Siberian cat breed: photo, description, character

The most popular and popular breed among cats is Siberian. And all because they are smart, unpretentious in care and hypoallergenic. In addition, this breed is endowed with many diverse colors. Photos of Siberian cats, character, history of occurrence - all this you can find in the article.

General information

To begin with, we present to your attention a general description of the Siberian breed of cats. These are animals having long or semi-long hair. The coating is thick, warm, with a dense undercoat. Wool does not let in neither cold nor moisture, because they feel great in the northern regions. Usually a Siberian cat of medium or large size, ears are small, the tail is long fluffy. The animal is endowed with excellent physical abilities. If you look at the general shape, the cat will appear round or semicircular in shape, especially during severe frosts. Cats are slightly smaller than cats, reach puberty a little later than other breeds. The approximate weight of females is 3.5-7 kg, and males - 6-9 kg. In general, the body of the animal is elongated, compact and symmetrical.

Siberian cat breed

History of occurrence

Some scientists believe that the Siberian cat is a direct descendant of the Bukhara breed, which is mentioned in publications of the XVI century. They were distributed mainly in the Russian Empire, in its northern and Ural regions. How did they appear in Siberia? At that time, nomadic tribes lived in the northern regions, who moved from place to place. They kept livestock and poultry. During the colonization by Russians, Bukhara cats were brought to these places by merchants. They were used to fight rodents, there is a version that Angora, Persian and Siberian cats had a common ancestor (Bukhara cat). It has been observed that domesticated long-haired cats get along well with other pets. They also do great not only with mice, but also with rats. Thus, this breed has taken root. A little later, in the Ural region, under the influence of harsh climatic conditions, cats got a long thick coat with dense undercoat and the name “Siberian”.

Siberian cats breed characteristic

Body Features

The head of the Siberian woman is planted compactly and perfectly harmonizes with the body. It can be medium or large, in shape resembles a trapezoid. The upper part of the head is wider than the lower, the muzzle is rounded. Ears slightly inclined forward, medium or large. The coat covering the ears is dense and short. The width between the ears should correspond to the length of the auricles themselves. At the base of the ears, the hair is long, and there may be brushes on the tips. Eyes can be of different colors: green, blue, amber and so on. The shape is round, the outer corner is slightly deflated. Usually the eyes are large, occupying half the muzzle. The muzzle is not elongated, but rounded. The chin should coincide with the nose. In front, the nose seems perfectly straight, but in profile it is slightly curved.

The body is of medium length, looking strong and muscular. The back protrudes slightly above the shoulders, the stomach is firm, taut. The backbone is massive, gaining mass with age. Paws are large, especially the front, well pubescent, even between the pads. The forelimbs are slightly shorter than the hind limbs, but flexible and strong. The muscular framework with a strong, rounded neck is well developed. The tail is most often long, wider at the bases, slightly narrowed towards the end, well pubescent. Photos of the Siberian breed of cats are in the article.

Do not cause allergies

This phenomenon was discovered about 10 years ago. A group of scientists specifically engaged in the study of allergen in the Siberian breed. The experiment involved 300 individuals, and it turned out that it was cats, not cats that produce less allergen. Therefore, it is advisable for people suffering from allergies to have female representatives of these cats. The length of the coat itself will depend on the color. Usually in the area of ​​the head, in the lower body, on the legs and stomach, the longest and thickest coat. This breed has a double undercoat. In winter, it thickens, and in summer it can become thinner and shed. Wools can be either dense or fine, also straight or wavy. As for the color, a variety is acceptable here, but the following are excluded: lilac, cinnamon, burmese interspersed with white. Siberians are considered good-natured and even indifferent, they are restrained and calm. Always behave appropriately, have a stable character. They are distinguished by excellent health and appetite.

Siberian cat breed photo and description

Breeding kittens

During puberty, Siberian cats enter at the age of 8-10 months, sometimes earlier. This is due to the fact that the breed is young and more close to other natural conditions. On average, a cat has 5-6 kittens in a brood, sometimes three or even one or two. There are such cats of this breed that are capable of giving offspring even at 10-12 years old. Everything will depend on environmental conditions, habitat and health of the Siberian woman herself. Also Siberian cats are great fathers. Often couples live together, and the male can take care of the brood on a par with the female. Thus, this breed has a social predisposition. They feel happier in pairs and adapt faster to a new place.

Characteristics of the Siberian cat breed Neva Masquerade

The main subspecies of the Siberian cat is the Neva Masquerade. It has a long coat, a strong muscular body, large legs and a long fluffy tail. A distinctive feature of this subspecies is the color of the coat called color point. This breed also has huge blue eyes. And the muzzle is covered with a dark shade, which creates the effect of a mask. This breed is distinguished by intelligence, excellent health, playfulness and devotion. It is safe to say that this subspecies is very popular among cat-lovers. If an individual lives in a cool region, then its coat will always be long and fluffy. But in warm places, this cat sheds excess hair, but the fluffy tail remains.

They have a good-natured character, they love to play with children, but they are also ready to protect their territory. Outsiders are wary of self-esteem. They know how to listen to the owner patiently, showing care and respect.

Siberian cats description of the breed and character

Color black with brindle

The basis of this color is the black stripes that are on the legs, sides, trunk and tip of the tail of the animal. The rest of the coat can be dyed in gray, brown or orange. This subspecies has expressive eyes framed by a light stroke. Eye color may be green, sometimes yellow or amber. Distinctive features of the subspecies: the letter "M" on the forehead, continuous beads on the neck, stripes on the back, sides, on the stomach there are two rows of dots.

Marble color

This subspecies is rare, since it is difficult to achieve a clear pattern on the length of the coat. But there are individuals perfectly painted and look spectacular. The main distinguishing features: the letter "M" on the forehead, continuous stripes on the back and sides, spots on the shoulders resemble butterflies. Two rows of buttons are well-defined on the stomach.

Chinchilla and black spotted colors

The hair of the chinchilla subspecies has two colors: at the base there is a light tone, and further towards the tip - dark. This cat is characterized by excellent health, calm disposition, playfulness and endurance. Black spotted color is often confused with tiger, therefore, spotted on the sides should have spots, not stripes. Many breeders say that this color resembles "torn marble", therefore it looks very impressive on a cat.

Siberian cats description of the breed and character

Silver / Golden

In the silver color, the hairs on the tips are white, and closer to the base they turn gray and become the color of silver. This is due to gene mutations in melanin. The undercoat is almost always white. Golden color, most likely, resembles a delicate apricot hue. This subspecies is extremely rare, but it pleases with a beautiful eye color: bright green, bright blue or amber.

Colors red-tortie and smoky

Smoky color is obtained by mixing a silver subspecies and spotted. The overall color will come from the dominant of the parent: smoky blue, smoky with black, smoky red or tortie, and so on. The main disadvantage is the lack of clear boundaries between colors. Cats of red or tortie color have orange eyes with blackout. From these cats you can get offspring with the most diverse spotted color.

Color white or with impurities

White shade on the wool of the Siberian breed can occur anywhere. Since the white color is considered recessive, it often only manifests itself as spots: on the neck, stomach, legs. In order to get an absolutely white color, individuals are exclusively paired white. In Siberian white cats, the color of the eyes can be blue, green or amber. Often there is heterochromia (one eye is blue, and the other is green or amber). The standard is bright white, but there are no particular complaints about the color of the eyes. Often, blue-eyed individuals show deafness. Breeders say that the main disadvantage of this breed is its frequent combing and bathing, as well as seasonal molting, especially in hot regions. They also believe that youngsters often have spots on the hair resembling buttons, medallions or dots. When the cat becomes an adult, then all these shortcomings will go away.

Blue Siberian cat breed

This is the most popular breed of shorthair cats, not only in Russia, but also in other countries - Norway, Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland. The physique of the Siberian blue cat breed (photo in the article) is average, the body is elongated, graceful. The legs are strong, tall. Paws are oval or round. The ears are large, pointed. The coat is short and soft. Her color is uniformly blue with a silvery sheen. The eyes are set wide, very large and expressive, mostly bright green in color.

cat breed siberian blue photo

Care and Nutrition

The nature of Siberian cats is unpretentious both in grooming and in nutrition, but some points can be noted that just need to be observed. So, for starters, she must know her place reserved for sleep. They love to sleep in a soft and small place. To do this, a pillow, a special soft box or a house is suitable.

As for the tray, it is advisable to immediately accustom to one place. The animal will remember and will continue to focus on smell. Cat litter is better to take medium. Since the cat likes to sharpen its claws, it is advisable to hang the claws in each room. This breed is often not recommended for bathing, so as not to wash off the protective layer on the skin. You can do this procedure if necessary. But you have to comb regularly, the wool is often taken in squabbles. Sometimes you should even trim too thick hair.

Regarding nutrition, we can say for sure: the diet of a Siberian cat, the description of the breed and nature of which we are considering, should be balanced and varied. Food can be given both raw (minced meat, pieces of meat or fish), and boiled. Once a week, you can give egg yolk, cottage cheese, kefir. There must always be fresh water. Cats eat porridge with meat or stewed vegetables with meat. This suggests that protein foods should be a priority.

Siberian cats breed characteristic

Interesting Facts

  • The average life expectancy of a Siberian cat breed is 15-17 years. There are cases when cats survived to 30 years, this indicates their excellent health.
  • Since this animal is only recently domesticated, it cannot be kept locked up for a long time. He needs freedom and movement, otherwise the cat will be sad and, if necessary, will run away.
  • Dmitry Medvedev has a Siberian cat named Dorofei. The head of government is so friendly with the animal that he literally takes him with him on any trip. For example, a meeting with Barack Obama and his family.
  • The Siberian cat breed, photo and description of which you could find in the article, still has the spirit of freedom and independence. It’s just that it’s not possible to approach him and cuddle. He simply ignores this maneuver or escapes. Cats behave on an equal footing with humans and require the same treatment. The one exception is small children.

Better than a Pied Piper than a Siberian cat, simply can not be found. If shaggy settles on the farm, then its territory will be in perfect order, and you can forget about the spoiled crop. He will perfectly cope with all the rodents.


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