Moonshine still "Slavyanka": instruction, reviews

What can a man give? As a rule, there are a great many options. Shaving foam and socks - old and uninteresting, a car - not everyone can afford it. And if you want to surprise, present something like that? So, probably, there is little more extravagant than ... moonshine. Cheap (well, or not quite cheap, but we are definitely not talking about tens of thousands of rubles), and such a gift will be remembered for a long time. And idle for sure will not be.

One of the models of this, undoubtedly, excitingly interesting technique is worth considering and evaluating more carefully. And this moonshine still is called “Slavyanka”.


High performance and elegant appearance are some of the most important features of this unit. For its manufacture, the manufacturer used high-strength stainless steel 12X18H10T, which is widely used in the food and medical industries.

moonshine Slav

The Slavyanka moonshine still, the construction of which is solid and tight in itself, will serve its owner for at least 15 years, or even more. And the quality of the finished drink will pleasantly surprise the newly-minted “moonshiner”.

In addition, this unit is very convenient to use and store. When assembled, its height is 55 cm. Do you want to disassemble it to take with you to the country? Nothing is easier! Does not require any special care measures - just washed, and that’s it. There are also no preferences regarding heat sources. Gas stoves, electric, glass-ceramic are quite suitable - in general, everything that is in every apartment or house.

Basic equipment

The volume of distillation capacity possessed by the Slavyanka moonshine still is 12 liters. This is the most common unit, although there are 20-liter models. Further, the basic set includes a bimetallic thermometer, an alcohol meter, a steam tank, hoses for supplying water to the cooling unit, two silicone gaskets, clamps.

In addition, the Slavyanka moonshine is always accompanied by an instruction (often in electronic form) and a prescription book with 57 (!) Recipes for a drink that is simply a hangover. Although for creative nature, the path for creativity will always open. After all, there is a mass of floral (and not only) aromas, and we don’t even have to say that each fruit, fruit or berry has its own unique taste and smell.

The capacity of Slavyanka for one distillation is about three liters of a high-quality product with a strength of approximately 65 degrees. That is, one bottle of a store, it is not known from what made vodka for 200 rubles (and further in increasing order) clearly loses to a natural product with a cost price of 20-25 rubles, prepared independently.

The construction of "Slav"

The Slavyanka moonshine still has a design thought out to the smallest detail. Steel joints and adapters significantly increase the tightness characteristics and exclude the possibility of any alcohol vapor in the air. The thickness of the steel at the bottom of the structure reaches 3 mm, so this part of the unit is reliably protected from burning.

The elongated distiller coil allows cooling the finished product at the outlet with greater efficiency than with home-made devices. That is why the finished drink turns out to be transparent, “like a tear,” and, importantly, cold.

The bimetallic thermometer that this mini moonshine is equipped with allows you to control the temperature during the distillation process and notice and prevent overheating of the mash in time.

mini moonshine

It is from overheating of the raw material that harmful impurities are intensely formed, and as a result of the release of mash, the finished drink is completely cloudy.

We need to talk about a removable suitcase separately.


The manufacturer equipped the Slavyanka moonshine still with a removable steam tank, which gives this unit 2 advantages at once. Firstly, a product made by one’s own will be able to clean almost 100% of fusel oils. It is known that for distillation of a high-quality and safe for health drink according to the technology, it is necessary to drain fusel oils from the steam tank after receiving each liter of the product. If this indication is neglected, the “sivuha” will fill the entire sukhoparnik and get into the drink by the cooler. And, as you know, a large number of fusel oils in self-made alcohol can cause serious harm to health. So, the ability to remove and clean the sucker, as soon as the need arises, is an undoubted plus, because the drink as a result will turn out to be high-quality and safe for health.

Secondly, the removable sukhoparnik with which the moonshine unit is equipped (reviews of "inveterate moonshiners" is a direct confirmation of this) is an important element that allows to significantly expand the range of products.

Key Specifications

As mentioned earlier, the volume of distillation capacity, which is possessed by the Slavyanka moonshine still, is considered by consumers to be optimal for home use. 12 liters is just what you need for experimenting and developing new recipes. The weight of the unit is only 4 kg, the dimensions in assembled form - 23 x 49 x 51 cm, so that it can easily be disassembled and put in the trunk of the car. The length of the refrigerator is about 1.2 m (5 turns of the tube), the diameter is 6 mm, which allows you to get almost cold alcohol at the exit. The distillation speed is also impressive: up to 3 liters per hour.

moonshine still cheap

High-quality steel and hermetic joints guarantee the uninterrupted operation of the moonshine for at least one year.

Main advantages over other devices

One of the main advantages is the high, up to three liters per hour, productivity that a moonshine still has. A cheap (relatively, of course) device will pay for itself literally in a few months.

We go further. The diameter of the hole in the distillation cube is 75 mm. This size makes it possible to thoroughly wash the container after use and prevent the development of pathogenic microflora, which often happens with poor-quality care for the device.

The innovative, vertically located refrigerator allows you to prevent erosion of fusel oils on it and get, as mentioned earlier, a cold drink.

In other words, by purchasing the Slavyanka mini-moonshine still, the owner not only gets his own distillery, but also protects himself and his family from the consumption of low-quality alcohol, saves his money, which would certainly have been spent on buying alcohol in the store . In addition, no one will deny that moonshining (of course, within reasonable limits) can become an exciting and useful hobby.

Unit Features

This is not about productivity, but about the possible range that the Slavyanka moonshine can offer. Reviews of those who already use the unit, report on its fairly broad capabilities.

In addition to the traditional transparent moonshine, you can get a lot of interesting drinks and compositions. Finely chopping apples or pears in a sucker, you can get a drink such as calvados at the output.

moonshine Slav manufacturer

The stalks of anise, wormwood and fennel will give the finished alcohol color and taste of absinthe. Home-made cognac from dried fruits, honey honeycombs and lemon peels will make a successful competition to the store. And whiskey on dried apricots and prunes will generally have an indescribable taste.

Putting coriander, lemon peels and small juniper twigs in the sucker, you can brag to your family and surprise your friends and guests with a homemade gin that is no less pleasant to the taste.

Homemade whiskey

Cooking whiskey will not be difficult if you have a machine such as the Slavyanka moonshine. Recipes for obtaining basic moonshine, as a rule, do not differ much from each other, and it makes no sense to consider them. Next, a small handful of walnut partitions, 10 pieces of clove buds, 1 teaspoon of large-leaf black tea are added to a 3-liter jar of already-made moonshine. Then it is supposed to let the drink brew for at least a week. However, if there is any holiday on the nose and you really want to surprise the guests, you can speed up the process somewhat.

A jar of alcohol is placed in a large pan, the same level water is poured into it (pan) as the contents in the jar, and sent to a slow fire for heating. After boiling, let the water boil for 5-10 minutes and turn off the gas. Night alcohol will be infused - and that’s it, it’s ready to drink.

Cognac on herbs

moonshine Slavyanka recipes

Homemade cognac on herbs, amazing in taste, can be obtained using the Slavyanka moonshine. As mentioned above, you can place lemon peels, dried fruits, citrus peels in a sucker and, as a result, put a wonderful drink on the table.

And you can use basic moonshine to get brandy. The following ingredients are added to a 3-liter jar: sugar (2.5 tablespoons), soda (a third of a teaspoon), tea (1/2 tablespoon), a pinch of vanillin, citric acid and almond. Next, you need 2 teaspoons of herbs: mint, linden, St. John's wort, barkun (yellow clover) and 2 teaspoons of oak bark. Everything is laid in a jar of moonshine and infused for about two weeks. The output is a drink with an amazing taste of herbs, summer and sun. And the head, judging by the reviews, will not hurt in the morning - nevertheless it is prepared from natural products.

Price range

Want to make an extravagant gift? Or maybe you want to buy a new exciting hobby? Then you will be most opportune to have the Slavyanka moonshine still. Unit price may vary slightly depending on the region of sale and season. Yes, oddly enough, this product is in seasonal demand. Although what's so surprising? It is in summer and autumn that summer residents receive crops from their plots and salt, ferment, pickle, dry ... So why not take another verb into account - drive them away?

moonshine Slavyanka instruction

So, about the price. Within Moscow, the cost of Slavyanka ranges from 9-10 thousand rubles. Although quite often you can see advertising information about discounts on these products of domestic industry. And then the unit can generally be purchased for 7,990 rubles, and sometimes for 6,990. Agree that in order to improve your skills and usefully spend time, it is not a pity to spend that amount.

Opinion on a set for moonshine "Slav"

Only the most positive feedback is available about the unit itself, and about its performance, and about the quality of the resulting product. Consumers are pleased with the compactness and mobility that the Slavyanka moonshine still has. 20 l of the distillation tank (or even 30, 40 l), of course, will allow you to get more finished product in one distillation, but you can’t bring such an aggregate to the country in your bag, and you will need more storage space.

In addition, all consumers are satisfied with the quality and ability to produce a variety of drinks, as well as the performance of the device. For one distillation, from 2 to 3 liters of a drink that is absolutely safe for health is obtained (5-6 bottles of 0.5 l each with a prime cost of well, let it be 30 rubles). There is a financial gain. And for a creative person, it is also an opportunity to improve in their hobby.


In large quantities and with frequent use, alcohol can cause irreparable harm to human health, and in some cases even kill it. However, a glass of homemade cognac, gin or whiskey at dinner will only improve your mood, increase your appetite and give your life new emotions and colors.

moonshine slavyanka reviews

And the Slavyanka moonshine still, the price of which is quite affordable for a wide range of consumers, will successfully help its owner to acquire a new hobby and save money on the purchase of store alcoholic beverages (the quality of which is sometimes very doubtful).


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