An interesting question: do flies bite or not?

Probably many people notice that annoying flocks of flies fly every summer. Particularly annoying are those that penetrate human housing. They buzz, sit on the body and food. And flies bite! Or not? But this is worth sorting out.

Do flies bite or not?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Some flies, such as horseflies and an autumn lighter, can sting a person, and it is very painful. The bite site not only itches, but sometimes becomes so inflamed that the temperature rises, especially if there were a lot of bloodsucking insects that decided to enjoy human blood. So, wondering if flies bite or not, you should answer: "It depends."

A special place in the list of biting flies is occupied by gadflies. These evil insects not only leave an inflamed wound, but sometimes manage to lay eggs in it. Then the chrysalis, ripening inside the body of a mammal, can cause many troubles. In the best case, the imago will gnaw itself out in the body and fly out.

flies bite or not

But there are times when the pupa develops in the eyeball or on the head. When traveling inside a living creature, the worm can travel to the brain. Even deaths are known, the culprits of which were gadfly larvae.

There are still tsetse flies. These insects live in Central Africa. With their bites, they carry sleeping sickness, which sometimes ends in death.

Ordinary house fly

How annoying these insects, once in a human home, is known to all. But not everyone knows about whether these flies bite or not. Most people are inclined to believe that these insects in June-July are quite friendly. But in August they turn into real monsters! But this is not at all true.

ordinary flies

Indoor ordinary flies are two-winged insects and are part of the family of true flies. In the wild, they almost never occur. Mostly house flies lead a daily life.

Flies have four wings, but only the front ones are used for flight, and the rear ones are reduced, they are needed to maintain balance.

Flies can only absorb liquid food. To eat hard, they need to dissolve it in their saliva. In order for a female to lay eggs, she needs protein food. Their lifespan depends on the temperature of the environment in which they are located. Optimal for flies are 25 degrees.

But these insects cannot bite living creatures. Therefore, the main harm from them is that house flies carry various infections on their paws. After all, in the summer they live not only in houses, but also in latrines, near garbage dumps, finding food for themselves there.

Gray fly

These dipterans can be up to 25 millimeters long. But such are very rare, ten millimeter gray flies are more common. They are gray with black spots and red eyes. They are often confused with ordinary flies. But this insect is much larger.

gray fly

In addition, these dipterans immediately lay larvae. The place of masonry is rotten fruit, carrion, feces, manure - any organic matter. For this, gray flies are called meat flies. No one would have thought that the meat gray fly is even useful in some way. These winged infectious carriers act as natural orderlies, destroying carrion.

Autumn Lighter

Many people notice that by the end of the summer the flies seem to get angrier. Now they not only bother with their buzzing and crawling through the body and products - they sting painfully. And many are interested in why flies bite in August.

People used to say: flies take revenge on people for seeing the next spring, and insects will die. But all this, of course, is a myth. He came from simple ignorance. After all, people blame the bites of ordinary house flies, believing that they for some reason suddenly changed their eating habits.

But in fact, they incorrectly answer the question of why the flies bite in August. It’s just that during this period the life cycle of a special kind of flies, called flies, begins.

why do flies bite in August

These dipterans are extremely prolific. They leave their eggs everywhere, laying them many times during the season. Therefore, in August there are a myriad of them flying. These insects painfully bite because they feed exclusively on blood, piercing the upper layer of the skin with their sharp proboscis.

These bites are not only painful. Zhigalki flies are carriers of dangerous viruses and infections. Therefore, if possible, you should protect yourself and children from them: put protective nets on the windows, use repellents during walks.


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