How to teach a potty in 2 years: simple methods, effective advice from parents and pediatricians

Many of the mothers, as their baby grows, begin to reflect on the question of what is the best age for accustoming to the pot, and how to do it right. There are many opinions that relate to this situation. Someone advises to do this right from the cradle, and some recommend waiting.

After all, you should initially evaluate the development of the baby and his psychological preparation. If the child does not understand why this new item is needed, then he will not use it consciously. Many experts recommend accustoming to the pot after 1.5 years. During this period, the mental and physiological development of the child will allow this to be done without difficulty. Many mothers ask how to teach a potty in 2 years. The article will discuss the features of this process, its subtleties and methods.

When to introduce a child to a potty

It is believed that the most optimal age for familiarizing a child with a pot is from 18 to 24 months. Most pediatricians agree with this opinion.

When mothers ask how to teach a 2-year-old child to the pot, specialists explain some features of this process. Due to the fact that the children are individual, some are ready to get to know him at the age of 1.5, others can stretch this process to 3 years. Boys sit on the pot later than girls. Restless and highly excitable children can begin to get acquainted with this subject with a delay of several months, when compared with their unperturbed peers.

Teach a child to potty 2 years

So why the most acceptable is potty training in 2 years? Usually, up to a year, almost all babies do not feel the activity of the bladder or intestines. Filled organs are released on their own without any awareness. And even when some mothers catch the child and he manages to go to the potty, this does not mean that he does it consciously and the nervous system completely controls the process. This helps save diapers. But more often than not, itโ€™s wasted effort and nerves, and sometimes the development of a negative attitude towards the childโ€™s potty.

By 18 months, the baby begins to gradually feel its urge and restrain them. But before full control, a certain time should pass, when the child acquires some skills that allow him to get used to the potty:

  • The child knows how to bend down, squat down and get up quickly.
  • Collects small items and can put them in one place.
  • He understands the words of adults and colloquial speech.
  • Can in simple words or interjections communicate their desires.
  • During daytime sleep it remains dry and may not be written for 2-3 hours.
  • Feels uncomfortable while in wet underwear.

Moms should understand how to teach a potty in 2.5 years, and that you should not take an example from a neighbor's child. You need to monitor the behavior and development of your baby. And at the right moment, put it in a pot. Therefore, the process of accustoming to the pot is individual.

Many mothers are wondering how to teach a 2-year-old boy to the potty. At the beginning, the process goes the same way. Only by 3-4 years, according to experts, boys should learn to write while standing.

Which pot to choose for parents

Any mother wishes all the most beautiful and special for her baby. This may also apply to the pot.

Shops offer a huge selection of different items. They can differ not only in color, but also in shape, material, etc.

Many pediatricians do not recommend buying expensive pots that have various "bells and whistles." It is advisable for parents to opt for a classic and convenient copy. A child who is accustomed to a new subject is afraid of a bright color or a loud sound. And in other situations, the baby perceives the pot as a toy and accordingly treats it.

Therefore, the correct instance should be normal, no frills. The necessary characteristics of the pot include:

  1. Sustainability. Kids are very active, so in order to avoid falling, they choose pots with a wide base or the presence of footboards.
  2. Material. It is best if the pot is made of plastic and has a certificate of quality. Its surface should not have roughness, seams and other defects.
  3. The form. It depends on the gender of the child. Girls are bought a round shape, and for boys - an oval shape with a ledge in front.

Before accustoming a child to a potty at 2 years old, parents need to choose a suitable and convenient copy.

Basic methods and recommendations

The invention of diapers has helped many mothers save a ton of time and effort. But now comes the time when they should be patient. Learning to potty a child at 2 years old is not the fastest and easiest process. Experienced mothers advise:

  • Do not insist and force the child to sit on the pot on the first day. This can scare him. First, you gently need to explain to the baby what it is and put a soft toy on the pot. In this case, it will be necessary to remove the diapers from the child. When there are older children in the house, the baby will be able to copy their behavior and not be afraid to sit on the potty.
  • The child at this time is trying to get acquainted with his body. Therefore, the mother can unobtrusively explain why external excretory organs are needed, so that the baby understands what the pot is for. Many children at this age do not like to be in wet pants, so friendship with a pot will help to avoid this.
  • After each positive development of this subject, it is necessary to praise the baby. This reinforces a new skill. With unsuccessful attempts to scold the child, it should not be that he does not abandon the pot. It is necessary to affectionately and calmly explain why it is needed.
  • Moms will have to constantly plant a child on a potty after sleeping, eating and after some time during wakefulness periods. This must be done until he has the urge. In no case can you force a child to sit on a pot so as not to cause rejection.
  • While the skill of using the pot is being formed, it should be constantly in the field of view of the baby. This will allow you to quickly use it if necessary.
How to teach a child to walk on a potty at night

Many mothers ask how to teach a small child to walk on a potty. If the baby refuses him, then you should use some tricks to make the process more fun. You can read a child a book or play toys at this time. This will help the baby relax and completely forget about their fears. However, one should not get involved in this process, so as not to replace the natural process with a game.

What should not be done

To teach a child to go to the potty at 2 years old, mom needs to show a lot of patience and effort. No need to forcefully hold or seat the baby on this subject. This can lead to reverse actions, and in protest the child will begin to write in panties and other places. In this situation, you need to forget about the pot for a while. After 2-3 weeks, you can try again.

How to teach a pot in 2 years? You should not leave the baby in wet pants or leggings so that he feels how unpleasant it is. This can lead to negative problems in the form of a psychological unit.

You should not force the child to clean up after himself if he spills anything. If he does this on purpose, then you can offer to wipe it out for yourself. But to force is strongly discouraged.

Moms should not compare their baby with other children and do not worry that he can not immediately be accustomed to the potty. Each child is individual, so everything will surely work out. If parents relate to this topic more easily, it will be easier for both mothers and children.

How to teach in 7 days

Many mothers are interested in how to quickly teach a child to walk on a potty. After all, this will help to abandon diapers and reduce the workload of a woman with household chores.

There are several methods, one of which allows you to do this in 7 days. This special system was invented by the British Gina Ford and was called "happy baby." It is intended for children from the age of 1.5 years who are able to understand the simplest instructions, try to dress and undress on their own, know body parts.

2 years old child how to teach a potty

The technique is designed for 7 days and consists in the following:

  1. The first day begins with the removal of the diaper from the baby and frequent sitting on the potty. You can familiarize the kid with an adult toilet and show its functions. The process of sitting on the pot must be repeated every 15 minutes if the process does not work. The main thing is to keep the child on the pot for 10 minutes, this time is enough to complete all the tasks. If the pants are still dirty, you should not blame the child for this.
  2. The second day is needed to consolidate skills. In this case, the mother makes sure that the child does not play too much, and in time substitutes the pot.
  3. On the third day, the chosen tactic is continued. For a walk, the child is also taken out without diapers, so that there is no desire to urinate in them. In front of the street, the baby must be put on the potty. At first, you can take a pot for a walk to strengthen your skills. Within a few days, the child will learn to endure, and the need for it will disappear by itself.

Many mothers ask how to teach a child at 2 years old to the potty. If you follow the technique of Gina Ford, then by the 4th day it is possible to achieve some progress. Children can go to the potty, but they need to be reminded of this periodically. Moms should not forget to constantly praise for a positive result and do not scold for oversights. Later, the pot can be placed in the bathroom or in a specially designated room.

3 days fast learning

Many mothers ask how to teach a pot quickly in 2 years. Usually in this situation they are in no hurry, so as not to cause an aversion to the process itself. And the formation of a conscious skill can take more than one month.

However, a situation arises when it is necessary to accelerate the process of accustoming to the pot. This does not mean that the baby once and for all learn to do it flawlessly. But quick learning will help you realize the need for a toilet.

Potty training in 2 years

In order for this technique to work, they determine the readiness of the child for this process. Here are some factors that confirm the appropriateness of being trained in a pot:

  • The child is 2 years old, in extreme cases 2 years 1 month.
  • The kid can easily stand 1-2 hours, while not wet panties.
  • The child does not want to wear diapers.
  • He has formed a defecation process that occurs at the same time.

If all of the above symptoms are met, then 2 weeks before the process of accustoming, you must:

  1. Buy a pot and explain to the child its purpose.
  2. The kid needs to say that little children sit on the potty, and then on the toilet, and so do other people.
  3. 5-6 days before the scheduled event, it is explained that the child will soon wear panties and go to the toilet.
  4. It is especially necessary to choose a few days when you can only deal with the baby.

When the time comes, go to the process of accustoming to the pot:

  • First day. All the time the child should walk without diapers. You can wear panties. Mom needs to follow the baby all day and literally follow him with a pot. As soon as the mother notices that the baby wants to use the toilet, he is immediately seated on it. And so it must be done every time. If the child goes into the pot, then he must be praised in every way. Oversights should be ignored so as not to form a negative.
  • Second day. Mom also needs to monitor the baby and sit on the potty. You can go for a walk, but only without diapers. Before going to the street, the child is seated in a pot and time is planned in such a way as to quickly return home. Spare clothes will not be superfluous.
  • The third day. It is allowed to go for a walk twice. The kid is already planting a pot at home. But you need to teach him to restrain himself when he is absent.

Potty training at 2 years is a complicated process, even if it takes 3 days. This will help him adapt and even make his first independent attempts. The kid needs to choose comfortable clothes so that he learns how to take it off on his own.

How to teach to get up at night

Familiarity with the pot greatly facilitates the weaning of the baby from the diapers and stimulates the awareness of his bladder. In the period from 1.5 to 3 years, the child begins to feel the urge, first in the afternoon, and then at night.

How to teach a pot 2 5 years

How to teach a child to walk on a potty at night? This can be done using the following methods:

  1. You can organize a special mode. Usually, the mother knows when the child wants to write, and should be guided by this time. It can be at 12 at night, 4 in the morning. This leads to some difficulties, but there are also positive aspects. Mom can predict when a child wants to write, and he will not wet himself at night.
  2. If the child does not get up at night, then you can teach him to call his mother. Having got used to waking up parents, the child will learn to sit down on the potty.
  3. Some parents limit the amount of fluid a baby drinks at night. There is some positive here, but you should not completely remove the water in the diet of the baby.

Many mothers ask how to teach a child to walk on a potty at night. Sometimes all the methods and ways to introduce the baby to the night toilet are unsuccessful. Nevertheless, mothers should not stop trying to accustom the child to the potty and completely abandon diapers. She should not be nervous and scream at the baby. Until 4 years, this is not a problem, and after this age - an occasion to visit a doctor.


In some situations, there are cases when the baby categorically refuses the pot, although the necessary skill has already been formed. This can happen in two years, and in four. The reasons may be the following:

  • Conflicts that arise within the family negatively affect the child. As a result, the baby can lock itself in or rebel. Reluctance to use the pot is also one of the negative reactions to what is happening.
  • Change in habitual lifestyle. Moving, the birth of a brother or sister becomes a surprise for the child and lead to the rejection of the usual things.
  • A crisis of 3 years can also cause a pot to be abandoned. At this time, the child begins to become aware of himself as a person and wants to act in his own way, and not in the way others demand.
  • Refusal of the pot may occur during illness or during teething. When all the forces of a small organism are aimed at recovery, you should not insist on a visit to the pot. You need to wait a bit.
Teach a child to walk on a potty in 2 years

When mothers are wondering how to teach a potty in 2 years, you should take into account the negative situations and the state of health of the child before proceeding with this process.

Opinion of a famous pediatrician

How to teach a child to walk on a potty? Komarovsky is confident that persistent urination skills occur in a child no earlier than 18 months. Therefore, parents are not recommended to engage in this process for up to 1.5 years. And persistent skills appear by 20-33 months. The easiest way to learn to the pot is the children who see how their brothers or sisters do it.

Teaching a baby potty 2 years

Therefore, parents should see the childโ€™s readiness for the pot, and then buy it. And only then begin the formation of the necessary skills.


Learning to pot is a simple process, but with due patience of parents, it is quickly overcome. It is important to begin this process when the child is 18 months old and he will have full readiness.


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