Seed store "Semyanych": reviews

The Semyanych store is a very large and quite demanded Russian online store that specializes in selling marijuana seeds. For all the time the store has established itself as a reliable seller that meets high requirements, with a European level of service. At the same time, “Semyanych” has not only first-class service, but also an excellent team that you can trust. On the Internet there are a lot of reviews about “Semyanych”, most of which are positive.

Cannabis seeds in & quot; Semenyche & quot;

Convenient site

For ease of use, an advanced search has been created on the site where you can filter seeds by cost and by producer. You can also search the collections, which is also very convenient. For example, in the high section, respectively, high varieties are collected, and in the low section - varieties that can be grown in small grow boxes.

On the website of the "Semyanych" store, seedbanks and interesting moments from history are described in detail. There are also images of plants grown from those seeds that the store offers. This is a good help to choose. There are also photos on the site of both the seeds themselves and their original packaging. The varieties and their characteristics are described in detail. Also, the buyer immediately sees how many packages of a particular grade are in stock. This is very convenient, as the client does not need to waste time and check with the consultant for the availability of seeds.

hemp in "Semyanych"

Previously, before the updates on the website of the store "Semyanych", there were no reviews as such, but you can find them by going to large growing forums. About each grade you can find your review.

Bonuses when ordering

Another nice point in the online store "Semyanych" - a bonus for the purchase. When you purchase several packs of seeds, a bonus will bring several more seeds.

In addition to bonuses, "Semenych" pleases its customers with small branded gifts - various trifles with the store logo. Such a gift will be in every envelope if you buy seeds in "Semyanych" by cash on delivery or with ordinary postal delivery.

Cannabis seeds

In addition to additional bonus seeds and small gifts from the store, you can also get a special discount when ordering seeds in "Semenycha" in the amount of 5000 rubles. A unique reference material is also attached to the order, in which each variety is described in detail and tips for growing are given.


For the convenience of customers, so that they do not have difficulties when placing an order in the online store, there is a video instruction on the site to place an order on the site of "Semyanycha". This video will help those who have not previously made purchases on the Internet. The store’s site is fully adapted to mobile devices, and even with vertical scrolling, all pages are in the screen area. On whatever mobile device the site is viewed, the display will be correct, only the size of some links and buttons will be too small. But the font size, even on a mobile device, is sufficient for comfortable reading.

Order payment

Payment for the order can be made in any way, since the PaySto payment system works in the store. You can pay by credit card, through Yandex.Money and even via a mobile phone. It is also possible to pay cash on delivery seeds ordered in “Semenycha”.

Delivery of goods

Goods from the store are sent only in Russia. The store sends the seeds by mail. “Semyanych” also works with cash on delivery, that is, seeds can be paid in cash upon receipt at the post office. This is very convenient, especially for those who order seeds at this store for the first time and are afraid to make an advance payment due to frequent frauds on the Internet. But here it must be borne in mind that if you choose delivery from the Semyanych store by cash on delivery, the order value will be increased by 10%, and the maximum order amount in this store will not exceed 20,000 rubles.

hemp seeds

If the buyer had questions when choosing seeds on the store’s website, you can always contact an online consultant and write to e-mail or Skype.

Cannabis seeds in "Semyanich" can be ordered even without registration. But only registered users can track an order and view past purchases. The store’s warehouse is often replenished: approximately once a week or once every two weeks. To learn about the appearance of the desired variety and to have time to order it, you can subscribe to the newsletter.

Assortment of "Seed"

The product range will delight any buyer. There are more than a thousand cannabis varieties in Semyanych, and the assortment is often replenished and updated. The quality of the goods offered is also pleasing, it is it that comes first. The seeds are stored in the right conditions, the temperature and humidity are observed so that the seeds arrive at the buyer in good condition.

Cannabis Seeds

"Semyanych" is a customer-oriented store, so the site is as simple and convenient to use as possible. The site is a kind of information portal on which new useful subject articles and relevant news are constantly appearing. For the convenience of customers of this store, each hemp variety has an individual description with the characteristics, properties and specific characteristics of each of them. The assortment is so large that everyone can choose a suitable product.

The quality of services is confirmed by many positive reviews of "Semyanych". The store is an official distributor of all seed producers that are presented in the assortment, that is, the store does not produce selection, propagation, production or release of seeds.

The legality of the store

All store activity is absolutely legal. It is forbidden to grow hemp from seeds. It is important to remember that the seeds of cannabis in "Semyanich" are not sold for growing plants. Some people mistakenly believe that marijuana seeds contain drugs. Due to the fact that such substances are absent, seeds are not prohibited by law, that is, every adult can buy them, store, transport, etc.

Product quality

The quality of the goods in "Semenyche" is monitored strictly. Before shipping, all seeds are inspected for defects without damage to the packaging. Sale of seeds is carried out only in the manufacturer's branded packaging. In order to prevent temperature fluctuations and adverse conditions from harming the seeds, all orders are placed in protective packaging made of penofol, isolon and air-bubble film. Due to such multilayer packaging, the envelope with hemp seeds has maximum impact resistance.

Initially, a package of seeds is placed between two sheets of penofol - a heat-resistant and protective material. Then they put it in a dense paper bag with an air bubble film, which will also protect against external influences. All this is shipped in a postal plastic bag. Protective films are opaque, through them the contents of the order are not visible. One of the main priorities of the store is the safety of every customer. All personal information is requested in a minimal amount, is stored in the most reliable way, and if necessary is deleted at the request of the buyer.

Marijuana seeds

Seeds are sent very quickly - first class package. So that the package does not contain the address "Semenycha", it is possible the postal item "On Demand", it is also sent first class.

Order form

Checkout is very convenient and simple. To do this, you need to use a special form, which indicates the product itself, its quantity, address and full name of the client. You can choose any convenient payment: advance or upon receipt. Order processing takes place within an hour, and within 24 hours after registration, the order itself is sent. A notification about this comes to the indicated e-mail along with all the necessary information. Delivery cost - 299 rubles, delivery itself takes from 5 to 10 days. For all questions, you can contact online consultants.

Advantages of the "Semyanich" store

The advantages of buying seeds at "Semyanich" are as follows:

  1. Purchase of seeds by cash on delivery - not every store has such a service. For the buyer it is very convenient. For some, such a payment will add confidence, while for someone it is easier to pay in cash.
  2. Mailing seeds by mail is a comfortable and reliable way to get the right product.
  3. Full confidentiality. Only the address of the recipient is indicated on the envelope, there is no information about the contents of the package and about the company itself.
  4. Delivery times are clearly regulated.
  5. Seeds without damage, in reliable packaging.
  6. Constant collection and updating of useful information about manufacturers and varieties, convenient search on the site. In addition, the site pleases with a user-friendly interface and a pleasant design.
Kanabis in Semyanych


At the end of 2017, the Semenycha website was updated, or rather, the transition to a new version of the site, which has become even easier and more comfortable. The following changes have occurred on the site:

  1. Each cannabis variety now has a short description with basic properties and characteristics. Most likely, such a description is needed not for buyers (for them there is a full description), but for search engines.
  2. Different varieties can be compared with each other, quickly assess how they are similar and how they differ.
  3. You can leave your favorite items in bookmarks and, if necessary, return to it again. This is a very convenient feature that is available on many sites. Scrolling through the pages with seed varieties, you can add the ones you like most to your bookmarks, and then choose the most suitable variety from the selected ones.
  4. A video appeared on many pages with varieties, which describes the information about the variety, its characteristics and growing characteristics.
  5. At the bottom of the page, the “Recently Viewed Products” section appeared, listing a list of previously viewed hemp varieties. This feature is also available in many online stores.
  6. The function of bookmarking and comparing the product is on all pages of the site (both in brands, and in collections, and in advanced search).
  7. After the update, reviews about "Semen" are displayed on the main page of the site, that is, now you can leave a review about the store directly on the site. Before the update, it was possible to leave reviews only on the page of a specific hemp variety, that is, about the variety itself, and not about the store. For your convenience, these reviews can even be sorted by several parameters: date, rating, number of stars. There are many positive reviews about the store, so this innovation will help in promoting the store and increase sales. At the same time, you can leave a review about a particular variety - this function has been preserved. They can also be sorted. This option is very useful for beginners to compare the strengths and weaknesses of the variety.
  8. In addition, after the update, it became possible to communicate with other users directly on the site (you can discuss the variety, share experience). Now "Semyanych" also serves as a forum.


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