Cymbidium orchids at home

In order for the cymbidium orchids to please their flowering at home, several rules for their cultivation must be observed. Then the plant will feel good and there will be no problems with it.

cymbidium orchids

Orchid cymbidium. Photo and growing conditions

Window sills for this plant are suitable western and eastern. If you decide to place in the south - you need to shade. Cymbidium orchids require bright lighting, but they do not tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, in the summer on the southern windowsill they can overheat and suffer from this. Hybrid cymbidium orchids can adapt to the conditions of your apartment if the temperature is not higher than eighteen degrees in winter and autumn. And in the summer they need air warmed up to thirty-five degrees. Prolonged high temperatures (especially in enclosed spaces) can lead to plant death. Or just to spoil its appearance - the leaves become sluggish, airy tubers shrink, some of the roots die off.

orchid cymbidium photo
If the normal humidity for your apartment is 25-30%, then for a cymbidium orchid, it is suitable. If your home has drier air - you will need to very often spray the plant, put it in a pan with water. Or you can install a small decorative fountain nearby. Orchids should be watered abundantly only when new aerial tubers are formed. After flowering is completed, watering is minimized. During the rest period, the substrate is moistened only after it dries. Spray the leaves of the plant only with high-quality water - settled and filtered. Chlorine compounds can cause irreparable harm. It is impossible for moisture to fall on the emerging flower stalk - it can begin to decay. Some species should not be watered at all during this period.

types of orchids cymbidium photo

Root and leaf care. Orchid transplant and substrate

The roots of cymbidium grow towards the substrate. Once a month, in order to clean them, the pot with the plant needs to be washed under running running water. As new air tubers take root, the roots gradually go into the substrate. Orchid leaves should be wiped with a soft cloth, cleaning from dust. Cymbidium is transplanted every two years. This must be done because the substrate is caking and becomes unusable. When transplanted, dead old roots are removed - they are simply cut with a sharp knife. Old air tubers need to be carefully separated and placed in moist moss - they can germinate. Carefully consider the selection of components for the substrate. The main part should be the bark and moss-sphagnum. Additional components are sand, gravel, peat and humus. Dry bark will not work. Before inclusion in the composition of the substrate, you need to soak it for a couple of days to soak it with moisture. Then you will need to rinse the bark under running water. As a drain, put a little gravel on the bottom of the pot.

All types of cymbidium orchids (the photo shows their diversity) are relatively unpretentious and can grow and bloom successfully in the apartment of amateurs. Hybrid plants are more resistant to diseases and fluctuations in air humidity.


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