The parable "It Will Not Always Be That"

Life is changeable. This is described in the famous parable "It Will Not Always Be That". There are several options for an instructive story. The article sets out a parable whose characters are the great painters Raphael and Michelangelo.

Creative crisis

Once Michelangelo visited his colleague. It was a cloudy fall day. Michelangelo was in a deep creative crisis. The muse long left the artist, and in desperation, he asked a friend for a rope. To Rafael’s question about why he needed this item, a man whose name subsequently went into all kinds of encyclopedias answered that only death can save him from suffering. And since the painter was young and quite healthy at that time, the impression was created that he would live, and therefore suffer, he would have to have many, many more years.

not always so

Rafael reacted to the friend’s request very mysteriously. The creator of the "Sistine Madonna" mysteriously grinned and went to the back rooms of his luxurious home. From there, still a good half hour, a desperate artist heard the rumble and sounds of the fall of giant canvases. Finally, the landlord returned. He looked tired but happy. In the hands of Raphael was by no means a rope. The painter held a picture in his hands of extraordinary beauty, which depicted some of the biblical subjects. It was written below with oil paints: "It will not always be like this."


A somewhat surprised guest accepted the picture from the owner's hands. Rafael reminded his colleague that despair and dreams of death are the greatest sin. “It will not always be like this!” - said the great artist and advised to hang a picture in the house, in the most prominent place. After all, its name contained worldly and Christian wisdom.

it will not always be a parable

Little time passed, when good news came to Michelangelo’s house. One of the distant relatives, whose existence was known not only by the artist himself, but also by his father, and even his father’s father, died. The sole heir was the painter - a man who, not so long ago, from need and creative emptiness, thought of suicide.

Michelangelo became rich. And soon he was completely convinced of the veracity of the words "It will not always be like this." Because he felt even better. The artist was entrusted with painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. His paintings were exhibited in the best galleries of the country. He became not only rich, but also famous. And so, he no longer needed a picture called "It Will Not Always Be That".

Raphael again

Michelangelo went to his friend in order to return the gift. The artist was sure that from now on nothing bad would happen in his life. However, Raphael did not take the picture. Looking sadly at a friend, he said: “Your work is known throughout Europe. You are rich. But do not forget that this will not always be the case. ”

this will not always be

Subsequently, the great Italian painter more than once became convinced of the veracity of the words of his colleague. In his life there were many ups and downs.

“This will not always be” - a parable that arose in antiquity. In cultures of different nations, there are various variations of this legend. The story in this article is about the life of an artist of the sixteenth century. However, the parable is relevant today. After all, life is changeable.


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