Who are fakes and how to identify them?

Translated from English, "fake" means false, false. This phenomenon has spread widely on the World Wide Web, especially on social networks.
Who are fakes and what is the point of their creation?

who are fakes

Most people got to know this concept through VKontakte. Usually this is a couple of accounts of the same person on social networks. But the most important thing is these accounts, i.e. fakes, are people who do not know the real person. They create a photo (fake, again, that is, fake) and post information on the social network on their page. Thus, friends are added, blogs are maintained, and communication with people on behalf of someone else, and not on their own behalf, takes place. Victims of fakes are well-known or simply with a beautiful appearance people. Therefore, until the last moment there will be a pretense and a fake of any information.
Attention! Fakes will not be able to prove that they are a real person, although many users perceive them as such. This is just fake!
Itโ€™s already known who the fakes are. Nothing complicated!

Anyone can create a fake. But itโ€™s very interesting to watch the fakes of Western stars, for example, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. After all, people do not think that many of them do not know the Russian language. They put uploaded pictures from the Internet and basic information in Russian.

What is the motivation of people who create fakes? It is different for everyone. Someone just wants to have fun, someone wants to spoil the image of a public person, and some want to cover up a fraudulent activity, such as spammers, etc.

create fake
After familiarizing yourself with who the fakes are, you will find many false accounts. If this happens, then you should immediately contact the office of the social network companies where you found them. The administration will quickly delete all fake accounts. But there is one minus. If you find them on Facebook, then such an operation will be much more difficult, because the company is located in the United States. Therefore, you will spend a lot of time on negotiations (possibly fruitless).

photo fake
To summarize, in order to answer the question of who the fakes themselves, you need to focus on the following signs:

1. The questionnaire was created recently and is poorly filled out;
2. no photo on the background of his native city;
3. too colorful photographs;
4. unusual name;
5. exotic university;
6. no friends;
7. There are no comments from friends.

If under your arm an account with such signs has fallen, then congratulations - you are on the โ€œfakeโ€. Counterfeiting popular sites is called fake. Usually, social networks are used for this. Their menu is very similar to real sites. For example, vkontakte may have a "follower" - vkontlakte. Noticing the difference, the user enters his username and password without fear. After that, all your personal data falls into a special database. The owners of which are spammers. After a short period of time, your account will send spam to friends and acquaintances. If you send SMS to some short number, you will instantly get the key to the porn video.

Be carefull! Avoid various fakes, otherwise you may fall into the hands of scammers. Ignore fake celebrity accounts, etc. If all kinds of messages are sent from such accounts, it is best to mark them as spam - this way you send an alarm to the administration.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15524/

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