The newborn has red eyelids: possible causes and treatment methods

Redness of the eyelids in a newborn is quite common. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. In some cases, eyelids with slight redness are considered the norm. Sometimes such a cosmetic defect can signal a serious illness and require immediate medical attention. Why can babies change their skin color on their eyelids? Does this always require treatment? When do I need to see a doctor? All answers in the article.

Swollen red eyelids in a newborn

Possible reasons

Red eyelids in a newborn can be a consequence of various reasons. One of the most common is that the baby has a very thin skin on the eyelids through which blood vessels are visible.

Another reason is infant hemangioma, in which a red eyelid is also observed in newborns after childbirth. Why does this occur? During delivery, the child passes through the birth canal and is compressed by the internal organs of the mother. As a result, the blood vessels in the baby burst, possibly hemorrhage. Redness can spread throughout the eyelid, look like a spot over the eye.

Very often, hemangioma by about a year passes by itself, without the intervention of specialists. If this does not happen, and redness covers more and more areas of the skin of the baby, you need to contact a pediatrician. In such situations, laser treatment may be required.

Red eyelid in a newborn after childbirth why

Another common cause of redness in the eyelids is blepharitis. Most often, this disease occurs in newborns with small body weight and weakened immunity. This phenomenon is susceptible to babies who appear before the due date. The disease is infectious. The causative agents of blepharitis are staphylococci. Redness of the eyelids and swelling (of varying degrees) persist for a long time. The disease can affect the entire area of ​​the eye or concentrate only in its corner. In addition to redness, blepharitis is accompanied by swelling, peeling and purulent discharge from the organ of vision. The kid squints in bright light.

Redness that occurs suddenly may indicate the presence of an allergic reaction in the body of the newborn. In such cases, the pediatrician prescribes the necessary tests to identify the allergen. In most cases, the reason lies in the products that the nursing mother consumes. In such situations, she needs to review her diet and exclude products from it that could cause an undesirable reaction in the child.

Purulent inflammation of the ciliary bulb can also cause redness. The common and most common name for this phenomenon is barley. Pathology is accompanied by swelling and pain in the area of ​​localization. After a few days in the area of ​​inflammation, a purulent rod matures, which in no case can be squeezed out on its own. After the release of purulent mass, the pain subsides, swelling subsides.

Phlegmon is a serious disease that requires immediate medical attention. This is an inflammation that completely affects the baby’s upper or lower eyelid. Pathology in most cases is accompanied by severe compaction and swelling. Sometimes there is an increase in body temperature, redness of the sclera. If untreated, the phlegmon will quickly spread to a healthy eye.

Another disease that can cause a swollen red eyelid in a newborn is uveitis or inflammation of the choroid. It requires immediate medical attention.

Redness of the eyelids may indicate acute viral infections that occur in the body of the newborn.

Blepharitis is


The cause of redness can be a purulent inflammatory process - conjunctivitis, the causative agents of which are bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. The disease is characterized by swelling of various degrees, discharge of pus from the eyes, as well as photophobia. Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor after examining the baby and confirming the diagnosis. Often conjunctivitis is one of the manifestations of an allergic reaction. This disease can be combined with blepharitis and keratitis (inflammation of the cornea).

From conjunctivitis for children

In each case, the pediatrician prescribes specific drugs that can cope with the causative agent of the disease. From conjunctivitis in a child in a pharmacy you can buy prescription drugs in the form of drops and ointments. In allergic conjunctivitis, antihistamines are used. The effect of such therapy comes quickly enough. Within a day, the condition of the child improves. Regular wiping of the eyelids with a decoction of chamomile will also help the child from conjunctivitis. For its preparation, 1 tsp. the raw materials are poured into a glass of water, put on fire, allowed to boil, cool, filter.

When not to sound the alarm

In some cases, redness of the eyelids is not the result of serious illnesses, so parents do not need to worry. However, it is important to remember that only a qualified pediatrician can establish the cause of the phenomenon.

A thin skin through which blood vessels are enlightened is considered the norm for infants. Over time, such a flaw will disappear. Do not worry if redness is not accompanied by peeling, itching, or an increase in basal temperature.

The cause of discoloration of the eyelids may be mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the eye. For the first time after birth, the baby randomly moves its arms and can accidentally hit itself or rub eyes with the sleeve of a blouse.

Insect bites can also cause swelling. In such situations, special gels will come to the aid of parents, the use of which is allowed for children from the first months of life.

Redness of the eyelid in a newborn


Sometimes, to completely eliminate the problem, local treatment is enough - drops and ointments. However, complex therapy is most often needed. In case of blockage of the lacrimal canal, massage and antibacterial drops may be indicated. Allergic reactions are removed only with the help of antihistamines and washing.

Blepharitis is a serious illness that needs long-term therapy. It should include ointments, drops, washing, lotions. In some cases, you may need the help of other specialists - an ophthalmologist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist. Conjunctivitis usually has enough topical preparations. Comprehensive treatment is needed with uevite. Glucocorticosteroids, immunosuppressive therapy will be required.

What to do to parents

Contacting a pediatrician immediately can prevent serious consequences. If a foreign body enters the newborn’s eye, it must be carefully removed. If parents are afraid to carry out manipulations on their own or doubt the outcome, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Mom and dad of a newborn need to carefully monitor his condition, regularly inspect the baby's body, pay attention to the slightest changes. In addition, in the first months of life, it is necessary to regularly wash the baby’s eyes with a solution of chamomile or ordinary clean water. Before the procedure, parents need to wash their hands thoroughly.

Why does a newborn have red eyelids

To prevent injuries, injuries and bruises, parents should securely fix the position of the baby in the stroller and crib. In no case should you leave a newborn baby unattended. As a prevention of mechanical injuries, it is advisable to wear special gloves on the baby's handles.

What to avoid

It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication and resort to the use of any medications without consulting a specialist. In no case, if there are abscesses, you can not attempt to squeeze out the contents. This can greatly aggravate the situation. Suspecting barley, it is strictly forbidden to use dressings and compresses. If your baby has reddened eyelids or eyes, call a doctor. This will help to prevent many possible troubles.

Folk remedies

Recipes of traditional healers can be used as a prophylactic. They are also used as part of complex therapy and for daily care of the baby.

A decoction of pharmacy chamomile

To wipe the baby's eye, a weak chamomile broth is suitable, the preparation of which is discussed above. For the preparation of a hygiene product, a cornflower is also suitable. The broth is prepared on the same principle as chamomile. It is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures 5-6 times a day.


Often parents notice that the newborn has red eyelids. If this happens, you must first carefully examine the face of the child. Perhaps he accidentally scratched himself. If no injuries are found, consult a pediatrician. He will establish why the newborn has red eyelids and prescribe the necessary treatment.


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