Robot vacuum cleaner: principle of operation, types, device and functions

In the market, robotic vacuum cleaners have appeared recently. The first models were expensive, and few people bought them. Now the situation has changed, almost everyone can afford to buy a universal cleaner. When choosing, it is important to know how a robot vacuum cleaner works - the principle of operation, its features, purpose and functionality.

the principle of operation of the robot vacuum cleaner with wet cleaning


Outwardly, this technique looks like a small disk, rarely a rectangle. The diameter is not more than 30 cm, the height is 3 times less. Thanks to this form, it penetrates into inaccessible places. It is moved using 3 wheels with a rubberized base. By the principle of operation, the robot vacuum cleaner is very similar to its wired counterpart. The system is driven by a built-in electric motor. The control panel is mainly located on top. In new and expensive models, it is touch sensitive, protected from dust and moisture. This household appliance has a very attractive design.

Types of robotic vacuum cleaners

Robot vacuum cleaner refers to electronic devices for domestic use. The principle of the robot vacuum cleaner, judging by the first part of the word, is that it works independently. A special program allows you to coordinate the trajectory of movement. Compared with a simple vacuum cleaner, the automated suction power is weaker. A smart appliance helps maintain daily cleanliness, but it is not able to completely replace a mop or ordinary vacuum cleaner. The choice of this automated technique depends on what it is intended for. The principle of operation of the robot vacuum cleaner of different models is similar. They come in 3 types - for cleaning:

  • dry;
  • wet
  • mixed.
Vacuum cleaner function working principle

Dry cleaning robots

This kind of device collects animal hair, debris and dust:

  • from the floor
  • tiles;
  • laminate flooring.

It cleans short-pile carpets well. Works like an electric broom. This type of equipment is the most popular on the market, and all because of the simplicity of design, elementary control, large model range.

When choosing a model, you need to pay attention to the configuration and working area.

Wet cleaning robots

The principle of operation of the robot vacuum cleaner with wet cleaning is similar to that of the first option. Devices differ in that in addition to collecting dust, they wash the floors. They contain containers designed for clean and dirty water.

These devices have their drawbacks. It is impossible to clean carpets with them, and before starting the vacuum cleaner, you should dry clean yourself.

Robot vacuum cleaner how it works

Mixed cleaning

At home, a robot vacuum cleaner, the principle of which is to conduct mixed cleaning, will become an indispensable assistant. This combi unit performs dry and wet cleaning. Smooth surfaces are cleaned with a microfiber cloth, which is fixed to the bottom of the body, carpet brushes are cleaned by a turbo brush or main brushes.

Used technologies

To make the movement of the device meaningful, several technologies are simultaneously applied in it. In order for the vacuum cleaner not to run into all kinds of obstacles, contact sensors are used, which are located near the edge of the case. Even with a light blow, they work. The device receives a signal that there is a barrier, and changes the line of movement.

There is an ultrasonic rangefinder, which, by spreading ultrasound and capturing its reflection from an obstacle, helps to establish the distance from the vacuum cleaner to the object.

Thanks to the available laser rangefinder, the robot scans the surrounding area, making a map of the room. Such a function is needed in order to process the entire area as much as possible.

Infrared sensors are the so-called virtual wall. They prevent the robot vacuum cleaner from entering other rooms. The purpose of infrared sensors is to prevent it from falling from a height. These elements are needed in houses with flights of stairs. Such a smart technique is equipped with the “local cleaning” function. It allows you to set the robot to the set range where you want to do more thorough cleaning. However, it must be borne in mind that not all models are equipped with all these functions, they are only in the most modern.

working principle of a washing robot vacuum cleaner

Other device functions

All robotic vacuum cleaners include a base. It serves to recharge equipment. When the battery charge is close to the set minimum, the device itself goes to the charger and connects to it. He is looking for a base using special sensors on a memory card. As soon as the charging process is over, the vacuum cleaner will continue to work on its own. Charging time - from 40 minutes to 8 hours, depending on the model. Most of them are equipped with pollution sensors, thanks to which the most polluted places are recognized. They are cleaned more thoroughly and longer. Robotic vacuum cleaners are equipped with surface type recognition sensors and allow you to apply the proper mode.

In models that are expensive, there is a system against obfuscating the device in small objects and wires. When it works, the vacuum cleaner itself and the brushes stop working, the robot tries to leave this place. As for the cheap models, you need to raise all the wires before cleaning. Vacuum cleaners of medium and high price category have the function of programming the cleaning time. To do this, there are buttons with which you can set the time and day. Although the operating principle of a robot vacuum cleaner is similar to that of a conventional vacuum cleaner, it can perform many functions, including ionizing the air. It is simply necessary for families in which there are people suffering from allergies. An ultraviolet lamp is installed in the device, which disinfects the surface being cleaned. As a result, the risk of allergic reactions is reduced. Vacuum cleaners are produced that accompany the cleaning with music. All robots are equipped with a container or bag where all the dust is collected. Mostly they are cleaned manually, but for expensive appliances this function is performed automatically. In this case, cleaning is carried out along with recharging. Separate models include pet hair accessories. However, it must be borne in mind that robotic vacuum cleaners, which are clogged with wool, cannot clean vacuum robots.

robot vacuum cleaner working principle at home

Cleaning process

It is worth directly considering the principle of operation of the robot vacuum cleaner (and purpose). The main purpose of this kind of household appliances is to eliminate dust and dirt. The operating principles of each model are not much different from each other. Dry garbage collection is as follows. The brush located on the side, when the vacuum cleaner moves to the central brush, collects all dirt, hair, wool and dust that are:

  • near baseboards;
  • under the furniture;
  • in the corners.

The main role is assigned to the central (main) brush. It has a fleecy structure. Those who think that different particles are removed due to the dust suction motor are mistaken. It is the brush that removes all the dirt in the waste bin. After the garbage enters the waste bin, it is pressed into a dust collector. This happens due to the air flow, which then enters through the filters in the waste bin. Therefore, it depends on the quality of the filter how clean the blown air will be. The quality of the robot vacuum cleaner is influenced by the main brush, and not the motor power. Therefore, when buying such a technique, it is necessary to pay attention to this particular element of the device.

The principle of operation of a washing robot vacuum cleaner is that the first thing it collects from the floor is all the debris and dust. After that, it begins to spray water that comes from a special tank. Then the vacuum cleaner rubs the floor with a brush. The final step is the removal of dirty water from the floor with a scraper and its further absorption into the tank. Manufacturers do not recommend using a washing robot vacuum cleaner for cleaning:

  • parquet;
  • laminate flooring;
  • carpets.
robot vacuum cleaner working principle and purpose

Disadvantages of robotic vacuum cleaners

Despite the amazing features and the simple principle of the robot vacuum cleaner, it also has its drawbacks. This robotic device cannot clean the corners of a room. Owners should be aware that even those devices that are equipped with height sensors can fall from the stairs, so they must be monitored. Before you start the machine in work, the room should first be prepared. Namely, to pick up small objects that can easily be pulled into a bag, remove large debris, since the vacuum cleaner will not be able to suck it. It is also advisable to raise the wires and chairs, in them the robot can get confused.

Do not throw away a simple vacuum cleaner, because the robotic apparatus is not able to clean the carpets on the walls and furniture. A large number of models work exclusively on a flat surface, they can not afford carpets with long nap and floor relief coatings.

Terms of Use

In order for the robot vacuum cleaner to work long and safely, some rules must be observed. Be sure not to get water or even splashes on it. Use only a dry cloth to wipe the outer casing. Before turning on the device, you must raise it higher:

  • unstable objects;
  • cords from the blinds;
  • Newspapers
  • clothes.

Do not touch the robot and charger with wet hands. The waste bin and brushes should be regularly cleaned of fibers and debris wound around them. If this device does not work for a long time, then you need to remove the charged battery from it. It is forbidden to use it for cleaning spilled paint and any chemicals. It must be borne in mind that if the floor in the house is painted in dark color, the operation of such a vacuum cleaner is likely to be ineffective.

The principle of operation of the device of the robot vacuum cleaner

When purchasing this device, you need to know that the more functions it has, the higher the cost. However, in any case, he will facilitate the work of the hostess. But before buying, you need to carefully understand the functions, the principle of the robot cleaner and the provided modes.


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