How to wear leather shorts. Clothing made of genuine and artificial leather

Not a single fashionista with an attractive figure can do without such a wardrobe item as shorts. In most cases, practical jeans or trousers, sophisticated skirts and dresses are preferred. But in the autumn-spring period, more and more girls are found on the streets who dare to put on shortened and catchy leather shorts. The main thing is to combine them correctly with other wardrobe items and accessories.

leather shorts

Bit of history

Fashion has recently spread to this item of clothing. She came to us from abroad, with famous fashion shows. Advanced technologies for processing such an unusual and dense material have allowed modern craftsmen to make from it not only stylish outerwear, but also underwear and other wardrobe items. Demand for all this superiority is relevant, but leather clothes require a special approach when worn. What should be considered? Now let's talk about this.

Worth buying or abstaining?

It seems to many that leather wardrobe items look vulgar and too defiant. Such characteristic brutality is considered to be a clear sign of informals. Some girls, women are afraid to make a mistake with the quality of the skin and buy a thing of low quality at inflated prices. But due to the fact that this material is subjected to special methods of dressing, clothes from it are strong and durable.

Leather shorts will be a good alternative in winter to jeans counterparts that are customary to wear in warm weather. They will be a great tool for experimenting when creating new and interesting images. And for girls with good shapes, experts strongly recommend trying on similar wardrobe items. After all, when using them, you can create completely unexpected and vibrant ensembles for all occasions.

what to wear with leather shorts

How to wear and choose?

The main and fundamental task is to decide what to wear leather shorts with. If it comes to the cold season, tight pantyhose or leggings should be put under them.

Initially, it is advisable to try on leather shorts in dark colors. If their length is catastrophically short, it is better to hook on dark tights. In the case of aesthetically acceptable lengths, transparent "dimensionlessness" will also become appropriate.

Tight-fitting models are designed for owners of ideal figures, but lush young ladies are better off using variations one size larger. It should be borne in mind that products from the dense material described must be very carefully and correctly selected, in this situation one can not do just a quick fitting. The thing should nicely fit the body, not hamper the movements.

How to wear leather shorts? Everything is very simple. They go well with loose t-shirts and tight-fitting tops, with rude, you might even say, men's sweaters and shirts, strict jackets, cardigans.

Now a few words about shoes. Depending on the style and season created, you can use coarse boots, over the knee boots, classic leather boots, or pumps. Black shorts are versatile. They are suitable for both an ordinary city party and a visit to a biker club.

What could be an alternative to shorts?

Women's leather pants will help to look catchy, bright and at the same time extravagant and fashionable. In them, any young lady will not be left without attention of men. Unlike shortened predecessors, this wardrobe item is quite complicated and very moody when choosing the right ensembles.

We choose the right combination

First of all, when choosing clothes for combination with shorts, you need to consider their color. The tones that combine must be in harmony and complement each other.

It is important to remember that leather clothing should not be present in multiple copies in the same image. The combination of such trousers and a leather jacket, which will stand out separately, cannot be called a daily option, creating a very flashy look. However, this combination of clothes is simply indispensable when creating a biker style.

leather clothes

It is worth remembering that in products made of black leather there is a clear aggression. To add feminine notes to the image, it is worth using accessories that literally exude softness. It can be neat and non-defiant sunglasses, textile gloves or handbags, scarves or neckerchiefs. The best addition to the skin will be cashmere, delicate silk, and other soft fabrics.

As for clothes, combined with shorts, it can be free styles, with embroidery, drapery.

Since leather products look defiant, and this should not be hidden, it is advisable to pick up things that lack sexual connotation. It is not recommended to opt for overly blouses, transparent turtlenecks, tops ala corset, gloves in a mesh.

black shorts

What will complement leather shorts or pants in the cold season? These are gloves from the same material, made in strict classical style, on which there are no vulgar spikes, rivets, chains and other elements. Such models should not include models with roughly cut fingers, since they will in no way fit into the stylish urban image.

Genuine and artificial leather

It is known that clothing made of natural material has a rather high cost. It can be replaced by similar artificial leather products. Many people think that artificially produced material is not so attractive, and this is fundamentally wrong. Faux leather is characterized by high strength characteristics, it does not lose its attractiveness when worn, retains its shape, color, cut.

women's leather pants

Leather clothes are a true tribute to fashion

Natural leather products are a choice of true connoisseurs of fashion trends. They look expressively and brightly, advantageously emphasize the created images and indicate the impeccable taste of their owners. And most importantly - they never go out of style and do not wear out for a long time.


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