of specialists and managers of enterprises controlled by the Federal Service.


Certification of Rostekhnadzor pass all employees whose activities are associated with:

  • Paperwork during the design / construction of industrial facilities.
  • The operation of various industrial buildings / structures.
  • Providing construction supervision.
  • Expertise and control of industrial safety.
  • Learning the rules and regulations for the safe execution of work.
  • Certification and participation in it.

certification in Rostekhnadzor for electrical safety

Important point

The legislation does not allow the responsibility for the safety of industrial facilities and personnel to be imposed on persons who have not passed Rostekhnadzor certification and who have not confirmed their qualifications. Thus, not only managers, but also all other employees must pass a knowledge test. These include workers involved in installation, commissioning, repair of equipment, as well as transportation of hazardous materials and substances.

Types of Checks

Certification of Rostekhnadzor can be primary, extraordinary and periodic. The latter is held every 5 years. Primary certification is provided when an employee enters the enterprise. It must be completed within a month after the official assumption of office. In addition, the initial certification is carried out when transferring to another position or transferring to another company, if in the performance of duties a knowledge test in other areas of certification is required.

The Regulation of Rostekhnadzor on certification provides for the following cases of extraordinary inspection:

  • Mastering new production methods or new equipment.
  • Extension of the direction of certification.
  • Accident or other emergency.

certification of specialists in Rostekhnadzor


Depending on the area of โ€‹โ€‹certification of Rostekhnadzor, the duration of the preparatory stage may vary within 20-45 days (calendar). In some cases, employees of manufacturing enterprises can take a distance training course.

Areas of certification (Order of Rostekhnadzor No. 233 of 2012)

Testing of knowledge is carried out in the following areas:

  • General industrial safety requirements established by federal law and other regulatory acts.
  • Highly specialized requirements. This is a test of knowledge on special issues included in the competence of the employee in accordance with federal laws and other industry standards.
  • Energy requirements.
  • Industrial safety at hydrotechnical facilities and structures.

To test the knowledge of general requirements, it is enough to know the basics of the BOP. For certification in Rostekhnadzor on electrical safety, industrial safety in the gas and petrochemical industry, at enterprises working with equipment operating under pressure, explosive materials, etc., training is required for highly specialized programs.

Rostekhnadzor order for certification


Knowledge tests are carried out:

  • In the commissions of enterprises on which certified persons work.
  • In CAC Rostekhnadzor.

In the Central Commission certification are:

  • Heads of enterprises and their deputies, whose duties are related to ensuring the safety of personnel, numbering more than 5 thousand people.
  • Heads of commissions of organizations involved in the industrial use of atomic energy.
  • Members of the commissions of enterprises, the number of employees of which is more than 5 thousand people.

By decision of the chairman, other persons may be tested at the CAC.

Certification in the territorial commissions at the location of the production facilities at which the employees being audited are held:

  • Heads of commissions of enterprises, the number of employees of which does not exceed 5 thousand people.
  • Specialists and heads of expert organizations engaged in the performance of work for structures controlled by Rostekhnadzor.
  • Employees providing training and professional education in the field of industrial safety. The list of such specialists is approved by the head of the enterprise.

By decision of the chairman of the CAC, other entities may also pass certification.

Rostechnadzor certification schedule

Reporting Results

Until March 2014, employees who passed certification received certificates of industrial safety. After the entry into force of the Order of Rostekhnadzor No. 591, a copy of the protocol drawn up at a meeting of the commission is sent to the enterprise that has submitted an application for personnel verification. The second form, drawn up in the prescribed manner, remains in the commission that conducted the certification.

The results entered in the document are valid 5 years from the date of certification. Certificates are valid for three years. This means that documents issued in 2014 expire in 2017.

Package of documents

To pass the checks of the CAC or the territorial commission by specialists of an industrial enterprise, you should send:

  • Application. It is filled on the form of the established sample. An application is drawn up by each employee of the organization who must pass certification.
  • A copy of the payment document on payment of state duty. She is 1300 p. without VAT. Each employee is given a separate copy.

If, in addition, the head of the enterprise plans to conduct staff training, it is necessary to send an appropriate application to the training center. The form can be obtained by sending a request.

order of Rostechnadzor of certification area

Certification Commission of the enterprise

As mentioned above, it is possible to pass a knowledge test not only in specialized units of Rostekhnadzor, but also directly in the organization itself. In the latter case, the head draws up an order to create a commission. It should include at least 5 employees who have passed certification in the prescribed manner.

The structure must include the head of the enterprise, heads of departments (services, units) responsible for complying with industrial safety requirements when performing work, specialists of emergency services, other qualified employees. In some cases, representatives of the territorial commission of Rostekhnadzor may also be invited.

The certification schedule must be approved by the head of the enterprise. The territorial commission is sent a copy of the document. Persons subject to certification must be familiarized with the inspection schedule, as well as notified of the venue.


The enterprise can use the programs developed by Rostekhnadzor, or form its own in accordance with the specifics of its industry. In the latter case, they should be agreed with the territorial unit of the supervisor.

Regulation on certification of Rostechnadzor

Training can take place in the following programs:

  • General industrial safety requirements.
  • Petrochemical, chemical, oil refining industry.
  • Gas and oil industry.
  • Metallurgy.
  • Mining business.
  • The coal industry.
  • Subsoil protection and rational use.
  • Industrial facilities for the distribution and consumption of gas.
  • Work with pressure equipment.
  • Lifting facilities.
  • Transportation of hazardous materials and substances.
  • Industrial facilities for transportation and processing of plant materials.

This is not a complete list of directions. The national economic complex is constantly developing, therefore, new training programs for specialists are periodically developed.


Training of employees of enterprises on issues related to ensuring industrial safety is carried out in the amount corresponding to their labor duties. The development of job descriptions for employees engaged in hazardous work is carried out by organizations operating such facilities. This activity is not within the competence of Rostechnadzor divisions.

After passing the certification and confirmation of knowledge in the field of industrial safety, the employee receives the right to begin to perform work, access to which without appropriate training is not allowed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15483/

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